
18 Apr 2024

Garden Capet, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Peacock, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood & Tawny-barred Angle at Enfield & Trent Park. 1 Garden Carpet at a private site near Trent Park [FOY], 3 Green-veined White [1 at Hadley Road, 1 near Water Garden/Trent Park & 1 at a private site near Trent Park], 2 male Orange-tip at Trent Park [1 near Obelisk, 1 along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges'], 5 Peacock [2 at a private site near Trent Park, 2 at two private sites near Trent Park, 1 near Ride Wd/Trent Park], 1 Red Admiral near Ride Wd/Trent Park, 3 Speckled Wood [1 at a private site near Trent Park & another one at a different private site near Trent Park, 1 at Rough Lot/Trent Park], 1 Tawny-barred Angle settled in grass at a private site near Trent Park - my first record of this species. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

17 Apr 2024

Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Peacock, Small White & Speckled Wood at Enfield. 4 Speckled Wood [1 at a private site near Trent Park & 3 at another private site near Trent Park], 3+ Green-veined White[1 at private site near Trent Park, 2 along 'Jubilee Path' near Little Beechill Wd/Enfield Chase], 1 Peacock along 'Jubilee Path' near Little Beechill Wd/Enfield Chase, also here, male Orange-tip & 1 Small White. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

15 Apr 2024

Speckled Wood at Southgate. 1 Speckled Wood settled with wings closed on wall near outside light at ASDA Southgate this afternoon. I have seen this species in this situation before. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brown Hairstreak larva. Larva of one of the six hatched Brown Hairstreak eggs found on Hampstead Heath fluorescing under black light. [Posted by Rohan Harris]

Photo © Rohan Harris

13 Apr 2024

Cassiobury Park and Whippendell Woods. Rick and myself had a long walk through Cassiobury Park and Whippendell Woods. A speckled Wood was sighted on route along Merton Road. Walking through Cassiobury Park we spotted 5 Orange-tip, 2 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue, 6 Peacock, 2 Speckled Wood with another along the perimeter of the golf course, 3 Comma and 3 unidentified Whites. Whippendell Woods 1Green-Veined White, 9 Orange-tip, 13 Peacock, 2 Comma, 2 Brimstone. We didn't reach Whippendell Woods until 3pm and suspect we would of seen much more if we had. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Comma Whippendell Woods
Photo © Peter Fewell
Female Orange-tip Whippendell Woods
Photo © Peter Fewell
Green-Veined White Whippendell Woods
Photo © Peter Fewell

Angle Shades, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Peacock & Small Tortoiseshell at Trent Park. 2 male Brimstone, 6 Green-veined White including a pair mating at Water Garden, 4 Orange-tip [3 males & 1 female], 2 Peacock & 1 Small Tortoiseshell along Leeging Beech Gutter near Water Garden/Trent Park, 1 Angle Shades along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges' Trent Park [FOY]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield. Male Brimstone, 6 Green-veined White, male Holly Blue, male Orange-tip, 3 Peacock & 1 Speckled Wood at private sites near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Green Hairstreak sighting at Stanwell Moor. Whilst out on my usual local walk near Stanwell Moor Village, I spotted a Holly Blue in a tussle with another small butterfly. when the latter had seen the former off, it came down and settled in front of me. This is the first Green Hairstreak I have seen in this area, and I've been looking for around sixteen years... Plenty of other butterflies seen during the walk, including this female Holly Blue and an increasingly rare sight here, a Small Tortoiseshell. [Posted by Dave Miller]

Photo © Dave Miller
Photo © Dave Miller
Photo © Dave Miller

12 Apr 2024

River Colne by Radlet Road Playing Fields and Fishers Field, Watford. Sunny but windy day, first stop River Colne by Radlet Road Playing Fields, Orange tip 1, Peacock 5, Green veined white 1, Comma 1, Small tortoiseshell 1. Then to Fishers Field, Peacock 4, Holly blue 1, Brimstone 1, Speckled wood 3, Comma 1. [Posted by Rick Vickers]

Peacock, River Colne by Radlet Road Playing Fields
Photo © Rick Vickers
Speckled wood, Fishers Field
Photo © Rick Vickers

Green Longhorn Moth [Adela reaumurella] at Trent Park. 16 male Green Longhorn Moth settled on hornbeam leaves, Rough Lot/Trent Park at 1005 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Orange-tip at Lonsdale Drive, EN2. Male Orange-tip at Lonsdale Drive, EN2. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Boxer's Lake, Enfield. Male Brimstone, 2 Orange-tip [male & female], 2 Peacock & 1 Speckled Wood at Boxer's Lake, Enfield this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Orange-tip & Peacock at Enfield Road, EN2. Male Brimstone, male Orange-tip & 1 Peacock at Enfield Road, EN2. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Orange-tip & Peacock at Enfield. 2 male Orange-tip, male Brimstone & 2 Peacock at a private site near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Orange-tip & Peacock at Trent Park. 2 male Brimstone along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges' Trent Park, 12 Green-veined White including six together at Water Garden & five, including a pair mating along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges' Trent Park, 1 edge of William's Wd/Trent Park, 3 male Orange-tip [2 along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges' Trent Park & one edge of William's Wd/Trent Park, 1 Peacock near Ride Wd/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

11 Apr 2024

Brimstone & Orange-tip at Enfield Road, EN2. Male Brimstone & male Orange-tip at Enfield Road, EN2. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Orange-tip & Peacock at Trent Park. Male Brimstone along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges' Trent Park, 2 Green-veined White pair together edge of Williams Wd/Trent Park, 6 Orange-tip [5 males & 1 female] at Trent Park, 2 Peacock together near Water Garden/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield. Male Brimstone, male Green-veined White, 2 male Orange-tip, 1 Peacock & 2 Speckled Wood at private sites near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Dandelion Patrol. My daughter and I started our season in earnest by walking along the forestry track from Monks Green Farm towards Broxbourne Wood. The tracks are helpfully edged both sides with Dandelions, feeding on them we saw 1 Red Admiral, 8 Speckled Wood, 3 Brimstone, 10+ Peacocks, 10+ Orange Tip (including two females), 5 Comma, 2 Green Veined White. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]

Photo © Nathan Ellis
Photo © Nathan Ellis

10 Apr 2024

Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield. 1 Peacock & 1 Speckled Wood at a private site near Trent Park & 1 Speckled Wood at another private site near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]