
02 Jul 2024

Trip to Batchwood St Albans. Rather cloudy this afternoon and no butterflies seen at all during the first mile of my walk. On reaching a small strip of meadow next to Batchwood, the sun peeled out and butterflies lifted off in numbers. The area was seeded with wildflowers a couple of years ago by St Albans Council and it is left unmown until the end of the summer. In 20 mins I counted over 350 Meadow Browns, also picking out 8 Ringlets, 2 Small Heath, 2 newly emerged Commas, 1 Marbled White and 2 tatty Red Admirals. By way of comparison, 20 minutes on mown grass nearby yielded just 5 butterflies, all Meadow Browns. Waking back through the Batchwood Estate, I added another 40 Marbled Whites plus Large and Small Skippers and Speckled Wood. That shows what a difference wildflowers make and why BCs Wild Spaces campaign is so important. Find out more here [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Meadow Brown
Photo © Malcolm Hull
Fresh Comma
Photo © Malcolm Hull

A manifesto for butterflies, moths and the environment. Butterfly Conservation have identified five urgent asks for our new government 1) More budget for butterflies We need the government to double the budget for species recovery. 2) Take action for our landscapes We need to improve the most important places for butterflies and moths through landscape-scale action. 3) Access to nature for all The wellbeing benefits of nature need recognising – everyone should have a wild space within 15 minutes’ walk. 4) Ban pollinator-killing pesticides for good Environmentally damaging neonicotinoids need banning immediately, with no exception. 5) Take light pollution seriously Recognise light pollution, a huge threat to moths, as an environmental pollutant and set legally binding targets for its reduction. [Posted by Malcolm HULL]

Photo © Malcolm HULL
Photo © Malcolm HULL
Light Pollution
Photo © Malcolm HULL

Work Party 31st July Waterford Heath Volunteers needed. Herts & Middx Wildlife Trust are running a work party at 10am at Vicarage Lane car park Waterford Heath. The main aim for us is the improve the North Heath for Grizzled Skippers. Members are welcome but they need to register as volunteers with Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust on their web site. Please contact Steve Kiln at 07920-482111 or to help you through process. Once registered you can volunteer at other Hertfordshire butterfly sites they manage. We have 2 volunteers so far. [Posted by Steve Kiln]

01 Jul 2024

Purple Emperor at Heartwood Forest. Despite the pessimistic forecast it dawned lovely and sunny, and so I headed off early to Heartwood Forest in search of Purple Emperor. I wasn't expecting to have any luck so early in the day but imagine my surprise when, just after 9, I spotted a male Emperor circling low at the eastern corner of Pudler's Wood (TL 16112 11621). It was trying to settle but kept being disturbed by a couple of dogs. It grounded soon after they left, but quickly lost interest in the sun-baked earth and miraculously landed at head-height only a few feet from me, allowing wonderful views in direct sunlight, firstly of its under side, and then of its glorious upper surface, providing a full 4-wing purple spectacle. (After returning home I can confirm from wing markings that this is a different male from the one reported 2 days ago on iNaturalist at almost the exact same location.) I didn't see any other specimens, despite scouring the treeline and the usual haunts. Also seen in the same area before it clouded over miserably around 10 am were 3 Commas, several dozen Marbled Whites, about 10 Meadow Browns, and a few Ringlets. [Posted by Andrew Neild]

Photo © Andrew Neild
Photo © Andrew Neild
Photo © Andrew Neild

Essex Skipper First of Year. I saw my first of year Essex Skippers today at Alexandra Park. All three skippers Large, Small and Essex were mingling by the edge of the cricket pitch. I checked my photos to confirm later and happy with ID [Posted by Dee Cullen]

Photo © Dee Cullen

First of Year Gatekeeper. On my transect at Alexandra Park at lunchtime looked very fresh. [Posted by Dee Cullen]

Photo © Dee Cullen

Gatekeeper and Purple Hairstreak at Broxbourne Wood. Cool, calm and cloudy during quick lunchtime walk. Sun was out for about 10 seconds and this Gatekeeper caught my eye and I rescued this Purple Hairstreak from the path shortly after. I did see a Silver Washed Fritillary but he was in no mood for stopping, they seem to go from too fast to too tatty with little inbetween. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]

Photo © Nathan Ellis
Photo © Nathan Ellis

30 Jun 2024

Branch event. Whippendell Woods Butterfly Walk for White Admiral 2024. Branch Event. Not a great turnout with 3 attendees for this years annual butterfly walk to look for White Admiral. It was also a bit of an anti-climax after our observations on Saturday. Whilst having a bite to eat at the hub the weather looked promising apart from the wind the sun started to shine. However at 2pm the start of the walk it clouded up. We had a look at an oak tree just inside the golf course for Purple Hairstreak as we have seen them there before on our walks. None seen so we went to see if there was any movement of the Purple Emperors along the Lime Avenue that we saw Saturday. With the cloud and wind we didn't get a peep today so we moved on into Whippendell Woods to look for White Admiral. Although we tried all the usual spots we were disappointed with White Admiral sightings until the end of the walk. By this time unfortunately the two lovely Irish ladies that joined us had already departed. Janet the local RSPB lady stayed with us and we did see 2. Unfortunately we didn't see any Silver-washed Fritillary today either but they are out there in Whippendell Woods! We did get to see plenty of Ringlets and Meadow Brown which seen to be dominating in good numbers so far. We did also get to see Large Skipper, Red Admiral, Comma, 1 Large White and a couple of other whites. We can't win them all but good luck with all butterfly walks planned elsewhere in Herts and Middlesex over the rest of the season. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell

Purple Hairstreak in Sherrardspark Wood. We found this butterfly resting on a post this afternoon. [Posted by John Yates]

Photo © John Yates

Purple Emperor Northaw. Spent the afternoon looking for them at Fir & Ponds woods. No joy. Came home and wife said there was a butterfly trapped in our bedroom. Window had only been open an inch….. [Posted by Sam fuller]

Photo © Sam fuller

Popped down to Danemead HMWT. I went for a look around Danemead HMWT after the morning rain with hopes of a close up of a Silver Washed Fritillary or White Admiral. I didn't see any SWF or WA but halfway there I saw a Purple Emperor on some dried up poo at around 1.30pm during a sunny spell. He spooked before I could get a close up picture. Ten minutes later further down the track I saw another Purple Emperor on a fresh (and smelly) dog poo. Possibly the same butterfly but his temperament seemed to be very different, who can say for sure. I will try harder but these Purple Emperors are starting to becoming a real trip hazard for me :) [Posted by Nathan Ellis]

Photo © Nathan Ellis
Photo © Nathan Ellis

29 Jun 2024

Lime Avenue and Whippendell Woods. After a tip off from our friend Jarek of 2 sightings of Purple Emperor along the Lime Avenue on Wednesday Rick and myself went to investigate. We definitely saw 3, a fourth is debatable . We then ventured into Whippendell Woods to look for White Admiral 7 seen although 2 were only glimpsed. We only managed to see 1 Silver-washed Fritillary today but hopefully we will have more luck on the walk tomorrow. Other butterflies seen Ringlets and Meadow Browns both increasing in numbers both species somewhere between 50-100 seen overall. Large White 4, Red Admiral 4+, Comma 7+, Large Skipper 6+ Rick saw 1 Small Skipper and unidentified smaller whites 3. Hopefully we shall see some of those species tomorrow on the walk. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell

Hertford Heath. One male Purple Emperor at the territory in the Roundings, 4pm. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Warm afternoon at Broxbourne Wood. A nice warm afternoon at Broxbourne Wood, Ringlets were out in very good numbers same with Meadow Browns. A few Marbled Whites and a Purple Hairstreak with one deformed wing. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by James Somerville]

White Admiral. 4 at Broxbourne woods from Bencroft west car park. Mostly in flight but one on ground. [Posted by sam fuller]

Trent Park. 3 Red Admiral [1 along bridle-path near Shaws Wd, 1 at Water Garden & 1 along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges'/Trent Park], 1 Comma at Water Garden/Trent Park & 7 Marbled White near Shaws Wd/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

28 Jun 2024

Comma & Large Skipper at Trent Park. 1 Comma & female Large Skipper at North Lawn by lower lake, Trent Park this morning before 0900 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Cool and cloudy morning at Broxbourne wood.. Plenty of "small game" seen at Broxbourne Wood particularly around the central NNR pathway. In addition to countless Meadow Browns, Ringlets and Large Skippers, 20+ Marbled Whites, 6 Comma, 2 Red Admiral, 2 Small Heath, 3 Speckled Wood and 1 Purple Hairstreak. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]

Photo © Nathan Ellis
Female just caught presenting to passing male as photo was taken.
Photo © Nathan Ellis
Photo © Nathan Ellis

27 Jun 2024

Batford. 4 WHITE LETTER HAIRSTREAKS in around 6 small oaks amongst elms in SW corner of the weedy/ scrubby field by KW School. [Posted by Darin Stanley]

white admiral and silver washed. At Broxbourne Woods in West Car Park ride and meadow. 2 Silver Washed Fritillary and one White Admiral. Plenty of Ringlets and Large Skippers too. [Posted by steve kiln]