
12 May 2024

Caterpillar on Hounslow Heath. This caterpillar spotted on Oak during the Branch butterfly walk this afternoon is a Small Quaker. Confirmed by Andrew Wood who advises that there are a lot around. Full report of the trip to follow [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Photo © Malcolm Hull

Holly Blue, Red Admiral & Speckled Wood at Enfield & Oakwood. 2 Holly Blue [1 at Oakwood Park this morning & 1 at Holly Walk, Enfield Town this afternoon], 1 Red Admiral & 1 Speckled Wood along New River at Town Park, Enfield this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Dukes and Grizzleds. Went to Incombe Hole yesterday just in Bucks. Saw 16 Duke of Burgundy, 25 Brimstones ,1 Green Hairstreak, plenty of Dingy and Grizzled Skippers. Today on usual sites. No Grizzled Skippers on Rickneys ,10 on Waterford Heath North pit and 2 on South pit. Saw 3 Holly Blue on Goats Rue. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by steve kiln]

11 May 2024

Roughdown Green Hairstreak. A single Green Hairstreak welcome sighting after 2 years of no record. [Posted by Brendan Sheridan]

Waterford Heath. Perhaps it was a little too warm for many butterflies to be flying at lunchtime today, I could only find 1 Grizzled Skipper on the North pit and nothing else, on the South pit 0 Grizzled Skipper and two Holly Blue also my ffy Brown Argus and Small Heath. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Brimstone, Common Carpet, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Peacock, Silver Y, Small Heath, Small White & Speckled Wood at Enfield & Trent Park. 3 Brimstone [2 males at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park & female near Ride Wd/Trent Park], 1 Common Carpet at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park, 10 Green-veined White [6 at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park & 4 at Trent Park], 2 Holly Blue [female settled on Holly, Rough Lot/Trent Park & 1 at Oakwood Station], 2 male Orange-tip [male at Hadley Road, EN2 & male at a private site near Trent Park], 3 Peacock at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park, 1 Silver Y at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park, 1 Small Heath at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park [FOY], 1 Small White at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park & 4 Speckled Wood [3 at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park & 1 at Rough Lot/Trent Park]. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Dingy Skippers & Green Hairstreaks @ Hexton. Plenty of Dingy Skippers today at Hexton Chalk Pit and several Green Hairstreaks [Posted by Ian Carle]

Green Hairstreak
Photo © Ian Carle
Dingy Skipper
Photo © Ian Carle

10 May 2024

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Large White, Latticed Heath, Orange-tip, Peacock, Small White, Small Dusty Wave, & Speckled Wood at Enfield, Southgate & Trent Park. 3 male Brimstone [2 at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park & 1 edge of Icehouse Wd/Trent Park], 4 Green-veined White [2 at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park & 2 at Rough Lot/Trent Park], 2 Holly Blue [1 by lower lake/Trent Park & 1 at Oakwood Station], female Large White at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park, 1 Latticed Heath at Enfield at a site near Trent Park, 3 Orange-tip [2, male & female, at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park & male edge of Shaws Wd/Trent Park], 4 Peacock at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park, 2 Small White at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park, 1 Small Dusty Wave at ASDA Southgate [FOY] & 5 Speckled Wood [4 at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park & 1 near Shaws Wd/Trent Park]. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Egg laying day in the garden. Holly Blues, a Brimstone and an Orange Tip all egg laying in my St Albans garden at lunchtime. The Orange Tip flew slowly round searching the Hedge Garlic, Honesty and Sweet Rocket looking for suitable egg laying sites. Initially she selected their usual favourite, Hedge Garlic, but then laid most of her eggs on Sweet Rocket. There were still many unopened flowerbeds on the Rocket, whereas the Hedge Garlic has mostly gone to seed already. The Holly Blue was less adventurous, laying on the Holly flower buds and the Brimstone chose the Buckthorn. Later at Batchwood, my first Painted Lady of the year [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

09 May 2024

Sunny afternoon at Aldbury Nowers. Green Hairstreak (3), Dingy Skipper (3), Grizzled Skipper (1), Small Heath (4), Small Copper (1), Holly Blue (1), Orange Tip (8), Green-veined White (6), Brimstone (25), Peacock (3), Speckled Wood (1), Silver Y (2), Common Carpet (1). Despite the low numbers it feels as though the butterfly season is starting JOIN ME this Sunday for a trip to the best Green Hairstreak site in our area. Or on Sat 18th to see Dingy Skippers - details on the Events page [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Grizzled Skipper at Aldbury Nowers
Photo © Malcolm Hull

Brimstone, Brimstone Moth, Brown Silver-line, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Large White, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield, Southgate & Trent Park. 3 male Brimstone [1 at Trent Park & 2 at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park], 1 Brimstone Moth at ASDA Southgate, 1 Brown Silver-line edge of Rough Lot/Trent Park [TQ286976] - [FOY], 7 Green-veined White [5 at Trent Park & 2 at a private site near Trent Park], 4 Holly Blue at Trent Park [3 near Oakwood entrance & 1 near Rough Lot], 1 female Large White edge of Ride Wd/Trent Park, 4 Orange-tip [3 at Trent Park - female near Oakwood entrance, male near Ride Wd & male near Rough Lot, male at Enfield at a site near Trent Park], 4 Peacock [1 at Trent Park, 1 at Ferny Hill Farm, 2 at private sites at Enfield near Trent Park], 2 Speckled Wood [1 near Snakes Lane/Trent Park & 1 at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park]. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Holly Blue Sightings also noticing big drop in Speckled Wood nos. I saw around 6 Holly Blues today in my garden. They seemed to be attracted to a Tamarisk Tree which is in blossom. I’ve been struck by the lack of Speckled Woods so far this year. In previous years I’m used to seeing many, Highgate Cemetery for example. [Posted by Dee Cullen]

Photo © Dee Cullen

08 May 2024

Hexton Chalk Pit. Took a while but eventually saw a three Dingy Skippers and a Green Hairstreak. Orange Tip and Brimstone were also present. [Posted by John Yates]

Common Carpet, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Peacock, Brimstone & Silver Y at Enfield, Oakwood & Southgate. 1 Green-veined White, 2 male Orange-tip, 4 Peacock, Common Carpet & Silver Y at private sites in Enfield near Trent Park. A female Brimstone at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm [a private site near Trent Park]. 3 Holly Blue [2 together at St Thomas Church, Prince George Ave, N14 & 1 at Ivy Road Recreation Ground, N14]. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Grizzled Skipper at Waterford Heath (north pit). Over a 2 hour period I found 9 Grizzled Skippers on the north pit - well distributed across much of the site and a marked improvement on my last year's max total of 4. Only a few other butterfly species seen and no identifiable day-flying moths [Posted by Liz Goodyear]

07 May 2024

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Large White, Muslin Moth, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield, Oakwood & Trent Park. Male Brimstone edge of Rough Lot/Trent Park, 9 Green-veined White [5 at private sites at Enfield & 4 at Trent Park], 1 Holly Blue at Oakwood Station, female Large White at a private site at Enfield, female Muslin Moth settled at Bramley Road, N14 [TQ295961], 4 male Orange-tip [2 at private sites at Enfield & 2 at Trent Park], 6 Peacock [4 at private sites at Enfield & 2 at Trent Park], 1 Speckled Wood at a private site at Enfield. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

06 May 2024

Waved Umber at Southgate. 1 Waved Umber near outside light at ASDA Southgate this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

05 May 2024

Spring Walk Whippendell Woods branch event.. What a glorious start it was on Sunday and I was watching 2 Holly blue out of my kitchen window in Bushey during the morning. Unfortunately the weather had clouded over for the start of our butterfly walk at 2pm. We had a reasonable turnout but sadly it wasn't to go our way with butterfly sightings. Because of the recent weather the bluebells were still in flower and only just on the turn. There were only 2 butterflies seen, 1 Male Orange-tip and 1 Red Admiral. Jarek who joined us found the roosting Orange-tip as in the photo! As we all were heading back Jarek once again had the luck of which I only had a glimpse of the Red Admiral. He had hooked up with his family and was videoed on his daughters arm. Hopefully the weather will pick up for other planned butterfly walks during the year in Herts & Middlesex including our next walk on the 30th June [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell

Holly Blue at Town Park, Enfield. 1 Holly Blue at Town Park, Enfield this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Hunting Grizzleds. 1st real warm day for me anyhow decided to look for Grizzled Skippers. 1st site Rickneys plenty of strawberry good conditions, no Grizzleds. However my first Brown Argus of the year and my first Mother Shipton moth and Silver Y. Onto Waterford Heath south. Good conditions no Grizzleds. However another Silver Y. Onto Waterford Heath North. Down to the lower area on left. Nothing except a Small White and a Peacock. Through the gate into railway owned part. Very overgrown by Hawthorn. To my surprise saw 3 Grizzled Skippers at last! Walked most of the site, plenty of Wild strawberry. Saw Holly Blue, 2 Brimstones, more Small whites and a further Grizzled far side of the pond. This Reserve seems now better for Grizzled Skippers than South heath and Rickneys well at the moment, plenty of food plants creeping cinqfoil, agrimony and Wild strawberry plenty of shelter. But it need much more conservation work done on it. Some of the paths are impassable. Might try and organize a work party there. Might need volunteers. Watch this page. I got several photos but did not upload them. Steve Kiln [Posted by steve kiln]