News Archive for Aug 2024

30 Aug 2024

Adonis Blues on Therfield Heath. Perfect morning on Therfield Heath today - warm, sunny, still. There were good numbers of Adonis Blue males about plus plenty of very tatty looking male and female Chalkhill Blues. Looks like the 2nd brood are faring better than the first! [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Paula Moore]

Male Adonis Blue
Photo © Paula Moore
Chalkhill and Adonis Blues together
Photo © Paula Moore
Last tango for these 2 old Chalkhill Blues?
Photo © Paula Moore

Merry Hill egg laying Brown Hairstreak TQ 1350, 9411. I managed to get out of work early enough to see how long it would take to reach the last sighting of a Brown Hairstreak on Monday. That went out of the window after entering Merry Hill from the entrance closest to my flat. After passing a good cluster of ash trees and clocking some good potential blackthorn I thought I'd better check that out first. I was just noting down the first Small Heath sighting and Meadow Brown. To my astonishment I found another Brown Hairstreak less than 15 minutes walk from my flat! An egg laying female and I observed her for a few minutes probing the blackthorn before losing sight. I'm not going to put her best side up in the photo's as this one shows a bit of expected scale loss, but otherwise you would assume a reasonably fresh specimen. After walking to the other points we had seen Brown Hairstreak no further sightings. I did see 1 Small Copper the first I'd seen at Merry Hill this season. Otherwise 6 whites seen on route with a further 6 at Merry Hill, 2 Large White noted on return in garden on return. Small Heath 12+, Meadow Brown 18+, Speckled Wood 2, Red Admiral 1. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell

Trent Park. Female Large White along bridle-path near Merryhills Brook/Trent Park, 2 Red Admiral near Shaws Wd/Trent Park [one settled & another in flight], 1 Comma near Water Grdn/Trent Park & 1 Small Heath at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Butterfly and Bug Festival in Greenwood Park. Join Chiswell Green Community Gardeners on Sunday 8th September at their butterfly and big festival. There will be advice sessions on how to attract more butterflies to your garden. The event takes place from 2-4pm. See their poster for info on other activities. The location is next to our chalk bank in Greenwood Park and is best accessed by the park entrance next to Midway Surgery, 93 Watford Rd, Chiswell Green, St Albans AL2 3JX [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Photo © Malcolm Hull

29 Aug 2024

Hibernation watch. A third Peacock now hibernating in my St Albans shed. I’ve seen none on the wing for the last ten days, so it’s likely they are now all in hibernation. So a good time to take stock of the season. 3 Peacocks compares to an average of 5 over the last decade. So below average, but there have been 4 years with lower totals, so not disastrous … unlike Small Tortoiseshell. Hibernating total for that species is still 0 compared to an annual average of 19 and a previous low of 5. I’ve seen one on the wing for over 6 weeks. The only positive spin I can put on this is that it is a vey variable species which continually surprises me! [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Red Admiral at Southgate. 1 Red Admiral at Southgate Chase Allotments this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Clouded Yellow - Alexandra Park. A return visit to my old local patch this morning, yielded a good but brief view of a Clouded Yellow at the top of Anthill Meadow in Alexandra Palace Park. [Posted by Gerry Rawcliffe]

28 Aug 2024

Red Admiral at Southgate. 1 Red Admiral at Chase Side, N14 this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

27 Aug 2024

Brown Hairstreak in London Borough of Hackney. Allens Gardens, Hackney. Female seen on the ground at very close range (I could have easily have potted it if I had a pot on me). Unmistakeably a Hairstreak from the distinctive white lines on the underside, on an orange/brown background. The habitat is a small urban woodland with scrubby areas and borders a railway line (which greatly increases the chances of getting a migrant or other wanderer). There is a wide variety of mature trees with Ash predominating. [Posted by Chris Farthing]

Southern Country Park, Bishops Stortford. My first visit to this attractive flower rich chalk grassland site. Met with Bob Clift and Jim Hook to discuss suitable locations for a new butterfly bank. Common Blues doing well with at least 15 seen. Also Brown Argus, Small Heath, Painted Lady (Bob's first for the year), Red Admiral, Comma, Meadow Brown, Small and Green-veined Whites [Posted by MalcolmHull]

Comma at Trent Park. 1 Comma near Water Grdn/Trent Park this morning at 0940 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

26 Aug 2024

Merry Hill. When the wind finally calmed down, out to Merry Hill again, rather quiet but it is that time of a quiet year, couple of whites, 8+ Speckled Woods, similar amount of Meadow Browns, 1 Small Heath and 1 Brown Hairstreak (spotted by Pete), but as I got the pic this week (not a dodgy video), I got to put the post up. [Posted by Rick Vickers]

Speckled Wood
Photo © Rick Vickers
Brown Hairstreak
Photo © Rick Vickers

Merry Hill Bushey. I took another look over at Merry Hill last Friday (23 August) afternoon. I had to enter from Carpenters Park side as there are road works blocking the entrance to Merry Hill Road. I would have walked if my lower back wasn't so bad as I live close. Although no sightings of Brown Hairstreak today I was looking for potential areas to look for eggs later in the year. There are a few spots with ash and blackthorn that I have noted as potential so far, but there are areas that are yet to be explored at this site and yet to be discovered! Rick also went to Merry Hill today but we didn't meet. No Brown Hairstreak sightings for Rick either but he came up with better numbers for my count on Small Heath and Speckled Wood than I did. My personal count was 25+ Meadow Brown, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Small Heath, 2 unidentified Whites. 5 Common Blue all males. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Small Heath
Photo © Peter Fewell
Common Blue
Photo © Peter Fewell
Speckled Wood
Photo © Peter Fewell

Red Admiral at Trent Park. 1 Red Admiral basking on E edge of Icehouse Wood/Trent Park & female Green-veined White & female Small White settled near Shaws Wd Cottages/Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

25 Aug 2024

Holly Blue at Enfield Town. 1 Holly Blue flying around ivy near Silver Street, Enfield Town this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

23 Aug 2024

Lots of Blues on Therfield Heath. Good numbers of Adonis Blues were on the wing on the eastern side of Therfield Heath this afternoon. I saw at least 15 males and there were probably plenty more. Most but not all of the activity was on Lankester Hill (Old Rifle Range). Most of the Chalkhill Blues look pretty ragged now, but there are still quite a few about and others saw females egg laying. Similar numbers of Brown Argus and Common Blue were seen - most of the Common Blue females were suffused with blue. A single Holly Blue was seen on my way to the heath. I also checked out Church Hill early evening: not a single blue could be seen on the south side, but some Chalkhills were roosting on the north side and in the chalk pit at the bottom (one female seen), so there is hope that they will re-establish themselves given the right conditions (and some ants). Several Common Blues and a Brown Argus were roosting at the bottom of the hill, some dangerously close to the web of a Wasp Spider! Small Heath butterflies have been on the wing here continuously since the end of April. With very warm weather forecast for the middle of next week, I recommend that this will be the optimum time if you want to see Adonises on the wing. [Posted by Martin Johnson]

Male Adonis Blue, Therfield Heath, 23 August
Photo © Martin Johnson
'Blue' Female Common Blue, Therfield Heath, 23/08/24
Photo © Martin Johnson
Small Heath, Church Hill, 23 August
Photo © Martin Johnson

Second Brood Adonis Blues At Therfield Health. I was already at Therfield Heath so thought I would have a quick look for second brood Adonis Blue. I saw about five stunners in about 20 minutes in sunny but very windy conditions. My daughter then decided finding some ice-cream was far more important. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]

Photo © Nathan Ellis

Brown Hairstreak in South Harrow. Was very surprised to find the odd looking Gatekeeper on the buddleia in my garden in South Harrow this lunchtime turn out to be a female Brown Hairstreak. Had a good look at it through my binoculars. Also, had one Speckled Wood, one Small White and one Large White in the garden. [Posted by Michael Robinson]

Common Blue, Green-veined White, Purple Hairstreak & Small Heath at Trent Park. Female Common Blue, 1 Green-veined White & 1 Small Heath at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park this morning & 1 Purple Hairstreak [worn & tatty] settled low down along bridle-path between Merryhills Brook & Shaws Wd/Trent Park at 1111 BST - quite a late record, but I have seen them in early September in the past. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Bad weather for Therfield Heath Branch Walk. The forecast is for rain tomorrow morning (Sat 24th) when I am due to lead a Branch Walk on Therfield Heath. I will go to the start for 10.30 anyway, but it is probably not worth travelling far for this event tomorrow. Weather looks better in the second half of next week if you want to do a self-guided walk. [Posted by Nick Keep]

22 Aug 2024

Jersey Tiger at Oakwood & Light Emerald at Southgate. 2 Jersey Tiger [1 at Lakeside, EN2 & another at South Lodge Cres, EN2] this morning & 1 Light Emerald near outside light at ASDA Southgate. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

21 Aug 2024

Brown Hairstreak South Oxhey. Following on from the other weeks success at Merry Hill, and finding a second four leaved clover in the garden, time to go searching... South Oxhey Playing fields, same point I found the egg earlier in the year, just as the sun shone (about only time today) 1 Brown Hairstreak TQ10443 93638. Unfortunately I only had the video camera and it went into Bigfoot/UFO mode - a bit fuzzy! [Posted by Rick Vickers]

Minet Country Park sightings. The photos relate to two butterflies we saw today (along with plenty of commoner butterflies including Holly Blue and Small Copper). They are Brown Hairstreak and Long-tailed Blue, both of which are new species for us. [Posted by Dave Bookless & Colin Conroy]

Brown Hairstreak
Photo © Dave Bookless & Colin Conroy
Long-tailed Blue
Photo © Dave Bookless & Colin Conroy

19 Aug 2024

Hummingbird Hawk-moth. Hummingbird Hawk-moth at Coldharbour Allotments, Harpenden, at midday [Posted by Alan Jackson]

Garden Pebble at Southgate. 1 Garden Pebble at bus-stop shelter at Chase Road/Charter Way, N14 this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

18 Aug 2024

Branch walk at Clothall Common. Pair of Chalkhill Blues, Brown Argus & Small Blue [Posted by Paula Moore]

Small Blue
Photo © Paula Moore

Herts & Middx branch butterfly walk on Clothall Common, Baldock. 8 of us gathered for our first branch walk at this new location, famed as the best place in Herts for seeing 6 different species of blues. Butterflies were fairly scarce to start with, but by the time we reached the top of the slope both male and female Chalk-hill Blues and Common Blues were seen in good numbers. We examined many blues closely, noting the different colours and spots. Sadly no Adonis Blues were seen, but the second generation has not yet fully emerged. Back down at the foot of the slope we added Brown Argus, Small Blues and Small Heath. Ten species in total, with 18 Chalkhills and 16 Common Blues altogether. Stopping off at Weston for lunch, I immediately spotted a Holly Blue bringing my personal total for the day to five. [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Female Chalk-hill Blue
Photo © Malcolm Hull
Unidentified caterpillar
Photo © Malcolm Hull

17 Aug 2024

Hexton Chalk Pit. We hadn't been over to Hexton Chalk Pit for a long time so it was great to go to a reliable site for Chalk Hill Blue, although already passed mid August we did see 30+ with the number of females almost matching the males. Some of the males looked relatively fresh and some were in hot pursuit of females making them easy to see. 4+ Common Blue 3 were females.1 Brown Argus, 30+ Meadow Brown, 1 Small Heath and 10+ Six-spot Burnet Moth. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Chalk Hill Blues
Photo © Peter Fewell
Six-spot Burnet Moth
Photo © Peter Fewell
Common Blue
Photo © Peter Fewell

The Skype, Wheathampstead. 7 Common Blue and 2 Small Heath at this traditional meadow filled with Birds foot Trefoil and other wild flowers. Shame St Albans Council have allocated it for development [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Red Admiral at Trent Park. 1 Red Admiral flew & settled in bushes by upper lake, Trent Park this morning at 0758 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

16 Aug 2024

Another Jersey Tiger. A Jersey Tiger has been seen for a couple of days in my Welwyn Garden City garden. It was nectaring on Buddleia this evening [Posted by John Yates]

Therfield Heath. Still high numbers of Chalk Hill Blues (50+ including c. 5 females) and some in good condition too. First Adonis Blue of the new brood (male on poo) - thanks to Trevor Sawyer for spotting it. Other species: Gatekeeper 30+, Meadow Brown 40+, Brown Argus, Common Blue, Small White 4 and Large White [Posted by Peter Clarke]

Merry Hill Bushey. I had another go at looking for Brown Hairstreak this afternoon apart from a couple of may be glimpses was unsuccessful this time. But did get to see my first Brown Argus of the year there. 1 male looking reasonably fresh but with a couple of chinks in the right side upper and lower wing. Found feeding on the fleabane which is now in full bloom. Honey bees are making the most of the flowers there too, as well as the 3 Brimstones sighted. Gatekeeper numbers are dropping off with 5 seen, Meadow Brown were most numerous although their numbers dropping at 25+ , Small Heath 5 seen with the one in the photo slightly opening it's wing in pulses. I did sort of capture that but not as good as the photo. Speckled Wood sightings 7 officially confirmed but some of the darker butterflies flitting over the hedgerows were most likely to be Speckled Wood not B. Hairstreaks which could have doubled their count. 2 Large White and 3 other Whites seen. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Male Brown Argus on Fleabane
Photo © Peter Fewell
Small Heath on Ragwort
Photo © Peter Fewell

Large White at Oakwood. Female Large White on buddleia at Oakwood Station late morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

15 Aug 2024

Brown Hairstreak. Me and Brian Dawton went to Horsenden Hill arrived at 9, quite windy in field by car park walked to find Ash in shelter and saw 3 flying about in tree tops , then walked to bridge and saw one perched clearly from bridge. Then saw a few more. Walking back back uphill we saw a few more flying downhill, it was getting very windy when we left. Many Ash have dieback now In all we saw about 12 Brown Hairstreak and many Jersey Tiger. [Posted by Tony Clancy]

Painted Lady & Small Heath at Enfield & Common Blue at Trent Park. 1 'very fresh' Painted Lady settled on ground & on thistle head at a private site at Enfield near Trent Park at 0750 BST & 2 Small Heath together here, also. Male Common Blue by lower lake, Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

14 Aug 2024

Jersey Tiger. Was in bathroom this morning and with the help of live feature on phone managed an open wing shot [Posted by Paula Moore]

Photo © Paula Moore

Hibernating Butterflies. Rather dull here today, so a good time to check on the butterflies hibernating in my shed. I now have two - both Peacocks. Over the last ten years I've been recording hibernating Peacocks the average annual total has been five. I've seen several on the wing this week, so still time for this total to increase. During the last decade there have been four years with two or less hibernating Peacocks. So this year looks below average, but not a disaster for this species. The same can't be said for Small Tortoiseshells. The average annual number has been 19 and the lowest previous year 2021 when there were five. This year there are none and with none seen on the wing, it appears that this species may have disappeared from St Albans area. [Posted by Malcolm HULL]

13 Aug 2024

Stafford Road & Ickenham Marsh. An 8-30 sunny start in quite a breeze. Sighted 20+ Brown Hairstreaks possibly all males including the first sightings (6) on the LWT Ickenham Marsh reserve which were around a 'master ash' alongside the ungrazed southerly wooded brook side path (TQ 0864 8510). Watched 2 males engaged in a (2 mins) twirling duel. Returned early PM to see 1 male flitting along the path. Of the remaining sightings 8+ around a master ash bordering the largest meadow (c.9-30) and the remainder were singletons flitting around the blackthorn till my 2pm departure but only 2 photo opportunities for those I had informally teamed up with (the more eyes the better for BH!). Unlike last year the BH are not (yet?) settling to feast on the nectar which is maybe due to less thistle and knapweed at the expense of ragwort along with the closing up of the clearings as the blackthorn marches on at 1-2m per year. Also 10 Small Copper, 25 Small Heath which both are my best counts on this site for some years or possibly ever. 2 Brown Argus. 25+ Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue, 12 Purple Hairstreak with a few low level landings plus the usual browns and whites. [Posted by Nick Furtek]

Therfield Heath. A walk lunch time, just the eastern side/Lankester Hill c60 Chalkhill Blue , mostly males but a good many females, 2 pairs "in cop", 12 Common Blue, 4 Brown Argus, no sign of any Adonis yet... [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Trip to Hexton. Hexton Chalk Pit Reserve - 50 Chalk-hill Blues, 4 Common Blues, 1 Small Heath and 3 Brimstones. Searched the field edges on Hexton Manor Estate adjoining the Reserve and along Hexton Rd. Chalk-hill Blues in both locations, but best on the west side and several were seen crossing the road. Added 11 more Chalk-hill Blues, 1 NB5 Spot Burnet, 4 Brown Argus, 3 Small Heath , 6 Common Blues 4 Six-spot Burnets, 2 Brimstones, 1 Marbled White and 1 Silver-washed Fritillary. Excellent news that the Este has been acquired by Natural England who plan a chalk grassland restoration project [Posted by Malcolm HULL]

Common Blue & Shaded Broad-bar at Trent Park. Female Common Blue & 1 Shaded Broad-bar at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

12 Aug 2024

Common Blues Picking Up. 32 Common Blues today at a private site east of St Albans. My best total of the year so far for this species. Brown Argus and Small Heath also in flight plus Brimstones and Peacocks feeding avidly before they enter hibernation [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Merry Hill Bushey TQ 131 939. I went out for a stroll at Merry Hill today for as long as I could stand the heat. The butterflies apart from some of the M. Brown and Brimstone were mostly seen hugging the hedge-line. On entering I saw a Red Admiral and a white along the hedgerow. A further 7 whites seen unidentified. Other species seen 1 L. White, Speckled Wood 8+, Meadow Brown 20 +, Gatekeeper 8+, Brimstone 2, male and female, Jersey Tiger Moth 1. I was looking out for Brown Hairstreak and I took the route up to a bench where there is blackthorn and ash. I hung around for a while looking up but had no sightings so decided to move on. I was still scanning the hedgerow as I walked along and had a glimpse of a butterfly that would fit the description of a female B Hairstreak but was off over the other side of the hedge. I then ventured towards the place where Rick spotted the first one a couple of weeks back and found another male not too far from the first sighting. Although the white border on the wings was frayed he didn't look old, probably a few days at most. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell

11 Aug 2024

Whippendell Woods and Cassiobury Park. Arriving in the car park at Rousebarn Lane 1 Large White and 1 S. Wood spotted. Being in Whippendell Woods and close to water we expected that butterfly numbers would drop usually due to the presence of hawker dragonflies at this time of year. Well they were relatively low but so were dragonfly numbers compared to previous years although a few hawkers were sighted. Species sighted in Whippendell Woods. A further 2 S. Wood, 2 Peacock, 1 Brimstone, 2 Gatekeeper, 3 Comma, 3 Silver-washed Fritillary, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Holly Blue, 4 L White, 2 confirmed GV White, and about 6+ unidentified whites. Pushing our luck with time in Cassiobury Park after 5pm we found our first Small Copper of the year along with 4 Gatekeeper, 3 M Brown, 1 Skipper S/E and 1 S. Wood. [Posted by Peter Fewell]

Photo © Peter Fewell
Photo © Peter Fewell

09 Aug 2024

Second Brood Small Blues. Two Small Blues at the meadow in Upper Bourne End Lane where I also had 6 Common Blues. Just one Small Blue at the A41 Bourne End junction, but I did see 25 Six-spit Burnets there. No Small Blues at Redbourn Lane, but 15 Brown Argus, 10 Common Blues, 1 Small Copper and a Large Skipper [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Photo © Malcolm Hull

Silver-washed Fritillaries at Scales Park. At least three male Silver-washed Fritillaries were whizzing up and down the rides at Scales Park (near Nuthampstead) this afternoon - they were too smart for me to catch on camera. These are the first SWFs that I have seen locally, in what appears to have been a poor year for them. Also seen: Small/Essex Skippers, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood (lots), Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper (still lots), Peacock, Comma and Brown Argus. [Posted by Martin Johnson]

Common Blue & Jersey Tiger at Trent Park. Female Common Blue settled on E edge of Icehouse Wd/Trent Park & 3 Jersey Tiger at Trent Park [1 Moat Wd, 1 Icehouse Wd & 1 Shaws Cottages/Trent Park]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

08 Aug 2024

Blustery day at Therfield Heath. A very windy but warm day at Therfield Heath, the Chalk Hill Blues were out in fairly good numbers, not as good as 2022 but not bad considering the lack of spring. Lots of Gatekeepers and lots of Meadow Browns. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by James Somerville]

Where have all the butterflies gone?. Malcolm Hull recently gave an interview to Mix 92.6 the local radio station serving St Albans commenting on the shortage of butterflies this year and what can be done about it. Listen to the podcast here [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Comma & Holly Blue at Trent Park & Jersey Tiger at Oakwood. 1 Comma & 1 Holly Blue near Water Grdn/Trent Park & 1 Jersey Tiger at South Lodge Cres, Enfield this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

07 Aug 2024

Branch Butterfly Walk to Ickenham. Nick Furtek led our annual search for Brown Hairstreak around the fields at Ickenham. I arrived early and searched the ash trees along the hedgerow from 8:30. In 2 hours I had 12 confirmed Brown Hairstreak, including 3 low down along the hedge. 4 Purple Hairstreaks were also identified. Joining the walk, Nick led us through the maze of paths and clearings in the Blackthorn, searching for photo opportunities of Brown Hairstreaks on flowers. Unfortunately most of the thistle patches which proved so productive last year had disappeared. The sun went in making our task more difficult. By the time I left at 1pm there were no further confirmed Brown Hairstreak, just a few brief glimpses of possibles. We did see 17 other species, including Small Coppers, Small Heaths, Common Blues, Brown Argus, a Large Skipper and Purple Hairstreaks. Moths included Straw Dot, Vapourer, Yellow Shell, Shaded Broad-bar and Cinnabar caterpillars. Many thanks to Nick for his expert commentary and guidance around the site. [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Holly Blue, Purple Hairstreak, Small Copper & Jersey Tiger at Trent Park. 2 Holly Blue [1 by lower lake & another E edge of Icehouse Wd/Trent Park], 1 Small Copper nectaring on ragwort at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 Purple Hairstreak settled on bramble near Water Grdn/Trent Park & 2 Jersey Tiger [1 near Moat Wd & 1 near Shaws Wd/Trent Park]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

06 Aug 2024

Common Blue, Red Admiral & Jersey Tiger at Trent Park. Male Common Blue at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 Red Admiral at North Lawn near Icehouse Wd/Trent Park & 2 Jersey Tiger [1 at Moat Wd & 1 near Dew Pond/Trent Park]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

05 Aug 2024

Painted Lady at Enfield. 1 Painted Lady at a private site near Trent Park at Enfield. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

04 Aug 2024

Millhoppers Chalk Bank. Whereas the new pond at Millhoppers has been a great success attracting a range of species including many Damsel and Dragonflies and Small China Mark moths, the chalk bank has slightly under performed. This year it was decided to cover the bank with a fresh deeper layer of pure chalk obtained from Pitstone Quarry. During the August work party our wardens and volunteers undertook the daunting task of transferring two and half tonnes of chalk from the roadside delivery point up through the reserve to the chalk bank location. Five volunteers put in an amazing shift with their wheelbarrows and the new improved chalk bank is now complete. The Bird's-foot Trefoil plants planted on the original chalk are flowering extremely well, so they have been kept, and we have now added some Common Rock Rose plug plants and seeded the rest of the bank with Kidney Vetch and Horseshoe Vetch. We are hoping for some Small Blue butterflies in 2025. [Posted by Chris Hilling]

New improved chalk bank
Photo © Chris Hilling

Ickenham.. London Wildlife Trust event to Ickenham Marsh Reserve and beyond. I jumped at the chance to accept LWT Pete Salter's request to plan a route, where 17 of us, mostly complete butterfly novices, set of from Austins Lane, Ickenhan for a 3 mile 'butterfly walk' to spot as many species as possible. The route initially took us through the only uncut meadow in the area then through the reserve along the Yeading Brook to Stafford Road Open Space then returning across the cut meadows providing a variety of habitats for all the target species. The groups enthusiasm was way beyond my expectation as we encountered new species with many photographs being taken which slowed the pace extending the walk by quite a margin, although the Brown Hairstreak also proved a little elusive not helped by the occasional disappearing sun. The final tally? 17 including the 1x Jersey Tiger Moth or 19 with the 1x Small Skipper and 1x Small White seen only by myself and fellow H&M members Pete F and Rick V on our after hours extended walk. My numbers. 4x Purple Hairstreak, 3x Brown Argus, 5x Common Blue, 4x Small Heath, 3x Small Copper, 1x Ringlet, 3x Large White, 5x Speckled Wood, 4x Green Veined White, 2x Comma, 1x Red Admiral, 1x Holly Blue 50+ Gatekeeper, 50+ Meadow Brown and last but not least 1x Brown Hairstreak (a fresh female). Well done Pete F for spotting this and his photo (much better than mine!). We did not scan the ash tree tops for BHs (not good for the photos) but did encounter a few further possible lower level sightings. Thank you to all the attendees for making this a pleasant event. [Posted by Nick Furtek]

Photo © Nick Furtek

Speckled Wood at Town Park, Enfield & Holly Blue at Edmonton. 1 Speckled Wood at Town Park, Enfield & female Holly Blue at Stark's Field Primary School, Lower Edmonton this afternoon [my first of the summer brood]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Stafford Road Open Space. I released what I thought at first glance to be a Gatekeeper from the clutches of a spiders web on a head of Ragwort soon to discover it was a female Brown Hairstreak. Regaining its composure on the tip of my finger if flew and settled on a nearby bush, spread her wings as if to say thank you before flying off ! 3 Small Coppers, 3 Common Blues, 3 Speckled Woods, 1 Magpie, I Small Heath, 4 Brown Hairstreaks. [Posted by Jed Corbett]

Brown Hairstreak
Photo © Jed Corbett
Small Copper
Photo © Jed Corbett
Photo © Jed Corbett

Chalkhill Blue abberation. Seen on 2 Aug at Therfield Heath. I believe this is the female form with partially blue hindwings called semi-syngrapha [Posted by Andrew Wood]

Photo © Andrew Wood

03 Aug 2024

Sawbridgeworth. Walk from the house down to the Rivers Orchard site, 4 "Small Skipper" two identified ,1 Small and 1 Essex, 9 Common Blue (8 male 1 female), 4 Peacock, Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown in the 50+ region and first of the new brood Small Heath (1). [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Common Blue at Trent Park. Male Common Blue settled at North Lawn/Trent Park this morning at about 0845 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

02 Aug 2024

Toadflax Brocade larvae. Toadflax Brocade larvae....On Purple Toadflax but none on the extensive area of Yellow Toadflax? Shire Golf Course Barnet ....+ 10 x Peacock...2 Red Admiral ..2 Comma...Many Gatekeepers. An area in centre of Course is planted out with most popular nectar and food plants for pollinators ..kj [Posted by Kitt Jones]

01 Aug 2024

Purple Hairstreak. One of several Purple Hairstreaks seen during branch walk at Claybury park [Posted by Paula Moore]

Purple Hairstreak Claybury Park
Photo © Paula Moore

Jersey Tiger at Trent Park & Brimstone Moth at Southgate. 1 Jersey Tiger edge of Moat Wd/Trent Park & 1 Brimstone Moth at ASDA Southgate this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

White Admiral in Knebworth Woods. White Admiral on edge of Newton Wood during transect (first ever) about 20 yards from spot of previous sighting in 2021. Also a Small Copper, only my second of the year anywhere, in Knebworth Park. Ringlets and Marbled Whites are just about hanging on. [Posted by Peter Clarke]

White Admiral Newton Wood
Photo © Peter Clarke
Small Copper Knebworth Park
Photo © Peter Clarke
Ringlet Pigeonswick
Photo © Peter Clarke

Brown Hairstreak in LB Barnet. Brown Hairstreak in Ash at Darlands Nature Reserve in Totteridge. It flew along the edge of the canopy about 50 feet off the ground and perched obligingly allowing good views through binoculars. Also 5 Purple Hairstreaks, mostly low down. Other butterflies few in number with just 8 other species seen. Moths included Mother of Pearl, Shaded Broad Bar and Silver-Y [Posted by Malcolm Hull]