
08 Apr 2024

Brimstone, Green-veined White & Peacock at Trent Park. Female Green-veined White at Rough Lot/Trent Park, male Brimstone near Ride Wd/Trent Park & 4 Peacock at Trent Park [2 together at Rough Lot, 1 by lower lake & 1 along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges']. Male Green Longhorn Moth [Adela reaumurella] at Rough Lot/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Church Hill and Jubillee Wood. Only a few Peacocks on the Church Hill transects in the first two weeks, but the Pasque Flowers are prolific this year. The first few are going to seed but the display will be good for a couple of weeks still. More interestingly a Large White and a Red Admiral (first for me this year) coming back through Jubilee Wood. Ash dieback clearance has opened up the wood quite a lot. Also first Comma in my garden today. [Posted by Nicholas Keep]

Large White
Photo © Nicholas Keep
Red Admiral
Photo © Nicholas Keep
Pasque Flower (not taken this year)
Photo © Nicholas Keep

Common Carpet, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield. 2 Peacock [one at a private site near Trent Park & another at a different private site near Trent Park], 1 Speckled Wood at a private site near Trent Park, 2 Green-veined White [one at a private site near Trent Park & another male at Hadley Road], 3 Orange-tip [female at a private site near Trent Park & another female at another private site near Trent Park & a male at a private site near Trent Park], 1 Common Carpet settled at a private site near Trent Park - a very early record, but not altogether unexpected. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Garden butterflies. Having failed to see any Orange/Light Orange Underwings at Balls Wood, I returned home and the sun came out! Almost immediately in my Ware garden was a male Brimstone, Holly Blue, female Orange-tip egg laying on both Honesty and Garlic Mustard and a Large White that had to be let out of the greenhouse (the door was open!) [Posted by Liz Goodyear]

07 Apr 2024

Lunar Marbled Brown at Oakwood. 2 Lunar Marbled Brown at Bramley Road, N14 this afternoon, after the morning service at St Thomas - God is Good! [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Millhoppers Reserve. At the work party today we saw Peacock, Comma, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood and a male Orange Tip. All this despite the very gusty winds. [Posted by Chris Hilling]

Green Veined White at Forty Hall Enfield. My first sighting of it this year. In the walled garden at Forty Hall. [Posted by Dee Cullen]

Photo © Dee Cullen

06 Apr 2024

Cheapside Farm.. 1 Brimstone at Midday nr Texaco Garage hedge [Posted by T. M. Mylett]

Ffy Orange Tip. A male zipping along the main road at Bridgefoot farm Little Hadham. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Brimstone & Peacock at Hilly Fields Park, Enfield. Male Brimstone & 1 Peacock at Hilly Fields Park, Enfield this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone at Enfield. Male Brimstone at a private site near Whitewebbs Park this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Peacock & Speckled Wood at Enfield. 1 Peacock & 1 Speckled Wood at a private site near Trent Park & 1 Peacock at another private site near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Lunar Marbled Brown at Oakwood. 1 Lunar Marbled Brown at Cedar House Financial Services, Bramley Road, Oakwood this afternoon [FOY]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brown Hairstreak on Hampstead Heath. Four of the six eggs found on the Hampstead Heath have successfully emerged so far. The first to emerge found at 2nd instar stage today. [Posted by Rohan Harris]

Photo © Rohan Harris

Brimstone. Brimstone nectaring on dandelion in Harpenden. [Posted by David Hunt]

Photo © David Hunt

Branch Members' Day. Our Members’ Day, take places on Saturday 6th April at the Greenwood Park Community Centre, Chiswell Green, St Albans - we very much hope that you will be able to attend - non-members welcome. Full details of the programme and location can be found by clicking Here The keynote speaker is Peter Eeles - author of the Life Cycles of British and Irish Butterflies (2019) and British and Irish Butterfly Rarities (2023). [Posted by Liz Goodyear]

05 Apr 2024

Despite the wind.... The warm sunny spells brought out the Butterflies this afternoon , a walk across from Actons farm High Wych to Hunsdon airstrip , 5 Peacock, 2 Red Admiral and my ffy Small Tortoiseshell. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Brimstone, Peacock, Red Admiral & Speckled Wood at Enfield. Male Brimstone, Peacock, Red Admiral & 3 Speckled Wood at a private site near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Green-veined White, Orange-tip & Peacock at Trent Park. Male Green-veined White near Ride Wd/Trent Park, male Orange-tip along Leeging Beech Gutter near Water Garden/Trent Park & 2 Peacock here, male Brimstone edge of Williams Wd/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

04 Apr 2024

Green-veined White & Small White at Enfield. Male and female Green-veined White copulating at a private site near Trent Park at 1302 BST & male Small White here. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]