Larval Hostplants - Herts & Middx Butterfly Conservation

Butterfly Larval Hostplants

Below is a list of the larval hostplants for butterflies in the UK and the species to which they are associated. Hostplants where species named are in bold are the main ones otherwise they are secondary. Novel or alien hostplants or those only recorded as used in captivity are not listed.

For list of hostplants at species level, click on one of the following links:

Hostplants Species
Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria Grizzled Skipper
Alder Buckthorn Frangula alnus Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue, Brimstone
Alpine Pennycress Thlaspi caerulescens Orange-tip
Angelica, see Wild Angelica
Annual Meadow-grass Poa annua Scotch Argus, Marbled White, Grayling, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown
Aspen Populus tremula Large Tortoiseshell
Bastard Cabbage Rapistrum rugosum Orange-tip
Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Green Hairstreak
Bell Heather Erica cinerea Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue
Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus Green Hairstreak
Bird's-foot Ornithopus perpusillus Silver-studded Blue, Common Blue, Chalk Hill Blue
Bird's-foot Trefoil, see Common Bird's-foot Trefoil
Black Bent Agrostis gigantea Wall
Black Medick Medicago lupulina Common Blue, Chalk Hill Blue, Clouded Yellow
Black Mustard Brassica nigra Large White, Small White, Orange-tip
Blackthorn Prunus spinosa Brown Hairstreak, Black Hairstreak, Large Tortoiseshell
Bloody Crane's-bill Geranium sanguineum Northern Brown Argus
Blue Moor-grass Sesleria caerulea Scotch Argus
Bramble Rubus fruticosus Grizzled Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue
Bristle Bent Agrostis curtisii Grayling, Small Heath
Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius Small Copper
Bromes Bromus spp. Wall, Marbled White, Meadow Brown
Broom Cytisus scoparius Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue
Buck's-horn Plantain Plantago coronopus Glanville Fritillary
Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Green Hairstreak, Brimstone
Cabbages Brassica oleracea Large White, Small White, Green-veined White
Carline Thistle Carlina vulgaris Painted Lady
Carrots Daucus carota Swallowtail
Charlock Sinapsis arvensis Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Cock's Foot Dactylis glomerata Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Wall, Marbled White, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet
Common Bent Agrostis capillaris Speckled Wood, Wall, Gatekeeper
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue, Common Blue, Clouded Yellow
Common Comfrey Symphytum officinale Painted Lady
Common Cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium Large Heath
Common Couch Elytrigia repens Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Speckled Wood, Wall, Grayling, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet
Common Cow-wheat Melampyrum pratense Heath Fritillary
Common Cudweed Filago vulgaris Painted Lady
Common Dog-violet Viola riviniana Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary
Common Ivy Hedera helix Holly Blue
Common Knapweed Centaurea nigra Painted Lady
Common Mallow Malva sylvestris Painted Lady
Common Nettle Urtica dioica Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Comma
Common Restharrow Ononis repens Silver-studded Blue, Common Blue, Chalk Hill Blue
Common Rock-rose Helianthemum nummularium Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue, Brown Argus, Northern Brown Argus
Common Scurvygrasses Cochlearia officinallis Orange-tip
Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa Small Copper
Common Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium Brown Argus, Northern Brown Argus
Common Whitebeam Sorbus aria Large Tortoiseshell
Cowberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea Green Hairstreak
Cowslip Primula veris Duke of Burgundy
Crack Willow Salix fragilis Purple Emperor, Large Tortoiseshell
Cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccus Green Hairstreak
Creeping Bent Agrostis stolonifera Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Heath
Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans Grizzled Skipper
Creeping Soft-grass Holcus mollis Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Ringlet
Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense Painted Lady
Creeping Yellowcress Rorippa sylvestris Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Crested Dog's-tail Cynosurus cristatus Small Heath
Cross-leaved Heath Erica tetralix Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue
Crowberry Empetrum nigrum Green Hairstreak
Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill Geranium dissectum Brown Argus
Dame's Violet Hesperis matronalis Orange-tip
Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis Marsh Fritillary
Dog Rose Rosa canina Grizzled Skipper
Dogwood Cornus sanguinea Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue
Dove-s-foot Crane's-bill Geranium molle Brown Argus
Downy Birch Betula pubescens Large Tortoiseshell
Downy Oat-grass Helictotrichon pubescens Meadow Brown
Dwarf Gorse Ulex minor Green Hairstreak
Dwarf Thistle Cirsium acaule Painted Lady
Dyer's Greenweed Genista tinctoria Green Hairstreak
Early Dog-violet Viola reichenbachiana Dark Green Fritillary
Early Hair-grass Aira praecox Scotch Argus, Grayling
English Elm Ulmus procera White-letter Hairstreak, Large Tortoiseshell
False Brome Brachypodium sylvaticum Chequered Skipper, Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Wall, Grayling, Meadow Brown, Ringlet
False Bromes Brachypodium spp. Small Heath
False Oat-grass Arrhenatherum elatius Essex Skipper, Small Skipper
Fescues Festuca spp. Scotch Argus
Fiddle Dock Rumex pulcher Small Copper
Field Pepperwort Lepidium campestre Orange-tip
Field Scabious Knautia arvensis Marsh Fritillary
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea Heath Fritillary
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Germander Speedwell Veronica chamaedrys Glanville Fritillary, Heath Fritillary
Goat Willow Salix caprea Purple Emperor, Large Tortoiseshell, Comma
Gooseberry Ribes uva-crispa Comma
Gorse Ulex europaeus Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue, Holly Blue
Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus pedunculatus Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Common Blue
Greater Burdock Arctium lappa Painted Lady
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa Painted Lady, Marsh Fritillary
Greater Plantain Plantago major Marsh Fritillary, Heath Fritillary
Grey Willows Salix cinerea Holly Blue, Purple Emperor, Large Tortoiseshell
Hairy Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus subbiflorus Clouded Yellow
Hairy Bitter-cress Cardamine hirsuta Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Hairy Brome Bromopsis ramosa Speckled Wood
Hairy Rockcress Arabis hirsuta Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Hairy Violet Viola hirta Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary
Hare's-foot Clover Trifolium arvense Silver-studded Blue
Hare's-tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum Large Heath
Heath Dog-violet Viola canina Pearl-bordered Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary
Heath False-Brome Brachypodium pinnatum Chequered Skipper, Large Skipper, Lulworth Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Wall, Marbled White, Grayling
Heath Speedwell Veronica officinalis Glanville Fritillary
Heather Calluna vulgaris Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue, Holly Blue
Hedgerow Crane's-bill Geranium pyrenaicum Brown Argus
Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Hoary Rock-rose Helianthemum oelandicum Silver-studded Blue
Holly Ilex aquifolium Holly Blue
Hawkbits Leontodon spp. Marsh Fritillary
Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum White Admiral, Marsh Fritillary
Hop Humulus lupulus Holly Blue, Red Admiral, Peacock, Comma
Hop Trefoil Trifolium campetsre Common Blue, Chalk Hill Blue
Horseshoe Vetch Hippocrepis comosa Dingy Skipper, Silver-studded Blue, Chalk Hill Blue, Adonis Blue, Clouded Yellow
Horse Radish Arnoracia rusticana Orange-tip
Ivy, see Common Ivy
Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica hederifolia Glanville Fritillary, Heath Fritillary
Jointed Rush Juncus articulatus Large Heath
Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria Small Blue, Silver-studded Blue, Chalk Hill Blue, Clouded Yellow
Knapweed, see Common Knapweed
Koeleria spp. Grayling
Large Bittercress Cardamine amara Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Lesser Trefoil Trifolium dubium Common Blue, Chalk Hill Blue
Lombardy Poplar Populus nigra Large Tortoiseshell
Mallow, see Common Mallow
Marjoram, see Wild Marjoram
Marram Ammophila arenaria Grayling
Marsh Mallow Althaea officinalis Painted Lady
Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre Painted Lady
Marsh Violet Viola palustris Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary
Mat-grass Nardus stricta Small Mountain Ringlet, Small Heath
Meadow Crane's-bill Geranium pratense Brown Argus
Meadow Fescue Festuca pratensis Large Heath
Meadow Foxtail Alopecurus pratensis Essex Skipper, Small Skipper
Milk Parsley Peucedanum palustre Swallowtail
Mountain Pansy Viola lutea Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary
Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Painted Lady
Musk Thistle Carduus nutans Painted Lady
Narrow-fruited Watercress Rorippa microphylla Green-veined White
Nettle, see Common Nettle
Osier Salix viminalis Large Tortoiseshell
Oxlip Primula elatior Duke of Burgundy
Pale Dog-violet Viola lactea High Brown Fritillary
Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur Purple Hairstreak
Pellitory-of-the-wall Parietaria judaica Red Admiral, Painted Lady
Perennial Rye-grass Lolium perenne Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper
Perennial Wall-rocket Diplotaxis tenuifolia Large White
Petty Whin Genista anglica Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue
Primrose Primula vulgaris Duke of Burgundy
Purple Moor-grass Molinia caerulea Chequered Skipper, Large Skipper, Scotch Argus, Large Heath
Purging Buckthorn, see Buckthorn
Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Holly Blue
Raspberry Rubus idaeus Grizzled Skipper, Holly Blue
Rat's-tail Fescue Vulpia myuros Grayling
Red Clover Trifolium pratense Common Blue, Clouded Yellow
Red Fescue Festuca rubra Speckled Wood, Marbled White, Grayling, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Heath
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata Painted Lady, Marsh Fritillary, Glanville Fritillary, Heath Fritillary
Rough Meadow-grass Poa trivialis Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown
Salad Burnet Sanguisorba minor Grizzled Skipper
Sand Lucerne Medicago sativa Clouded Yellow
Sea Kale Crambe maritima Large White, Small White
Sea Plantain Plantago maritima Glanville Fritillary
Sea Rocket Cakile maritima Green-veined White
Sessile Oak Quercus petraea Purple Hairstreak
Sheep's Fescue Festuca ovina Silver-spotted Skipper, Wall, Small Mountain Ringlet, Marbled White, Grayling, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Heath
Sheep's Sorrel Rumex acetosella Small Copper
Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris Small White, Orange-tip
Silverweed Potentilla anserina Grizzled Skipper
Slender Thistle Carduus tenuiflorus Painted Lady
Smaller Cat's-tail Phleum bertolonii Small Skipper
Small Cow-wheat Melampyrum sylvaticum Heath Fritillary
Small Nettle Urtica urens Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock
Small Scabious Scabiosa columbaria Marsh Fritillary
Smith's Pepperwort Lepidium heterophyllum Green-veined White
Smooth Meadow-grass Poa pratensis Scotch Argus, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Heath
Spear Thistle Cirsium palustre Painted Lady
Spiny Restharrow Ononis spinosa Silver-studded Blue, Common Blue
Spindle Euonymus europaeus Holly Blue
Spotted Medick Medicago arabica Clouded Yellow
Sweet Vernal-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum Gatekeeper
Sweet Violet Viola odorata Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary
Swine-cress Coronopus squamatus Small White
Thale Cress Arabidopsis thaliana Orange-tip
Thyme-leaved Speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia Heath Fritillary
Timothy Phleum pratense Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Marbled White
Tormentil Potentilla erecta Grizzled Skipper
Tower Mustard Arabis glabra Orange-tip
Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa Silver-spotted Skipper, Wall, Scotch Argus, Grayling, Ringlet
Ulmus minor agg. Large Tortoiseshell, Comma
Velvet Bent Agrostis canina Speckled Wood, Scotch Argus
Viper's-bugloss Echium vulgare Painted Lady
Watercress Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Water Dock Rumex hydrolapathum Small Copper
Wavy Hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa Wall, Large Heath
Wayfaring Tree Viburnum lantana Holly Blue
Weld Reseda luteola Large White, Small White, Orange-tip
Welted Thistle Carduus crispus Painted Lady
Western Gorse Ulex gallii Green Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue
White Clover Trifolium repens Common Blue, Adonis Blue, Clouded Yellow
White Willow Salix alba Large Tortoiseshell
Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris Swallowtail
Wild Cherry Prunus avium Large Tortoiseshell
Wild Marjoram Origanum vulgare Large Blue
Wild Mignonette Reseda lutea Large White, Small White, Orange-tip
Wild Pansy Viola tricolor Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary
Wild Radish Raphanus raphanistrum Large White
Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca Grizzled Skipper
Wild Thyme Thymus polytrichus Silver-studded Blue, Large Blue
Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
Wood Avens Geum urbanum Grizzled Skipper
Wood Meadow-grass Poa nemoralis Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown
Wood Millet Milium effusum Ringlet
Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia Marsh Fritillary, Heath Fritillary
Wood Sedge Carex sylvatica Ringlet
Wood Small-reed Calamagrostis epigejos Large Skipper, Ringlet
Wych Elm Ulmus glabra White-letter Hairstreak, Large Tortoiseshell, Comma
Yarrow Achillea millefolium Heath Fritillary
Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus Large Skipper, Lulworth Skipper, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Wall, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Ringlet

Reference: Roger L.H. Dennis (2010), A Resource-based Habitat View for Conservation – Butterflies in the British Landscape, Wiley-Blackwell