Winter Zoom programme - Herts & Middx Butterfly Conservation

Winter Zoom Programme - 2025 (see seperate link for Winter Events including Brown Hairstreak Egg Surveys)

We invite all our Butterfly Conservation members as well as members of the public to join us at our Branch Winter Zoom Presentations - all our branch presentations are free.

Additional Winter Zoom presentations are organised by Butterfly Conservation Surrey & SW London Branch - these do require advance booking

The link to the Big City Butterfly Eventbrite booking page is here with booking links and events may be added during the winter:

All meetings will start at 7.30pm and will last for no more than 90 minutes, including Q&A. If you already have Zoom installed, then simply click on the meeting link provided in order to join. (Instructions on how to obtain Zoom are provided below the list of presentations.)

A printable copy of the 2025 winter events programme in pdf format can be downloaded here

Link to Winter Events 2025 here

Last updated 20 December 2024

Date: Wednesday 8th JANUARY 2025
Presentation Title & Speaker: 'Colombia - home to 20% of the world's butterfly species' - Ian Small
Time: 19:30 to 20:30 - please note the earlier time this year
Information Ian Small is our Membership Secretary and Newsletter Editor.  His talk will be a ‘winter warmer’ - an antidote to a cold, dark, winter evening - which will showcase many bright and colourful butterflies from one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.
Booking details: Zoom link here

Date: Tuesday 28th JANUARY 2024
Presentation Title & Speaker 'The Butterflies of London' - Steve Bolton & Leslie Williams
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 - please note this is earlier than the Branch talks
Information A review of butterfly population trends in London with reference to transect records and the new Butterflies of London atlas book. Join Steve Bolton (Big City Butterflies) and Leslie Williams (London Natural History Society) for an online talk reviewing London's butterfly popultaion trends. Steve will share new analysis of long term butterfly transect records that reveal how butterflies are faring and provide some exmaples of sites where long term management and monitoring has benetfied these fascinating insects. Leslie will introduce the new Butterflies of London atlas book and share examples of some 'winners' and 'losers' in our capital city.

Big City Butterflies, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, is a project run by Butterfly Conservation that is inspiring Londoners to discover butterflies and moths, and connect them with nature and their local green spaces.
Booking details:

Date: Wednesday 5th FEBRUARY 2025
Presentation Title & Speaker: 'My Moth Journey' - Liz Goodyear
Time: 19:30 to 20:30 - please note the earlier time this year
Information Liz Goodyear has been recording moths in her garden for over twenty years and has recorded nearly 700 species. Her talk will discuss her 'moth journey'!
Booking details: Zoom link here

Date: Wednesday 5th MARCH 2025
Presentation Title & Speaker: 2024: 'A Year of Surprises in Provence' - Roger Gibbons
Time: 19:30 to 20:30 - please note the earlier time this year
Information Roger Gibbons is a member of the BC Herts and Middlesex committee and the committee of the European Butterflies Group (EBG), and spends the spring and summer in Provence and the French Alps.
Booking details: Zoom link here

Date: Wednesday 26th MARCH 2025
Presentation Title & Speaker: 'What's happened since the book? - 10 years of change - Andrew Wood
Time: 19:30 to 20:30 - please note the earlier time this year
Information Andrew Wood is the records collator for the branch, Hertfordshire Butterfly Recorder and author of our annual reports and "The Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex.
Booking details: Zoom link here

New to Zoom?
If you have not used Zoom before, then it needs to be installed on your device prior to the meeting, in order for the meeting link provided below to work. Zoom can be downloaded free from Once it is installed, you can join a meeting simply by clicking on the link provided for that meeting. If you require further details, then full instructions on how to join the meetings are available on the Branch website at: Joining Winter Zoom Presentations

Can’t make the date?
All our talks will be recorded and posted on the Herts & Middlesex Butterfly Conservation YouTube channel within 2-3 days of the event. You can watch previous year’s talks and other fascinating videos now. You can subscribe to the Channel for free to learn when new videos are posted - Branch YouTube channel