
26 Mar 2024

Brimstone, Comma & Peacock at Trent Park. Male Brimstone near Obelisk, 1 Comma at Rough Lot & 1 Peacock near Ride Wood at Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone, Comma & Peacock at Enfield. 1 Comma, 1 male Brimstone & 1 Peacock at a private site near Trent Park. 1 Peacock at another private site near Trent Park & another one at another private site near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brimstone 11 Peacock 11. First transect of the year at Stevenage (south Fairlands Valley Park) 1220-1330 hours yielded 11 Brimstone (all males), 11 Peacock and 2 Comma. Likely that some of the Brimstones and Peacocks were counted twice as they appeared to be patrolling along the edge of the wood and woodland ride. [Posted by Peter Clarke]

Balls Wood. Visited Balls Wood this lunchtime in the hope of identifying an Orange/Light Orange Underwing moth. Several were observed grounded (about 5) soon after 12 noon but not one stayed on the ground sufficiently long for an id to be confirmed! Also flying were 5 or so Peacocks, 3 Comma and 1 male Brimstone. I was surprised that the main track wasn't that muddy but a note of warning the Roundings has closure notices up so don't assume it will remain open if you drive down it successfully! [Posted by Liz Goodyear]

Small White: Culpeper Community Garden, Angel, Islington. Small White seen at 1pm in this highly recommended and delightful Community Garden. Newts and Toads in the pond too, plus plenty of bees and birds. [Posted by Nicholas Barnett]

24 Mar 2024

Small White: Wembley Park tube station approach in sidings. Happily spotted by my 10 year daughter. First of the Year for both of us. [Posted by Nicholas Barnett]

Moths and Butterflies. A Peacock and a Comma at the The Warren at Hartham Common, Hertford and more surprisingly a Hummingbird Hawk-moth too. [Posted by Andrew Wood]

23 Mar 2024

Comma at Grovelands Park, Southgate. 1 Comma at Grovelands Park at 1247 GMT. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brown Hairstreak. One Brown Hairstreak egg found a Hampstead Heath. [Posted by Rohan Harris]

22 Mar 2024

Hibernation watch. St Albans shed - All four of the remaining Small Tortoiseshells in my shed have flown this week. However both Peacocks are still in residence [Posted by Malcolm HULL]

21 Mar 2024

Brown Hairstreak. Returned to Northwick Park, the Brown Hairstreak egg that was submitted yesterday that appeared to be emerging was empty and the larva located 15cm away on a bud which it then entered. [Posted by Rohan Harris]

Empty egg
Photo © Rohan Harris
Photo © Rohan Harris

Peacock at Enfield. 6 Peacock - 2 at a private site near Trent Park & 1 at another private site near Trent Park & 3 at Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Butterfly Sightings, Hounslow. A Brimstone, 2 Peacocks and a Small Tortoiseshell on the golf course area, 3 Peacocks on the Marshalling Yard and 3 more down by the railway on the heath. [Posted by Pete Gore]

20 Mar 2024

Northwick and Roxbourne Park. Northwick Park: Seven Brown Hairstreak eggs found (including one that appeared to have the larva emerging from it). Adults also seen: 3 Brimstone, 1 Comma, 1 Peacock and 1 Small White. Roxbourne Park: Two Brown Hairstreak eggs found and one adult Peacock seen [Posted by Rohan Harris]

Brown Hairstreak
Photo © Rohan Harris

Brimstone, Comma & Peacock at Enfield. Male Brimstone nectaring on Blackthorn blossom at private site in Enfield near Trent Park. Male Brimstone at Bincote Road, EN2. 2 male Brimstone, 2 Comma & 2 Peacock near Boxer's Lake Play Area this afternoon. Male Brimstone and Comma at Oakwood Station. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brown Hairstreak. A further ten Brown Hairstreak eggs found at Northwick Park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]

Brimstones on the move. At 11:30 and despite being mild; although not that sunny, two male Brimstones were seen to almost simultaneously fly across my Ware garden - heading for my nearby flowering blackthorn. There is a lot of ivy in the gardens and I suspect they had either been roosting or hibernating there. Also later a Peacock was seen. [Posted by Liz Goodyear]

Small Tortoiseshell. A Small Tortoiseshell in my Royston Garden today. Surprisingly late for a first branch report. Also a Peacock out on Therfield Heath [Posted by Nick Keep]

Small Tortoiseshell
Photo © Nick Keep

18 Mar 2024

Orange/Light Orange Underwing at Enfield. 3 Orange/Light Orange Underwing together in flight at private site near Trent Park this afternoon at 1541 GMT. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Brown Hairstreak. A Brown Hairstreak egg found at Neasden Recreation Ground to the south of Brent Reservoir. At Regents Park two eggs found. [Posted by Rohan Harris]