
19 Jun 2024

Marbled White at Therfield Heath. There were over 20 Marbled White on the wing at Church Hill this afternoon along with many Meadow Brown and Small Heath. [Posted by John Yates]

Whitewebbs Park. 1 Comma & 1 Red Admiral at Whitewebbs Park [TQ318977] late morning/early afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Species accounts updated. For records submitted in 2023 as described in the branch annual report [Posted by Peter Clarke]

18 Jun 2024

Ickenham Marsh / Ruislip Gardens Stafford Open Space area.. A 1.5 hour / 3 mile stroll yielded:- 5 Marbled White, 9 Common Blue, 1 Holly Blue, 19 Small Heath (TQ 0904 8605 the best area), 6 Large Skipper, 1 Brimstone, 1 Speckled Wood. 5 Ringlet. 100+ Meadow Brown. 2 White Letter Hairstreak hovering along the elms in Austins Lane. [Posted by NICHOLAS FURTEK]

Trent Park. 1 Large Skipper edge of Williams Wd,1 Red Admiral nectaring on bramble blossom E edge of Icehouse Wd, 1 Small Heath 'Old Golf Course', 2 Small Skipper near Shaws Wd, Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

17 Jun 2024

Rivers Orchard Sawbridgeworth. Lunchtime visit, 6 Large Skipper, 2 Brimstone (m), 2 Common Blue (m) , 2 Holly Blue, 3 Marbled White (at last!), 30+ Meadow Brown, 25 Small Heath, 2 Ringlet. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

White Admiral. First sighting of a White Admiral in Bishops Wood Country Park near Rickmansworth. [Posted by Carole Holton]

Trent Park. 1 Holly Blue, 1 Large Skipper, 9 Small Heath & 1 Ringlet [FOY] at Trent Park this morning near Triangular Wd & Church Wd. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

Six Spot Burnet. Some shots of Six Spot Burnet moth larvae getting ready to pupate and pupating in a field near Watton at Stone yesterday. [Posted by Andrew Wood]

Photo © Andrew Wood
Photo © Andrew Wood
Photo © Andrew Wood

16 Jun 2024

Trip to Croxley Common Moor. 97 Small Heath, 10 Meadow Brown and 2 Brimstone. No luck in my search for leaf mines of the rare(possibly extinct) micro moth Aproaerema albipalpella or it’s host plant, Petty Whin [Posted by Malcolm Hull]

Ringlet at Norton Green. First Ringlet of the year in field south of Norton Green Common - earliest since transect started in 2017 [Posted by Peter Clarke]

Rivers Orchard Sawbridgeworth. More sun than cloud today first time since the 2nd of the month, still no Marbled White, 9 Large Skipper, 4 Brimstone (2 male 2 female), 2 Holly Blue, 3 Speckled Wood, 36 Meadow Brown, 16 Small Heath. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

15 Jun 2024

Rivers Orchard Sawbridgeworth. The weather broke early afternoon and a quick walk down the fields from the house, very windy and only the "Browns" on the wing none of the hoped for Marbled White but my ffy 2 Ringlet along with 12 Meadow Brown. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]

Common Blue at Grovelands Park, Southgate. Male Common Blue at Grovelands Park late morning/early afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

14 Jun 2024

Large Skipper & Small Heath at Trent Park. Male Large Skipper edge of Icehouse Wd/Trent Park & 1 Small Heath near Shaws Wd/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]

13 Jun 2024

Quiet day at Therfield Heath. Despite the cold dull weather at Therfield Heath today, there were 5 Adonis Blue keeping low to the grass, 5 Small Heath quite active and 4 Meadow Brown [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by James Somerville]

2023 Annual Report. The branch 2023 Annual Report is now available online on the website [Posted by Peter Clarke]

12 Jun 2024

Marbled Whites at Therfield. A quick visit to Church Hill to see the Bee Orchids also resulted in half a dozen each of Marbled Whites (ffy) and Meadow Browns, a couple of Small Heaths and a Common Blue (although no sign of any Adonis), despite the cool weather. [Posted by Annie Sutcliffe]

Photo © Annie Sutcliffe
Photo © Annie Sutcliffe

First Marbled White. One Marbled White disturbed in grassland near Stapleford this morning in cloudy cool conditions. [Posted by Andrew Wood]

Larval hostplants. How much do you know about larval foodplants? Which butterfly caterpillars feed on them? Find out more here [Posted by Peter Clarke]