Grizzled Skipper
Pyrgus malvae
Restricted rare resident
Distribution and Status
In the 1980s most colonies appeared to be concentrated in central eastern Hertfordshire and around Tring but now have been
lost probably due to their habitats being overgrown. However, new colonies were discovered at Waterford Heath and Rickneys Quarry at the end
of the last century and are now two of the best sites in our branch area along with Aldbury Nowers
Habitat Requirements
The Grizzled Skipper favours sheltered spots on flower-rich grassland on chalk slopes, roadside verges, woodland clearings,
railway embankments, gravel pits and brownfield sites
Larval Foodplants
Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca, Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria, Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans. Barren Strawberry P. sterilis, Tormentil P. erecta, Silverweed P. anserina, Raspberry Rubus idaeus and Bramble R. fruticosus are also sometimes used
Adult Food Sources
Common Birds-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus, Dandelion Taraxacum sp. , Buttercup Ranunculua sp.
Behaviour/Observation notes
Grizzled Skippers are active throughout the day when the sun is out and their rapid flight makes them hard to follow over
vegetation. Look out for bare patches or areas of very short grass on which they may settle to bask or yellow flowers on which they will
take nectar. It can be confused with the Mother Shipton moth which is similar in colouring and size and inhabits the same places
Life History
The first specimens usually emerge by the middle of April with the flight period extending until the middle of June with a peak
around the second week of May. Eggs are laid on the underside of a leaf in warm situations, next to bare patches, for example. On emergence,
the larva constructs a web across the midrib of a leaf on which it feeds. When fully grown, it builds a cocoon within which the pupa is
formed at the base of the vegetation. The pupal stage lasts about 9 months including the winter
Further information
Identifying Skippers
More on life cycle and status
UK distribution map
Full list of larval hostplants and adult food sources on Peter Hardy's database
Stevenage butterflies - additional notes