Sightings 2020
Welcome to the Hertfordshire & Middlesex Branch sightings page for butterfly and moth news from around the area
NOTE - please read the latest Coronavirus update from
Butterfly Conservation
UKBMS recorders can now resume their activities for transects and the WCBS but please follow the guidelines set out by the
for staying safe outside your home
2017 (Jan-Jun)
2017 (Jul-Dec) 2001-2016
Please email Peter Clarke ( to send in your news.
Please include grid reference (6 digits preferred but 4 digits will do) or post code for your sightings. Grid reference can be obtained
using the Gridreferencefinder or Streetmap. If you need any guidance let me know.
Most, if not all, sightings listed here with sufficient detail given, will be added to the branch database but see note below.
You can use the iRecord app to submit your records.
Alternatively, you can enter your records using a spreadsheet which can be downloaded
here for butterflies or
moths. More details can be found on the
General Recording page for butterflies and
Moth pages for moths.
NOTE: To avoid any duplication, if you are submitting records to the Branch Recorder
(Andrew Wood) and also have any of them listed on the sightings page please let Andrew know.
Photos are welcome and a selection will be posted on this webpage but please keep these to a reasonably small size. Provide a link if your photo is on an external application like Flickr. Alternatively post your photo on Facebook.
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
17 Dec |
Samuel Levy has imaged a Peacock at Totteridge - noted on his twitter account |
(Robert Callf) |
16 Dec |
Reports of Brown Hairstreak eggs found west of Twickenham and Totteridge Fields in the last week or so |
9 Dec |
1 Winter Moth Operophtera brumata - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL19853030)
David Inward |
1 Dec |
Brimstone, male, flying and settling in the grass, field corner in the sun around midday. Ley Green (TL163256) |
Martin Ketcher |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
24 Nov |
Peacock. Flying in my King's Walden garden on 21 November |
Martin Ketcher |
23 Nov |
1 Mottled Umber at ASDA Southgate this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
22 Nov |
Folly Lane Allotments, St Albans - An unexpectedly sunny day produced sightings of two plume moths, as well as two caterpillars, both on
spinach. I think the brown one could be Brown Rustic, the green one I can't identify
Malcolm Hull |
21 Nov |
1 Mottled Umber moth (Erannis defoliaria) - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL19853030)
David Inward |
18 Nov |
I have recently seen two Small Tortoiseshells on the wing at Gubblecote, near Tring, the first being spotted in the late afternoon of
6 November. It was dangling from a spider's web outside my bedroom window and had clearly been flying during the day after
a frosty night on the 5th. I kept it safe overnight and watched it fly away strongly into the warm sunshine on the following morning. The second appeared
fluttering against one of our windows last Thursday morning (12 November) clearly having been disturbed from wherever it
had been hibernating inside the house, and was duly released. This was a pleasant warm day during which I was also visited by a Peacock whilst
gardening |
Peter Bygate |
18 Nov |
Rather frustratingly, on my walk a "white" butterfly crossed the road about 70 yards in front of me but just kept going, by the size I would
think either Large White of female Brimstone (TL45391529) |
Laurence Drummond |
10 Nov |
1 Red-green Carpet at ASDA Southgate this evening |
Robert Callf |
9 Nov |
My four-year-old daughter and I walked to our local play park (Park Avenue Play Area, North Bushey) this afternoon. We were surprised to see a
butterfly. 'Peacock!' she called as we watched it fly around some play equipment and then off to nearby hedges and a field |
Rebecca Palmer |
7 Nov |
Nomansland Common, Sandridge - Bright sun and 13 degrees at lunchtime. 50 minute stroll round the common confirmed there were no adult Small
Coppers remaining. The grass has been cut, removing much of the remaining nectar sources, but the sharp frost during this week is likely to be what finished
them off. I did have an interesting sighting of a male Brimstone, which spent 10 minutes flying very slowly round into a dwarf gorse bush. The flight
was very similar to that which I've seen in Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells when they are searching for hibernation spots. I suspect this Brimstone had not
selected a very good spot to hibernate in the summer and had woken prematurely. It must have wasted a lot of energy today looking for a new spot. It
eventually chose the underside of a bramble Leaf which was entwined with the gorse, about 1 foot above the ground. It did not seem well concealed and it's
antennae were peeping out from behind the leaf. Many bramble leaves fall in the autumn, so I suspect it has again made a poor choice. I will see if it's still
there in the new year
Malcolm Hull |
7 Nov |
Hounslow. A little sunshine and the slightly surprising sight of a Holly Blue in my garden in November. Not sure of its sex. It was
fluttering high amongst the ivy in the usual fashion. Ivy is heavily laden with berries whilst (male) Holly has just finished its second flowering season |
Peter Gore |
4 Nov |
Peacock in fine condition basking on bridleway in Perrywood Lane, Bramfield Woods
Chris Holtby |
4 Nov |
Bob Husband reports a sighting of a Peacock at Lakeside, EN2 this morning at about 1100 GMT |
(Robert Callf) |
2 Nov |
Male Brimstone seen at Forty Hall CP, Enfield this afternoon at 1244-1249 GMT, repeatedly settling on ivy-clad tree near Turkey Brook
(TQ337990), also nearby Common Darter & 3 Willow Emerald |
Robert Callf |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
30 Oct |
St Albans Shed - Numbers of hibernating butterflies have been pretty stable for the last few weeks. This year's totals have settled as 5
Peacocks and 15 Small Tortoiseshells. So for both species numbers are down on last winter, but above the long term average
Malcolm Hull |
25 Oct |
1 Cypress Carpet at Oakwood Station this afternoon in stairwell - my first record of this recent colonist |
Robert Callf |
23 Oct |
Bob Husband informs me that he and Mike Cawthorne saw Green-veined White at Brent Res this afternoon at 1340 hrs |
(Robert Callf) |
22 Oct |
St Albans - Red Admiral flying high around the eaves of the houses across the road in the midday sun. At lunchtime I visited Nomansland.
Immediately spotted 4 Small Coppers on a single Ragwort. The sun went in and I only saw two more, both on different species of Knapweed. Although
several coppers were faded, a couple were quite fresh, possibly the start of a fourth brood?
Malcolm Hull |
22 Oct |
Hounslow. A Speckled Wood on the heath extends the butterfly year a little longer |
Peter Gore |
22 Oct |
Had a Hummingbird Hawk-moth feeding on the buddliea in my garden in South Harrow at 8.45 am |
Michael Robinson |
19 Oct |
1 Speckled Wood near Archery Wd, Forty Hall CP (TQ333993) at 1332 hrs & 2 Small Copper (fresh female and worn one) at
Whitewebbs Farm, Enfield (TL328003) at 1438 hrs |
Robert Callf |
16 Oct |
Red Admiral in Bengeo garden
Simon Knott |
16 Oct |
Just when I thought that the butterfly season was over, a rather beautiful Common Blue butterfly appeared. Royston: Common Blue (1) -
a rather attractive 'blue' female appeared during a brief sunny interlude today, near Wicker Hall. Seemingly recently emerged, it is presumably a 'third
generation' butterfly
Martin Johnson |
15 Oct |
1 Red-green Carpet at ASDA Southgate this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
14 Oct |
Surprised to be buzzed by a Peacock whilst out walking along footpaths east of Ware this morning before it rained |
Liz Goodyear |
14 Oct |
Hounslow. One Speckled Wood amongst the trees on the Pevensey loop and a Small White on the old golf course |
Peter Gore |
14 Oct |
Sunny spells this morning encouraged me to return to Nomansland Common for a lunchtime walk. By the time I arrived, the temperature had reached
13 degrees, but all sun had gone, there was a stiff breeze and rain started by the time I left. Despite these poor conditions, I found 7 Small Coppers,
mostly now in fairly tatty condition. They have abandoned the areas of heather and Sheep's Sorrel and taken refuge on the Ragwort, with just one on Hawksbit.
The Common has not yet been cut and other nectar sources are still abundant, but ignored by the butterflies. I also saw a single Common Plume moth,
also on Ragwort. St Albans - at last, a Red Admiral feeding on the ivy outside my front window, jostling amongst a cloud of other hungry insects
Malcolm Hull |
13 Oct |
Peacock through Bengeo garden |
Simon Knott |
11 Oct |
This afternoon - 1 White sp at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) & 1 Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1504 hrs |
Robert Callf |
11 Oct |
Hounslow. When we eventually got our first sunshine around 3.00 p.m. butterflies appeared too, amongst the heather down by the railway: two
Common Blues and a Small White |
Peter Gore |
11 Oct |
1 Red Admiral making the most of some autumn sunshine whilst on a local walk around the fields north of Ware. Checked one of my 'clover'
fields in some good sunshine which lifted 3 'whites' but no Clouded Yellow were present. This wasn't the best of my fields so there is still hope some might
still be flying? |
Liz Goodyear |
7 Oct |
This afternoon - 1 Silver Y along a Leeging Beech Gutter N of Williams Wd, Trent Park. 4 Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent
Park & 1 female Speckled Wood egg laying S edge of Rough Lot, Trent Park at 1416 hrs |
Robert Callf |
7 Oct |
Hounslow. Two butterflies: a Speckled Wood on the heath and further along my walk, near the former golf course, a Small Heath
amongst the Asters. Yesterday a Red Admiral nectared on Ivy in my garden |
Peter Gore |
7 Oct |
A beautiful specimen of a Peacock settled on my window sill to soak up the sun for a while this afternoon (c. 3:45pm) in
Mark Barclay |
7 Oct |
Nomansland Common, Sandridge - Poor weather over the last ten days has caused a substantial decline in butterfly numbers. Today I saw 12
Small Coppers and 1 Vapourer moth. The coppers were desperately trying to refuel after their long period of inactivity, with all but two of the
sightings made on ragwort. Just one was by the heather and a single female egg laying on Sheep's Sorrel
Malcolm Hull |
7 Oct |
A Small White laying eggs on the tops of Nasturtium leaves in our Watford garden
Paul Williams |
6 Oct |
This afternoon - 1 Red Admiral along track at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1225 hrs. 1 Green-veined White settled at Park
Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1432 hrs & 1 Small White settled at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1457 hrs |
Robert Callf |
5 Oct |
This afternoon - 1 Red Admiral flew SW at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) at 1256 hrs, also at Vicarage Farm, 1 male Brimstone
at 1314 hrs. 3 Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
4 Oct |
1 Common Marbled Carpet at ASDA Southgate this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
4 Oct |
A Hummingbird Hawk-moth visited the buddleia in my garden in South Harrow just after the rain eased |
Michael Robinson |
3 Oct |
1 Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1450 hrs. 1 Box-tree Moth at bus-stop shelter at Enfield Rd/Jolly Farmers' PH |
Robert Callf |
2 Oct |
1 Willow Beauty at Dalrymple Close, Southgate, N14 this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
1 Oct |
At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1 Speckled Wood. 3 Small Copper at Trent Park including two together near Ride Wd &
one at 'Old Golf Course'. 1 Silver Y at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) and 1 Small White at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
1 Oct |
Took advantage of some afternoon sunshine to visit one of my clover fields - the big one overlooking Holly Cross Road in Ware. At least 3
active Clouded Yellow, 1 Red Admiral in a hurry and a Large White. Later around 4pm in weaker sunshine, another Clouded Yellow in
the TL3614 sector! I am pretty sure this record shot is a Helice form although not so obvious from the underside but when it flew the upper wings were
quite obviously much paler
Liz Goodyear |
1 Oct |
Hounslow. Three Speckled Woods and a Small White start the new month off |
Peter Gore |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
30 Sep |
1 Garden Carpet at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 this morning. 1 female Meadow Brown at 'New Fields' Trent Park
at 1138 hrs - freshly emerged (another contender for latest of the year) & 1 male Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1223 hrs. 1
Beautiful Plume at ASDA Southgate this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
29 Sep |
1 Small White at Salmons Brook/Enfield Rd this afternoon at 1420 hrs |
Robert Callf |
28 Sep |
Hounslow. Not continuous sunshine but a pleasant autumn day nevertheless and the following butterflies seen: Speckled Wood: 6,
Common Blue: 6, Small Copper: 2, Small White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
28 Sep |
2 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 2 Small Copper together, female Common Blue & 1 Small
White which was caught & eaten by a first-winter Spotted Flycatcher. 2 Small Copper together on thistle at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 1
Small White near Water Grdn, Trent Park & 1 Willow Beauty at Oakwood Station |
Robert Callf |
28 Sep |
A walk this afternoon at the far eastern end of Heartwood Forest, mostly in sunshine, but only about 17 degrees C, produced only a few
butterflies but these included 2 Red Admirals, 1 Common Blue, several Whites, and two good sightings of Clouded Yellow, (ca TL180125)
although possibly the same individual. Good numbers of flowers still in bloom here, including two different clovers. The most conspicuous insect in my St
Albans garden over the past few weeks has been Box Tree Moth, which I seem to disturb from one end of the garden to the other and from the dustbins to
the buddleia to ivy |
Peter Waldron |
28 Sep |
Nomansland Common, Sandridge - What a difference a day makes! Small Copper - 37, Small Heath, Brown Argus, Meadow
Brown, Speckled Wood and Small White. Only 3 degrees warmer than yesterday's disappointment, but 42 butterflies and 6 species in half the
time. Despite the better numbers, the Small Coppers seemed past their peak, with more faded individuals than fresh ones. I saw three attempted courtships,
which all failed, a sign that the females are already mated and the season well advanced. If I'm right and they've peaked early this year, there is the
prospect of a 4th brood keep your eyes peeled in 3-6 weeks time
Malcolm Hull |
28 Sep |
After the weekend's miserable weather it was nice to do a local walk around the fields near my house in Ware. Nine species were recorded over a
two hour period, with 3 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 1 female Brimstone, 1 Small Heath, 1 Small Copper, 2 Speckled Wood,
several Small Whites and Large Whites and in a known field 1 Clouded Yellow was still flying |
Liz Goodyear |
27 Sep |
Branch Event Nomansland Common - 9 people braved the unpromising weather conditions for the last Herts and Middx BC butterfly walk of the year. We soon saw
a small orange lep flying high around the oak trees, but from the flight decided it was a moth rather than a butterfly. The flight was similar to Orange
Underwing, but it was the wrong time of year, so unidentified. We continued round the common for 90 minutes, but saw no butterflies. Feeding damage on Sheep's
Sorrell leaves caused by Small Copper caterpillars was identified in several locations. After the walk finished ... Response from Andrew Neild:
Once again, many thanks for organising the walk. It was fun! At the end, during the final half hour with some hazy sun, it was just me, Tanya, Sam and Amy - but we
were lucky, and conservatively saw 5 Small Coppers, some older, some newer (as in the photos below), and one freshly hatched. Also spotted was a single
Speckled Wood. This was in the first large patch of heather we visited with you early on, the furthest to the west.
Malcolm Hull |
25 Sep |
1 Box-tree Moth at Oakwood Station this evening |
Robert Callf |
22 Sep |
Clifden Nonpareil (100mm wing span), 2 attracted to a light trap in my Letchworth garden in the last four nights. From 2008 to 2019 only
5 were recorded in Hertfordshire, already this year there have been at least 8. The UK is currently experiencing unprecedented numbers, either migrants from
the near continent or from resident breeding in southern counties
Roger Millard |
22 Sep |
An Oak Rustic came to light in my Ware garden on 21st September - it has been confirmed as the first
record for Hertfordshire
Liz Goodyear |
22 Sep |
1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
22 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
22 Sep |
Hounslow. Another warm sunny day and the highlight must stay frustratingly out of the records: for the second time in September and in the same
approximate area on the heath I saw a small-medium bright orange/brown apparent butterfly move fairly rapidly along the tree margin at around 6' height. From
currently available choices I can think of only female Small Copper, female Brown Hairstreak or an unknown moth. I lean towards Brown Hairstreak but never
having seen one to know it, nor having found any eggs in the area I'll have to do better before it can become the thirtieth species seen at least once here
over the years. These are today's recorded: Speckled Wood: 11, Common Blue: 7, Small Copper: 3, Meadow Brown: 1, Brown
Argus: 2, Large White: 1, Green-veined White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
21 Sep |
A very long walk to the Thundridge and Wadesmill area produced 1 Clouded Yellow in a derelict paddock close to the A10 along the Cold
Christmas Road (just in TL3616). Along footpaths in the Wadesmill/Chelsing Farm area (TL3416), several Small Copper, a Common Blue where one had
been seen in July but nice to have another sighting close to the village. Over the weekend, further Small Copper and Common Blues found in new
sites around Ware plus 2 sightings of active Brimstones. Also a resident Peacock in my garden enjoying nectaring on the buddleia! |
Liz Goodyear |
21 Sep |
I saw a Clouded Yellow at my allotment in Muswell Hill. I was not expecting that - though I did see one in Sussex last week |
Dee Cullen |
21 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
20 Sep |
1 Red-green Carpet seen in flight & settled on blackthorn along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this evening
at 1832 hrs - my first record for the year I believe |
Robert Callf |
20 Sep |
17 September Chorleywood Common transect counts: Large White 2, Small White 6, Small Copper
6, Common Blue 5, Holly Blue 1, Speckled Wood 1, Meadow Brown 16 |
Philip Gibbs |
20 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
20 Sep |
Hounslow. Speckled Wood: 11, Common Blue: 7, Small Copper: 6, Small Heath: 6, Red Admiral: 1, Small
White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
19 Sep |
This afternoon - At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Small White. Fields N of Williams Wd, Trent Park (TQ2997)
- 1 male Common Blue & 1 Small Copper |
Robert Callf |
19 Sep |
Hounslow. Mid morning to early afternoon in very pleasant conditions once again, bringing one more sighting of Clouded Yellow, this time on the
Marshalling Yards where lucerne and sundry clovers are available : Speckled Wood: 14, Small Copper: 5, Meadow Brown: 2, Common Blue
: 7, Small Heath: 3, Holly Blue: 1, Green-veined White: 2, Clouded Yellow: 1, Brown Argus: 1 |
Peter Gore |
19 Sep |
Folly Lane St Albans - massive reduction in the number of Small Whites to just 15 compared to over 100 last weekend. This despite
perfect conditions this morning. Large White numbers not much changed with 9 recorded. The only other species seen was a Box Tree Moth - not a
species I've thought of as day flying before, but it seemed happy flitting from flower to flower, alongside the butterflies |
Malcolm Hull |
18 Sep |
This afternoon - 9 Small White (2 together near Enfield Rd, 3 together at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097 including a very fresh individual, 3 at
Trent Park - 1 at 'Old Golf Course' and 2 near Ride Wd, 1 at Park Farm - TQ2998), 4 Speckled Wood (2 together at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 2 at Trent
Park - 1 near 'Three-bridges' and 1 Water Grdn), 1 female Meadow Brown at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park - a possible candidate for my latest this year,
1 Small Copper nectaring on ragwort at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 1 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
18 Sep |
Hounslow. Breezier but still sunny this afternoon, the highlight being another Clouded Yellow, this time flying amongst the heather on the
heath: Speckled Wood: 6, Small Copper: 2, Small Heath: 6, Meadow Brown: 1, Small White: 4, Green-veined White: 1,
Red Admiral: 1, Common Blue: 4, Brown Argus: 1, Clouded Yellow: 1 |
Peter Gore |
18 Sep |
1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
18 Sep |
The Warren, Colney Heath - 20 Small Coppers, 4 Small Heath, 3 Small Whites and 2 Meadow Browns. The Conservation
grazing cows have returned for their autumn feed. It's over 10 years since the branch supported the introduction of conservation grazing on this site. The
areas of heather around which the Small Heath and Small Copper thrive have more than doubled in that time. And it's many years since I've recorded so many
Small Coppers there in a 25 minute walk. An encouraging sign that conservation efforts can make a real difference. Later at Heartwood Forest, the brisk
wind had neatly scooped up the few remaining butterflies into a few sheltered areas. In over an hour I saw 4 Small Heath, 3 Common Blues, 2
Small Whites, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Silver Y and last of all just before I got back to the car park, 1 Small Copper
Malcolm Hull |
17 Sep |
This afternoon - 4 Speckled Wood (3 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at Water Garden, Trent Park), 2 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm
(TQ3097) - getting harder to find now, 1 Comma nectaring on thistle near edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 1 Small Copper & 1 male Common
Blue nectaring on ragwort at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 1 Small White along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
17 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
17 Sep |
Inner Circle, Regents Park NW1 - 1 Small Copper and 10 Small Whites enjoying the sunshine at lunchtime
Malcolm Hull |
17 Sep |
Hounslow. Walked from mid morning to early afternnon in cooler temperatures but still mostly sunshine: Speckled Wood: 9, Small
Copper: 5, Small Heath: 1, Meadow Brown: 2, Green-veined White: 3, Small White: 5, Red Admiral: 1, Common Blue:
4 |
Peter Gore |
17 Sep |
2 Lunar Underwing in my flat at Southgate this morning |
Robert Callf |
16 Sep |
This afternoon - 2 Speckled Wood (1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at Park Farm - TQ2998), 1 male Common Blue field N of Williams
Wd, Trent Park (TQ2997) & 5 Small Copper together nectaring on ragwort at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1617 hrs |
Robert Callf |
16 Sep |
Hounslow. A sunny afternoon walk: Small Heath: 5, Small White: 2, Meadow Brown: 4, Peacock: 1, Common Blue:
7, Small Copper: 7, Speckled Wood: 5, Brown Argus: 5 |
Peter Gore |
16 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 1 Small White - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
15 Sep |
1 Speckled Wood late afternoon at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) - nice fresh looking female |
Robert Callf |
15 Sep |
St Albans - Disturbed a pair of mating Green-veined Whites in my garden. They were perched on top of dogwood about 7 ft above the ground.
They flew around the garden "in cop" landing on several other shrubs at about the same height before finally settling. A painful sight to watch!
Malcolm Hull |
15 Sep |
Hounslow. A beautiful morning and early afternoon made all the better by my first Clouded Yellow for two years, bringing the total here to 26
species. (The same as last year since Large Skipper was missed or absent.) 13 species flying today: Brown Argus: 3, Small Copper: 3, Speckled
Wood: 4, Small Heath: 9, Holly Blue: 1, Common Blue: 7, Clouded Yellow: 1, Brimstone: 1, Red Admiral: 1,
Small White: 4, Comma: 1, Meadow Brown: 1, Large White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
15 Sep |
1 Small White, 1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
15 Sep |
A Small Heath in my Ealing garden - the first I have ever recorded here |
John Eborall |
14 Sep |
This afternoon at Trent Park - 5 Small Copper at 'New Fields', 1 male Brimstone near Triangular Wd, 1255 hrs, 3 Common Blue
(1 female at Sect 6 'New Fields', 2, male and female, at 'Old Golf Course'), 5 Small Heath at 'New Fields'. 3 Small White including a pair
mating & 2 Green-veined White at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 2 Painted Lady (1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097 at 1513 hrs, 1 on buddleia at
Oakwood Station 1607-1611 hrs) |
Robert Callf |
14 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
14 Sep |
6 Clouded Yellow spread out across all fields close to Hollycross Road in Ware, this morning, also 4 Common Blue and 2 Brown
Argus. Later walking back down to Stanstead Abbotts from Easneye Woods, a very faded Painted Lady. Yesterday bumped into a Clouded Yellow
on a small area of scrappy grassland in my home square 500m from my Ware garden |
Liz Goodyear |
14 Sep |
St Albans - Male Brimstone in my garden at lunchtime nectaring on perennial sweet pea and buddleia weyeriana. A Peacock flew into
my kitchen exploring for a suitable hibernation spot, but soon retreated at the sight of me. Large White and Small White both active in the
garden. This warm snap is likely to bring some hibernators out for a late summer refuelling, so keep an eye out on suitable flowers and rotting fruit
Malcolm Hull |
14 Sep |
Brimstone male in Bengeo garden
Simon Knott |
13 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
13 Sep |
Yesterday I was enthralled by the clouds of Small and Large Whites on my allotment, with groups of up to 12 all flying together like small
clouds. Inspired by these sightings I decided to visit some of my favourite butterfly sites to see what else was taking advantage of the autumn sunshine. At
Sutton's Farm near St Albans I saw 9 Small Whites, 7 Common Blues, 2 Brown Argus and singles of Small Heath, Small Copper
and Speckled Wood. Common Darter dragonflies were seen in their hundreds. At Nomansland Common near Sandridge I saw 34 Small Coppers, 5
Common Blues, 8 Meadow Browns, 3 Small Heath and 4 Small Whites. The most abundant insects were ground nesting bees, seen in their
thousands. They had taken over the Small Coppers favourite mating territory and the butterflies had wisely moved to other parts of the site. Numbers of Small
Coppers should continue to increase, why not join me for the Branch butterfly walk on Sunday 27th (details on home page, places limited, reservations
necessary). This afternoon I visited Hexton Chalk pit near Hexton where I added 2 Large White, 1 Small White, Comma, Silver Y,
Brimstone, 1 Small Heath and 2 Meadow Brown. Finally at Telegraph Hill near Lilley where I added 58 Small Whites, 5 Large
White, 3 Speckled Wood, 1 Peacock, 1 Comma, 1 Silver Y, 3 Meadow Brown. Good to see that there has been recent scrub
removal on some of the key butterfly areas of this site
Malcolm Hull |
13 Sep |
This afternoon - 3 Speckled Wood (2 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998). At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1
Painted Lady at 1410 hrs, 1 male Common Blue, 1 Small Copper & 8+ Small Heath. 1 female Small White at Park Farm,
Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
13 Sep |
Hounslow. Sunnier and warmer with a doubling in the number of butterflies recorded. About half a dozen of the extras, mostly Speckled Wood, are
attributable to a little extra walking but both that species and Common Blue were more conspicuous across the whole area : Small Heath: 5, Common
Blue: 11, Small Copper: 6, Speckled Wood: 12, Small White: 1, Red Admiral: 3, Meadow Brown: 2, Brown Argus: 2.
In these circumstances the low count for whites is noteworthy.I saw only a few I couldn't identify |
Peter Gore |
12 Sep |
1 Small White, 1 Speckled Wood & 1 Red Admiral at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
12 Sep |
Millhoppers Reserve - Yellow-tail larvae seen in top wood area on Hazel leaf
Chris Hilling |
12 Sep |
Hounslow. Very similar overall numbers yet again but continuing changes to species seen: Small Copper: 6, Speckled Wood: 2,
Small Heath: 2, Small White: 2, Large White: 1, Red Admiral: 2, Holly Blue: 1, Common Blue: 3, Comma: 2 |
Peter Gore |
12 Sep |
At Fishers field, Bushey 1 Peacock & 3 Small White in Bushey garden |
David Gower |
11 Sep |
A 45 minute quick visit to Ickenham Marsh yielded 1 female Brown Hairstreak on bramble on the pathway at the exit of the main field
(TQ091857). Also 3 Common Blues and 2 Small Coppers in the same sheltered area |
Nick Furtek |
11 Sep |
1 female Small White near Allotments at Vicarage Farm (TQ3097), 1 Speckled Wood & 2 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm,
Enfield (TQ3097). 1 Green-veined White near Water Grdn, Trent Park & 4 Small Copper at Trent Park. 1 Speckled Wood at Ferny Hill,
Enfield this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
11 Sep |
Hounslow. Less sun but more butterflies seen today: Small Copper: 3, Green-veined White: 4, Small White: 4, Speckled
Wood: 3, Meadow Brown: 3, Small Heath: 2, Common Blue: 2, Brown Argus: 3, Red Admiral: 2 |
Peter Gore |
11 Sep |
Several times this week a female Brimstone has flown into my garden in Royston and has immediately been harried by several Small
Whites and driven off. Also Hummingbird Hawk-moths (max 3 at a time) have been on my abelia most days this week having not seen one previously this
year |
Nick Kemp |
10 Sep |
Through binoculars I could see at least 2 Clouded Yellow flying over a field of Lucerne on the edge of Ware Park near the river and A10
flyover. Very little flying on an extremely long walk - only a few Red Admiral and whites |
Liz Goodyear |
10 Sep |
Church Hill, Therfield Heath. A single very tatty female Chalkhill Blue, 2 male Adonis Blue, 20 female Adonis Blue
including one relatively fresh aberrant, one Brown Argus, 5 Small Heath and several Large White and Small White
James Fowler |
10 Sep |
1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
10 Sep |
Hounslow. Mostly sunny, sightings including a fresh-looking Brown Argus and a male and female Small Copper clearly in mating preliminaries:
Small Heath: 5, Green-veined White: 2, Speckled Wood: 5, Large White: 1, Meadow Brown: 1, Brown Argus: 1, Small
Copper: 3, Small White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
9 Sep |
My first Clouded Yellow of the year at the old Rivers orchard site, Sawbridgeworth this morning TL475145, also around 8 Meadow Brown and
2 Brown Argus |
Laurence Drummond |
9 Sep |
2 Straw Underwing & 5 Square-spot Rustic in my flat at Southgate at 0045 hrs. 1 Speckled Wood & 2 Small
Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 female Large White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1 Green-veined White near 'Three-bridges'
Trent Park. 2 Small White at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
8 Sep |
4 Small Heath (3 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park), 1 Clouded Yellow flew past us whilst seated on
bench near corner of Rough Lot, Trent Park at 1335 hrs - my first of the year & 1 Large White here, 1 Comma edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park at
1416 hrs, 1 Small Copper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park nectaring on ragwort |
Robert Callf Bob Husband |
8 Sep |
Folly Lane, St Albans - warm and overcast for my 15 minute stroll around the Allotments at lunchtime. No doubt about the butterfly of the day -
72 Small Whites, 5 Large Whites. And that's it, not a single butterfly or moth of any other species to be seen. It's unusual to find one species
so dominant |
Malcolm Hull |
8 Sep |
1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 1 Small White - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
7 Sep |
9 Small Heath (8 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park), 1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield
(TQ3097). 1 Red Admiral flew W at Parkside Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1157 hrs. 1 Small White at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 2 Green-veined
White together near 'Three-bridges' at Trent Park. 1 Yellow Shell at ASDA Southgate. 1 Hummingbird Hawkmoth seen briefly at 'Old Golf
Course' Trent Park at 1324 hrs - shot past me quickly |
Robert Callf |
6 Sep |
This afternoon at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1 Painted Lady at 1232 hrs, 1 Speckled Wood, 5 Small Heath, 2+
Small White |
Robert Callf |
6 Sep |
Hounslow. Small White: 6, Small Copper: 3, Red Admiral: 1, Green-veined White: 2, Brown Argus: 1, Meadow
Brown: 2, Common Blue: 1 |
Peter Gore |
6 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
6 Sep |
2nd September 2:30 - 3:30 on our walk on an overcast Nomansland (South of Ferrers lane, western end) we saw
:- 8 Meadow Brown, 2 Small Heath, 1 Painted Lady, 3 Small White & 1 Silver Y Moth. In Heartwood wild flower meadow
between Round Wood and Hillend Farm fence we saw 1 very smart Painted Lady & 1 Common Blue
Pete & Angela Ewer |
5 Sep |
1 Small Copper at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1032 hrs, also here 6 Small Heath. 4 Small White at Park Farm,
Enfield (TQ2998), also here 1 Green-veined White near Duncan's Wd |
Robert Callf |
5 Sep |
Hounslow. Long periods without any sunshine limited sightings but when there was sun it still led to reasonable numbers and varied sightings:
Green-veined White: 1, Speckled Wood: 2, Small White: 8, Small Heath: 5, Meadow Brown: 1, Red Admiral: 1, Small
Copper: 2, Common Blue: 1 |
Peter Gore |
5 Sep |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
5 Sep |
Folly Lane Allotments, St Albans - Red Admiral feeding on rotting apples plus a second one sunbathing. At least 10 Small Whites
and 2 Large Whites feasting on the late flowering Inula, Verbena Bonariensis and Buddleia. Two Silver Y moths and an unexpected Setaceous
Hebrew Character
Malcolm Hull |
5 Sep |
Male Brimstone flew through Harpenden garden at noon |
Robin Pearson |
4 Sep |
This afternoon - 1 Green-veined White at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 Small Copper nectaring on ragwort at 'Old Golf Course'
Trent Park, 1 Red Admiral at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1348 hrs, 2 Speckled Wood (1 at Vicarage Farm near Williams Wd - TQ3097, 1 at
Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
3 Sep |
On 1st September, a Painted Lady at Norton Green Common
Sharon Chesterman |
3 Sep |
This afternoon - 1 Blood-vein, 1 Small Heath & 1 Small White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 female Small
White & 1 male Green-veined White near 'Three-bridges' at Trent Park. 1 Large White at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
2 Sep |
1 Red Admiral flew S at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) at 0915 hrs, also here 1 Small Heath. 1 Comma & 1 Small
Heath at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 1 Speckled Wood at St Andrew's Church, Enfield Town at 1523 hrs |
Robert Callf |
2 Sep |
1 Small White, 1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
2 Sep |
Made the most of a sunny morning to do a LEW around the fields north and NE of my Ware garden. Ashridge Common just south of Cold Christmas,
produced 6 Meadow Brown, 2 Brown Argus, 7 Small Heath and a single Red Admiral. Noticed that some Red Admirals recently have been
flying with a purpose, in a southerly direction (but not all). Returning via footpaths between Wareside and Ware following the Fanhams Tributaries, 4
Common Blue and in another 'clover' rich field in TL3814, I could see 3 Clouded Yellow through binoculars. This is a new location and it was
good to see they had survived the recent grim weather. Finally nearing home, I checked some elm and found my first 'new season' White-letter Hairstreak
egg on local elm (on a growth joint) |
Liz Goodyear |
1 Sep |
A Convolvulus Hawk Moth in my Puckeridge back garden as it fed on our Tobacco plants
Murray Orchard |
1 Sep |
Hounslow. A sunny start to the month with slightly under-recorded whites dominant: Small White: 5, Meadow Brown: 1, Speckled
Wood: 1, Red Admiral: 2, Large White: 1, Comma: 1, Holly Blue: 1, Small Heath: 2, Small Copper: 4 |
Peter Gore |
1 Sep |
1 Peacock basking on wall near Enfield Rd (TQ309968) at 1157 hrs, 1 Small White at Vicarage Farm (TQ3097), also here 1 female
Green-veined White, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Small Heath, 1 Silver Y nectaring at ragwort. 1 Speckled Wood along Leeging Beech
Gutter near Water Grdn, Trent Park, 1 Comma near Ride Wd, Trent Park at 1255 hrs, also here 1 Small White. 2 Small Heath together 'Old
Golf Course' Trent Park. 1 Speckled Wood & 1 Small White at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998). 1 Small White nectaring on buddleia at
Southgate Chase Allotments |
Robert Callf |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
31 Aug |
This afternoon: At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1 Speckled Wood, 4 Small Heath, female Green-veined White and 1
Small White. 1 male Common Blue at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield |
Robert Callf |
31 Aug |
1 Small White - by railway bridge, Woolgrove Road, Hitchin (TL19293046), 1 Large White - NE entrance, Bancroft Gardens, Hitchin
(TL18722974) |
David Inward |
30 Aug |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin (TL198302), 1 Large White - Meadowbank north, Hitchin (TL196300) |
David Inward |
30 Aug |
1 Speckled Wood & 5 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
29 Aug |
1 Blood-vein at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
28 Aug |
This afternoon - 2 Small Heath (1 at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097), 2 Speckled Wood at Park Farm,
Enfield (TQ2998) and 1 Meadow Brown at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
27 Aug |
Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 2 Speckled Wood together, 1 Small Heath and 2 Meadow Brown. 1 Green-veined White
near Water Grdn, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
26 Aug |
2 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) and 1 female Meadow Brown at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1508 hrs |
Robert Callf |
26 Aug |
Hounslow. Despite the lack of sun on the return stretch ten species recorded as follows: Small White: 4, Red Admiral: 2,
Green-veined White: 2, Meadow Brown: 7, Large White: 1, Comma: 1, Holly Blue: 1, Small Heath: 5, Common Blue:
1, Small Copper: 1 |
Peter Gore |
26 Aug |
2 Small White - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
26 Aug |
22nd July in Hatfield garden, a Hummingbird Hawkmoth on dark pink Valerian in the daytime.
11th August Hummingbird Hawkmoths (x 5 plus) on dark pink Valerian. It was about 9pm, very warm and there were a good number of them busy on the
plants. The Valerian is growing next to a buddleia that was in full flower, but there were none that I could see on that plant. 12th
August Jersey Tiger Moth came into the house in the evening
Jo Crouch |
25 Aug |
2 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf Bob Husband |
24 Aug |
2 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
24 Aug |
This afternoon - 6 Small White (1 at Enfield Rd, EN2 and 5 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097), 1 Speckled Wood & 4 Small
Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 Snout edge of Water Grdn, Trent Park. 1 Red Admiral at Ivy Rd Recreation Ground, N14 at 1624
hrs. 1 Speckled Wood at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) and 1 Comma along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three-bridges' at 1457 hrs |
Robert Callf |
24 Aug |
At least three Clouded Yellows together in private area of Panshanger Park |
Murray Brown |
24 Aug |
I saw two Clouded Yellows at Sutton's Farm in Cooper's Green this morning, plus six Common Blues, two Small Heath and a
few Small Whites and Meadow Browns |
David Booth |
23 Aug |
At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ2997) - 3 Small Heath & 2 Meadow Brown. 2 Straw Underwing & 2 Square-spot Rustic flew
into my Southgate flat after midnight |
Robert Callf |
22 Aug |
This afternoon at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 6 Small Heath & 1 Meadow Brown |
Robert Callf |
20 Aug |
Therfield Heath: Adonis Blue (100+ males), Chalkhill Blue (est. 250-350; mostly females), Common Blue (lots), Brown
Argus (10+), Painted Lady (2). Also seen: Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood, Small Heath
(lots), Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper (few left), Red Admiral and Holly Blue. Also 30-40 Silver Y moths and a single Shaded
Broad-Bar. Adonis Blues are now thriving, both on Church Hill (where, with Chalkhill Blue numbers falling now, they are becoming the dominant species) and
on the eastern side of the Heath, where they can be found between Lankester Hill and the golf practice driving range. I only found a single male in the
central section between the Sporting Club and Church Hill, suggesting that two separate introductions have been made, at the east and west ends of the heath.
The Church Hill colony has, however, rapidly spread north and south from the hill itself, to cover an area of about one square kilometre. It is exactly a year
since the first male Adonis Blue was spotted on Church Hill: like it or not, the unlicensed introduction of this species has been very successful!
Hexton Chalk Pit: Chalkhill Blue (19: 4 males and 15 females - one pair mating). Also seen: various whites, Small Heath, Meadow Brown,
Comma, Red Admiral, Common Blue. Also seen across the road (TL106298) were two Clouded Yellow butterflies. No second-generation
Dingy Skipper or Adonis Blue butterflies were seen.
Martin Johnson |
20 Aug |
This afternoon - 1 Small Heath and 2 Meadow Brown at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
20 Aug |
Hounslow. Small White: 5, Holly Blue: 2, Meadow Brown: 15, Green-veined White: 1, Gatekleeper: 2,
Comma: 2, Small Heath: 6, Small Copper: 2, Common Blue: 1 |
Peter Gore |
19 Aug |
1 Jersey Tiger at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this evening, also here 1 female Meadow Brown |
Robert Callf |
18 Aug |
1 female Gatekeeper at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 2 Small Heath and 1 Meadow Brown. 2 Holly Blue
and 1 Red Admiral near Water Grdn, Trent Park. 1 Small White and 3 Silver Y at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
18 Aug |
I took advantage of an interlude in rain this morning (previous daily walks had been aborted) to visit the Easneye Wood 2km TL3812, walking via
Waterplace Farm (TL3814). First butterfly of note was a Small Heath, on a scrappy area not far from my Ware home. Walking down towards the river Ash,
a fresh Painted Lady was observed on buddleia in the farmyard. This sighting was very close to one on the 10th July! Nothing was noted in Easneye Woods
but walking away from the wood on BP18, a Small Copper. Walking along BP17 in the Wareside direction, there is another 'clover' crop. I could not see
any Clouded Yellow amongst the whites but there was another Painted Lady as well as a Small Tortoiseshell nectaring. Finally, walking back
towards the river and past the 'clover' field found last week, a Clouded Yellow was still present and a Painted Lady. Saw 3 Painted Lady in one
walk, doubling my sightings for the year! |
Liz Goodyear |
17 Aug |
2 Jersey Tiger (1 at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield at TQ3098, 1 nectaring on buddleia edge of Water Grdn, Trent Park), 2 Meadow Brown
(1 at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097), 1 female Gatekeeper at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 2 Green-veined White
nectaring on buddleia edge of Water Grdn, Trent Park this afternoon. 2 Willow Beauty at ASDA Southgate |
Robert Callf |
17 Aug |
A Painted Lady seen in Bushey garden late afternoon |
David Gower |
17 Aug |
2+ Clouded Yellows in private area of Panshanger Park |
Murray Brown |
16 Aug |
1 Straw Underwing identified in my Southgate flat this evening - flew in a couple of nights ago |
Robert Callf |
16 Aug |
Out walking I crossed 'The Moors' near How Wood (a land-filled gravel extraction area north of the M25 and south-east of the 'Abby Flyer' rail
line). I saw a dozen or so Small Heaths, the first I've spotted of the 2nd brood. That prompted me to come back via Bricket Wood Common, where they
have rarely been recorded on the transect. I saw several, including one on Transect Section 3
Chris Newman |
16 Aug |
Willow Beauty has been stationary on our Hertford house wall
Julie Ponder |
15 Aug |
St Albans - Surprised to find a Silver Y moth at rest inside my house this morning. Not a bad spot to choose to shelter from the torrential
Malcolm Hull |
14 Aug |
Little Wymondley. This little beauty flew into my kitchen - a Jersey Tiger. Never seen one before
Pat Rumpus |
14 Aug |
St Albans Shed - The number of hibernating butterflies in my shed is now 19 - 14 Small Tortoiseshells and 5 Peacocks. Numbers
have jumped by a third this week - not surprising as I have noticed that very hot periods are closely associated with an increase in hibernators at this time
of year |
Malcolm Hull |
14 Aug |
After bothering to count a flock of 22 Blue Tit near Water Garden found a Hummingbird Hawkmoth nectaring at a buddleia edge of Water
Garden, Trent Park (TQ 292 975) at 1643 - 1645 hrs. 1 Shaded Broad-bar at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
13 Aug |
1 Jersey Tiger at Park Farm, Enfield this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
13 Aug |
Visited what I hoped would be a suitable field near Cold Christmas in TL3816 in the hope of finding a Clouded Yellow. The field despite having
'clover' lacked nectar but 1 Clouded Yellow was seen, also a fresh Small Copper before it clouded over again and tried to rain |
Liz Goodyear |
12 Aug |
Sixty years ago, if you left the windows open with the house lights on you soon had a room-full of moths. Nowadays it's an event if any moths
fly into the house. Tonight we had the lights on in our Harpenden living room, with the patio doors open. It had been the hottest day of the year (33.1C) and
there had been a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Only one moth flew in - unbelievably, it was a Convolvulus Hawk-moth! |
Alan Jackson |
12 Aug |
1 Red Admiral near Obelisk, Trent Park at 1839 hrs. 1 Green-veined White nectaring on buddleia at Water Grdn, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
12 Aug |
St Albans - Peacock on my buddleia this afternoon before the storms came. Not seen any of these in flight for a whole week. Red
Admirals, Large Whites, Holly Blues, Small Whites and Gypsy Moths and a single Gatekeeper also active in my garden.
Female Gypsy moth apparently egg laying on my neighbours house!
Malcolm Hull |
12 Aug |
1 Small White, 1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
12 Aug |
Firsts for me, seen this week in Pottersheath, Welwyn: 7 August - Box-Tree moth resting on house
wall, lots of box bushes in the garden so not surprised it is here. 10 August - Jersey Tiger found floating in the
pond, another very attractive moth.
Caroline Phillips |
12 Aug |
Adonis Blue at Therfield Heath
Adrian Sergeant |
11 Aug |
At least three active Clouded Yellow on a 'clover' field alongside Holly Cross Road in Ware. It is a very large hillside field so
probably far more than those I saw |
Liz Goodyear |
11 Aug |
This afternoon - 1 Large White near Merryhill's Brook at Trent Park, 1 Speckled Wood at Shaws Wd, Trent Park, 3+ Green-veined
White at Water Garden, Trent Park including one nectaring on buddleia, 2 Small Heath (1 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998, 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield
- TQ3097), 1 Holly Blue at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998) and 1 Jersey Tiger here also |
Robert Callf |
11 Aug |
2 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
11 Aug |
Hounslow. Speckled Wood: 4, Meadow Brown: 24, Gatekeeper: 8, Large White: 3, Painted Lady: 1, Holly
Blue: 2, Small Copper: 4, Small White: 2, Small Heath: 7, Common Blue: 3, Comma: 1, Green-veined White: 1,
Purple Hairstreak: 1 and three Jersey Tigers |
Peter Gore |
10 Aug |
This afternoon - 4 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (3 at TQ3097 and 1 at TQ2997), 1 Red Admiral nectaring on buddleia at Water Grdn,
Trent Park at 1548 hrs, 1 Peacock at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park at 1604 hrs, 1 Large White at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998) and 2 Small
White mating at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 female Painted Lady egg-laying on thistles along 'Gallop' at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) at
1723 hrs. 2 Jersey Tiger (1 at Park Farm, 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097) and several sightings of male Gypsy Moth in flight in the area |
Robert Callf |
10 Aug |
28 July Hexton Chalk Pit. I've never seen so many Chalkhill Blues, even on the good sites on the
Polden Hills in Somerset. The ground was just covered with them. Mostly males, only about 4 females. 29 July Great Ashby
Country Park. A very good wild-flower meadow. Marbled White (1), Brimstone (2), Red Admiral (1), Painted Lady (1), Common
Blue (5), Ringlet (4). Good numbers of Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper. White-letter Hairstreak (1) on 2
August. 30 July Norton Green Common. Silver-washed Fritillary (2)- in poor condition. Peacock
(1). All on buddleia near start of wood. A quick visit. 30 July Church Hill, Therfield Heath. Many Chalkhill Blues,
Marbled White (2). Unsuccessful search for Adonis Blue. 1 August Hillbrow. Brown Argus (8), Common Blue
(5). Unsuccessful search for Small Blue |
Ian Hillier Daniel Hillier Mark Hillier |
9 Aug |
St Albans - finally managed a photo of our new and most common local day flying species - the Gypsy Moth, this one male perched on
raspberry. Two Red Admirals on my buddleia this evening, the first time this year I've had more than one
Malcolm Hull |
9 Aug |
Moth sightings from our Hertford garden: 1 x Box Moth and 1 x Jersey Tiger |
Julie Ponder |
9 Aug |
I returned to TL3812 early before it got too hot to try and find a Common Blue, the only 2km where I haven't found one in my lockdown recording
project. Bird's Foot Trefoil is hard to find and Black Medick even harder in this predominantly private/arable farmland tetrad. Having failed I walked down
toward the River Ash and Watersplace Farm (between Ware & Wareside) and saw a 'clover/flower rich' bit of headland. Almost immediately I saw 2 Common
Blue!!! Looking at it, I felt this could support a Clouded Yellow and it didn't take long to see one through binoculars! My 28th butterfly species
in the 9 x 2km squares I have been walking this spring and summer. Walking back through Easneye Woods there was a tired Silver-washed Fritillary. Still
struggling to record Painted Lady with only 2 in the 9 squares so far and not in my home square either!
Liz Goodyear |
9 Aug |
A Jersey Tiger turned up on my Stevenage garden moth trap last night. Of the 61 moths I recorded 15 were Straw Underwings
Peter Clarke |
9 Aug |
Hounslow. Hot and sunny again: Small White: 4, Meadow Brown: 29, Gatekeeper: 12, Speckled Wood: 4, Brimstone:
1, Holly Blue: 1, Brown Argus: 1, Small Copper: 6, Common Blue: 2, Small Heath: 3, Large White: 1 and two Jersey
Tigers |
Peter Gore |
9 Aug |
9 Large White, Walsworth Common (walkaround)(TL1930). 1 Large White, railway adjacent to Walsworth Common (TL192304) |
David Inward |
8 Aug |
2 male Common Blue chasing at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
8 Aug |
Aldbury Nowers starting in lowest enclosure. 2 Small White, 8 Small Heath, 20 Gatekeeper, 2 Silver-washed Fritillary,
1 Large Skipper, 4 Green-veined White, 8 Brimstone, 62 Meadow Brown, 8 Common Blue, 3 Brown Argus, 1 Essex
Skipper, 2 Chalkhill Blue, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Comma, 1 Holly Blue & 1 Small Copper. Moths were 1 x 6-spot
Burnet, 2 Common Carpet, 1 Yellow Shell, 1 Straw Dot. Onto next enclosure seeing 5 Gatekeeper, 3 Small Heath, 4
Brimstone, 15 Meadow Brown, 1 Green-veined White. At Duchie's Piece recorded 15 Meadow Brown, 4 Brimstone, 1 Small
White, 9 Gatekeeper, 2 Comma, 1 Large White, 1 Large Skipper, 4 Brown Argus, 1 Speckled Wood and 2 Common
Carpet moths. Finally at the top enclosure 37 Chalkhill Blue, 3 Small Heath, 20 Gatekeeper, 39 Meadow Brown, 1 Holly
Blue, 3 Green-veined White, 1 Large White, 1 Silver-washed Fritillary, 18 Brimstone, 3 Small White, 19 Common
Blue, 25 Brown Argus, 1 Comma, 2 Red Admiral, 1 Large Skipper. Moths 3 Treble-bar & 1 Mint moth. Margaram
proving very popular here |
David Gower |
8 Aug |
1 Large White, 1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
8 Aug |
I visited the Redbourn area looking at potential Small Blue sites. At Hogg End Lane, where one was reported last month, the fields had been
recently harvested and there were few butterflies apart from the omnipresent Small Whites to be seen. Gypsy moth, a species I recorded only for
the first time this year were particularly numerous. At the M1/Hogg End Lane bridge I added Gatekeeper and Large White. No sign of chalky soil,
kidney vetch or Small Blue at either location. At Watery Lane, both chalk and vetch were plentiful. This is a "binoculars only" site, but quite overcast
and I added just Common Blue and 6-spot Burnet to the days' species list. At Redding Lane, there was no vetch, but I added Essex
Skipper, Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Silver Y moth. Finally I visited Redbourn Lane where the sun came out and the full list was
Small White (12), Speckled Wood (1) Gatekeeper (2), Large White (2), Brown Argus (5), Small Blue (8), Essex
Skipper (2), Red Admiral (1) and 6-Spot Burnet (2). I have found Small Blues here before, but never more than three and I don't recall a
second brood. Finally back in the garden I saw a Comma, Hummingbird Hawkmoth and Holly Blues flying endlessly up and over the Ivy
hedge. All Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells have disappeared and the current total of hibernators in my shed is Peacock 4, Small Tortoiseshell
10 |
Malcolm Hull |
7 Aug |
2 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
7 Aug |
On 30th July I spent from 9am until 12.45pm at Stafford Open Space / Ickenham Meadows with blue skies, 25C,
and a gentle breeze and saw the following : Brown Hairstreak - 9 sightings, including individuals in flight mainly, around ash and oak, 2 good perched
views in trees and a probable female nectaring on thistles. Plus at least 5 Purple Hairstreak, 2 Small Copper, 6 Common Blue, 2 Brown
Argus, 2 Holly Blue, numerous Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, and unidentified Whites, 1 Brimstone and several Vapourer
Moths. With many thanks to Liz Goodyear and Andrew Middleton, who were kind enough to let me join their walk, and without whose expert advice I would have
seen far fewer Brown Hairstreaks - if any ! |
Peter Waldron |
6 Aug |
2 Green-veined White (1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at Water Grdn, Trent Park), 1 female Common Blue at 'Old Golf Course' Trent
Park at 1433 hrs, 1 Small White edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 1 Small Heath at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998), 3 Jersey Tiger (1 edge
of Moat Wd, Trent Park near Ferny Hill, 2 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998), 1 Shaded Broad-bar at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Holly Blue
at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998). 1 Comma near Allotments at Vicarage Farm 1655 hrs |
Robert Callf |
6 Aug |
I've had a strange collection of sightings in my Muswell Hill Garden. The more unusual was a Silver-washed Fritillary - only once before
have I seen them here - it glided in, landed on the shed roof and took off again before I could get a shot. I also had a few Common Blues visit my
meadow patch and the female took an interest in the Greater Birds Foot Trefoil, much to my delight. Earlier while it was overcast a Painted Lady
traversed the garden with its' distinctive flight. I also saw plenty of Gatekeepers which are having a good year I reckon. Also a Holly Blue and
several Small Whites
Dee Cullen |
5 Aug |
1 Holly Blue at Salmons Brook/Enfield Rd, EN2 at 1824 hrs |
Robert Callf |
5 Aug |
I ventured to Church Hill, Therfield Heath this afternoon between 12.06 and 1.30 pm in continuous sun and 24-27 C, but with high winds which
seemed to drive most butterfly species apart from Chalkhilll Blues, under cover, except in more sheltered areas. The following recorded : 5 Brimstone,
3+ Small White, 30+ wind-driven white sp., at least 10 Brown Argus, 6+ Common Blue males, 80+ Chalkhill Blue, 5 Adonis
Blue males, 15+ Gatekeeper, 12+ Meadow Brown - no Skippers, Small Heath, or Marbled Whites |
Peter Waldron |
5 Aug |
Ruislip Gardens: 1 m Brown Hairstreak, 4 Gatekeeper, 1 Comma, 1 Meadow Brown, 5 Common Blue (3m, 2f), 4
Speckled Wood and 1 Red Admiral |
Shailesh Patel |
5 Aug |
Hounslow. Cloudy but sightings of most species declining now in any event: Meadow Brown: 35, Speckled Wood: 6, Gatekeeper:
25, Green-veined White: 8, Red Admiral: 1, Holly Blue: 2, Large White: 1, Small Copper: 3, Small Heath: 5 |
Peter Gore |
5 Aug |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
4 Aug |
2 Jersey Tiger at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1 Purple Hairstreak near Williams Wd, Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1
Small Tortoiseshell at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1346 hrs. 1 Speckled Wood and 1 Shaded Broad-bar at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield
(TQ2998) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
4 Aug |
2 Small White, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
3 Aug |
I went on a drive at lunch around Graveley, than through Chesfield to Great Ashby hoping to find nesting House Martins. No joy. Ended up
walking a section of the footpath 'back lane' & came across some Purple Hairstreaks - at least 3 (TL25122791). A nice area/walk. I shall return!
Tom Speller |
3 Aug |
2 Gatekeeper - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
3 Aug |
Therfield Heath (Church Hill): Adonis Blue (2 males - 2nd generation). Also, Chalkhill Blue (200+), Common Blue (20+),
Brown Argus (10+), Dark Green Fritillary (1). Also seen: Small Tortoiseshell, Meadow Brown (lots still), Gatekeeper (lots),
Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Brimstone and Essex Skipper. No Small Heath (surprisingly) or Marbled White
butterflies were seen
Martin Johnson |
3 Aug |
2 Red Admiral at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (1 at TQ3097 and 1 at TQ2997), 1 Small Tortoiseshell nectaring on thistles at Park Farm,
Enfield (TQ2998) at 1240 hrs, 1 Comma edge of Moat Wd near Obelisk, Trent Park at 1300 hrs, 1 Purple Hairstreak settled near lower lake, Trent
Park, 1 Holly Blue edge of Water Garden, Trent Park and 1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 male Gypsy Moth at ASDA
Southgate and 1 Jersey Tiger at Dalrymple Close, N14. 2 Green-veined White on buddleia at Water Garden, Trent Park this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
2 Aug |
On our late afternoon walk in Heartwood, 1 Clouded Yellow along perimeter path of wild flower meadow between Round Wood and Hill End Farm
boundary fence
Peter Ewer |
2 Aug |
My wife and I went to Broxbourne woods this morning sunny/cloudy, warm, light winds. First time we have seen a Silver-washed Fritillary
valezina at this site which was a lovely surprise. Also saw Purple Hairstreaks, Brown Argus, Common Blue, Small Copper,
worn Silver-washed Fritillaries, Gatekeepers and Buff tip caterpillars |
Kevin Standbridge |
2 Aug |
1 Jersey Tiger at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 1 male Common Blue. 1 Purple Hairstreak at Park Farm, Enfield
(TQ2998). 1 Shaded Broad-bar and 1 Green-veined White at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998). 1 Least Carpet at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14
this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
2 Aug |
1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 1 Large White, 1 Small White, 1 Gatekeeper, 1 Red
Admiral, 1 Speckled Wood (probably same one as yesterday but on the Common side of the railway fence) - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (walkaround)
(TL1930) |
David Inward |
2 Aug |
At Merryhill fields, Bushey this afternoon. Records are 3 Common Blue, 19 Meadow Brown, 33 Gatekeeper, 3 Large White,
4 Speckled Wood, 2 Small Copper, 1 Green-veined White. Moths were 4 Yellow Shell, 1 Straw Dot, 1 Shaded Broad-bar |
David Gower |
1 Aug |
Hoo Bit (TL 11646 29015). Brown Argus 2+, Common Blues 2+, Chalkhill Blue 3+, Gatekeeper 10+, Meadow Brown 5+,
Brimstone male 1, Small White 2+ Telegraph Hill (TL 11738 28928) 20+ Chalkhill Blues |
Graham Bellamy |
1 Aug |
This afternoon - 1 Purple Hairstreak at Hadley Rd/Park Farm, Enfield, 1 Holly Blue at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Jersey
Tiger at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) and 1 male Brown Argus at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1625 hrs - my first of the year, having seen
none during the spring. 1 Comma edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park and 1 male Oak Eggar in flight along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm,
Enfield (TQ3097) at 1711 hrs |
Robert Callf |
1 Aug |
31 July was exceptionally hot, and walking on Bricket Wood Common and surrounding areas, I saw lots of Purple
Hairstreaks at low level. I've never
noticed that before. Most seemed to be roosting in the shade, with some fluttering between perches. I took many photos of them (unfortunately all were perched
with wings folded); they seemed rather torpid, much less sensitive to disturbance by shadows, a lens pushing towards them, or the foliage being disturbed,
than is usual for butterflies in warm weather. Today the temperature was down closer to normal. I went back with a tripod, hoping I could get some even better
shots; I was disappointed, but not surprised, that I didn't see any hairstreaks. I assume their descent was a response to the heatwave, and they've returned
to the treetops!
Chris Newman |
1 Aug |
Hounslow. Temperatures back down in the 20s and cloudier: Gatekeeper: 85, Small White: 4, Speckled Wood: 5, Purple
Hairstreak: 1, Meadow Brown: 35, Green-veined White: 3, Small Heath: 2, Small Copper: 2, Small Skipper: 1, Common
Blue: 3, Holly Blue: 1 and four Jersey Tigers |
Peter Gore |
1 Aug |
Spent a couple of hours at Stanmore Country Park this afternoon seeing 65 Gatekeeper, 25 Meadow Brown, 5 Common Blue, 1
Marbled White, 5 Purple Hairstreak, 3 Large White, 5 Brown Argus, 3 Small Copper, 1 Green-veined White |
David Gower |
1 Aug |
2 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 1 Large White, 1 Small White, 1 Comma, 2 Gatekeeper
- (Big Butterfly Count conditions) by pond on Walworth Common, Hitchin (TL19713004). 3 Large White, 1 Peacock - Walsworth Common (walkaround)
(TL1930). 1 Large White, 1 Speckled Wood - railway adjacent to Walsworth Common (TL192304)
David Inward |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
31 Jul |
Had more visits from Purple Hairstreak in my Great Ashby, Stevenage garden, this time 3. Also Brimstone, Red Admiral,
Peacock, Comma, Speckled Wood, Large White, Small White, Green-veined White and Small Skipper |
Steve Lane |
31 Jul |
I saw this Toadflax Brocade in my garden - in fact it was crawling up my leg first - as I was watering this evening in my garden in
Muswell Hill. Not a moth I've spotted before
Dee Cullen |
31 Jul |
This evening: 2 Meadow Brown mating at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1755 hrs, 2 male Oak Eggar (1 at Vicarage Farm,
Enfield near Hadley Rd at 1838 hrs - TQ2997, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield at 1840 hrs - TQ2998). 1 Scalloped Oak at ASDA Southgate |
Robert Callf |
31 Jul |
I visited Hemel Hempstead and the temperature soared to 36 degrees. Butterfly numbers fell as temperatures increased and by mid afternoon those
still flying were mostly in the shade. First stop Roughdown Common with David Kirk and Brendan Sheridan where we saw Small Tortoiseshell, Red
Admiral, Gatekeeper, Small Copper, Common Blue, 6-spot Burnet, Small White, Meadow Brown, Brimstone and
Brown Argus. The site was full of flowers and butterflies were numerous. Later visited Sheethanger Common with Brendan Sheridan, an old golf course
reverting to nature, more wooded with less flowers and butterflies, species include Holly Blue, Comma, Green-veined White, Essex
Skipper, Large White, Peacock, Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper. At lunchtime I popped across to Bourne End junction. Very few
butterflies here, good amounts of flowering Kidney Vetch, but no sign of Small Blue. Highlight here were 12 Six-spot Burnet. After lunch I visited
Paradise Fields with Lindsay McRae. These are chalk meadows recently acquired by Dacorum Council. Species included Common Blue (6), Holly Blue
(3), Brown Argus (2), Gatekeeper (10), Peacock (2), Green-veined White (1), Large White (1), Meadow Brown (6),
Comma (1), Red Admiral (1). I'm now recovering in the coolest part of my house! |
Malcolm Hull |
31 Jul |
While out looking for butterflies on Alexandra Palace this morning I got a message from Markus Percic that he had just seen a Clouded Yellow.
Having joined him and after a painfully long period searching the vicinity, the Clouded Yellow returned to patrol faithfully up and down the slopes
bordering the cricket pitch. (TQ300899). This is the first record for a couple of years and the 27th species of the year for this suburban park. Also present,
an increased number of Common Blues and a couple of Brown Argus, but records of Small Heath are limited to just three sightings all year.
I wonder if others have noted a poor year for this species?
Gerry Rawcliffe |
31 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
31 Jul |
Hounslow. The same walk as yesterday but later and in temperatures in the thirties: Small White: 1 Holly Blue: 8, Meadow
Brown: 3, Gatekeeper: 36, Purple Hairstreak: 3, Speckled Wood: 5, Large White: 1, Red Admiral: 2, Green-veined
White: 2, Common Blue: 2, Brimstone: 1, Small Copper: 1 |
Peter Gore |
31 Jul |
Just had a Jersey Tiger in my garden in South Harrow. It's the first time that I have seen one here |
Michael Robinson |
30 Jul |
I had a trip out to Therfield Heath, Royston. Walked the bank just behind the rugby pitch and must have seen 250-300 Chalkhill Blues,
90-100 Gatekeepers, 10 Brown Argus, 10 Meadow Brown, several Whites and 1 Common Blue. I was there for around 1 hour
Steve Lane |
30 Jul |
Hummingbird Hawk-moth in Gaddessden Row (TL049130) |
A M Edwards |
30 Jul |
This afternoon - 5 Holly Blue (3 at Trent Park including one nectaring on Bramble blossom edge of Church Wd at 1404 hrs, 1 at
Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 and 1 at Parkside Hse, Enfield), 2 Purple Hairstreak at Trent Park, 1 Small Heath at Sect 5 'New Fields' Trent Park -
my first of the second-brood, 1 Red Admiral nectaring on buddleia at Water Grdn, Trent Park at 1442 hrs, 1 Peacock at Parkside Farm/Res,
Enfield (TQ2998). 1 Ruby Tiger in flight & settled at 'New Fields' Trent Park this afternoon at 1344 hrs - several of my books state that it is mainly
the first-brood that is seen during the day and not the second-brood, so an interesting observation? 10+ Six-spot Burnet at Trent Park 'New Fields, 4
Jersey Tiger (1 at Trent Park near Park's Office, 2 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998 and 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
30 Jul |
In Bushey garden late afternoon were 2 Gatekeeper, 1 Large White, 1 Small White, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Holly Blue
& 1 Comma |
David Gower |
30 Jul |
Aldbury Nowers - Visited the northern section this afternoon and delighted to see the whole hillside alive with butterflies. There was so much
activity that an accurate count was impossible and the following is just confirmed sightings and underestimates the total number of individuals. 5 second
generation Small Blues were the highlight including a female searching for egg laying sites on the Kidney Vetch, probing the flower heads with her
abdomen. Chalkhill Blues were doing well with 23 recorded. Peacocks (35) were feasting on Marjoram getting ready for hibernation. Brown
Argus (20), Brimstone (26), Gatekeeper (30), Meadow Brown (12), Small Tortoiseshell (2), Small Copper (2), Common
Blue (19), Ringlet (1), Small/Essex Skipper (5), Silver-washed Fritillary (1), Green-veined White (3), Dark Green
Fritillary (2), Red Admiral (3), Speckled Wood (2), Large White (1), Small White (5), Large Skipper (2), Marbled
White (1). So at least 21 butterfly species, not including Small Heath as it was just over the border in Bucks. Also we saw 6-spot Burnet,
Yellow Shell, Mint moth and a Cinnabar caterpillar. Whilst there we noticed that the adjoining Blue Lagoon site is now closed to public
Malcolm Hull Chris Hilling |
30 Jul |
2 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 7 Gatekeeper, 2 Common Blue, 2 Large White (Big
Butterfly Count conditions) - meadow at Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Letchworth (TL2030). 2 Large White, 2 Gatekeeper (Big Butterfly
Count conditions) - L-shaped field west of Highfield School sports field (TL2031) |
David Inward |
30 Jul |
Hounslow. An earlier walk, much sunnier and warmer. Slightly disappointed in these conditions not to have more sightings of Purple Hairstreak:
Gatekeeper: 78, Green-veined White: 8, Meadow Brown: 24, Holly Blue: 2, Purple Hairstreak: 1, Red Admiral: 2,
Small Copper: 2, Brown Argus: 2, Peacock: 2, Small Skipper: 2, Speckled Wood: 8, Large White: 1, Common Blue:
2, Small Heath: 1, Comma: 1, and three Jersey Tigers |
Peter Gore |
29 Jul |
Raspberry Clearwing found in Stevenage allotment (TL264230)
Penny Fanthorpe |
29 Jul |
1 Willow Beauty at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 this afternoon. 1 female Large White and 2 Speckled Wood
at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
29 Jul |
We photographed a Rosy-striped Knot-horn (Oncocera semirubella) on Rammey Marsh, Enfield
Neville Smith Phil Rhodes |
29 Jul |
Hounslow. Even more dominated by Gatekeepers, possibly because they don't seem too fussy about an absence of sun, especially when there's
plenty of Ragwort flowers: Gatekeeper: 89, Holly Blue: 3, Large White: 1, Red Admiral: 3, Speckled Wood: 3, Meadow
Brown: 14, Small Skipper: 1, Small Heath: 2, Comma: 2, Brown Argus: 1, Common Blue: 1, Small Copper: 2, Small
White: 1 and one Jersey Tiger |
Peter Gore |
29 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Gatekeeper - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303)
David Inward |
29 Jul |
I was walking in the final section of my Stevenage transect in the southern section of Whomerley Wood when I disturbed a dark fritillary. It
flew over to my left on the sunny side of the path to have a feed on bramble blossom. I was about to take a photo when the butterfly flew further away and I
lost sight of it. I waited a few minutes when it returned to the other (shady) side perhaps to where it was before to have another feed and this time I was
lucky. A Silver-washed Fritillary valezina no less - my first for this transect and perhaps surprising because I had never seen more than two of
this species (3 overall today) on any visit here. For the record, 116 butterflies counted with exactly half (58) consisting of Gatekeepers
Peter Clarke |
29 Jul |
At Oakwood Park - 3 Holly Blue together on Bramble including male & female, also here 1 male Brimstone. 2 Small White
at Lonsdale Drive, EN2. 8 Gatekeeper together nectaring on michaelmas daisies at Boxer's Lake, Enfield. 1 female Large White and 1 Holly
Blue at Dalrymple Close, N14 |
Robert Callf |
29 Jul |
Another Clouded Yellow at Panshanger Park this morning (TL286130) |
Murray Brown |
28 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 Peacock near Shaws Cottages, Trent Park, 3 Jersey Tiger (1 nectaring on ragwort at Ferny Hill, EN4, 2 at Park
Farm, Enfield - TQ2998), 2 Red Admiral (1 at Park Farm, Enfield and 1 edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park), 1 Purple Hairstreak at Duncan's Wd,
Enfield Chase, 1 Holly Blue disturbed from damp ground at Park Farm, Enfield, 1 male Oak Eggar at Parkside Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Small
Tortoiseshell at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 female Large White along Leeging Beech Gutter N of Williams Wd, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
28 Jul |
I took a walk through Tunnel Gardens at lunch time, 1 male Common Blue, 5 Gatekeepers, 2 Large White, 2 Holly Blue
and 2 Speckled Woods. I went back in the evening to photograph the lonely male Common Blue. A strong breeze made that tricky
Miles Attenborough |
28 Jul |
I had a brief visit in my Great Ashby garden from a White-Letter Hairstreak on Wednesday 22nd July,
I only managed a couple of photos, also had visits from Purple Hairstreak on Sunday 12th July
Steve Lane |
28 Jul |
Late this afternoon, 1 Purple Emperor (fem) at Heartwood in oak by dog pond. Watched from 4:00pm to 4:30pm |
Peter Ewer |
27 Jul |
1 Least Carpet at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 this morning and 1 Jersey Tiger at Oakwood Station |
Robert Callf |
27 Jul |
St Albans - Hummingbird Hawk-moth hovering outside my home office window in between showers this afternoon. Not often I can photograph
Leps while still sitting at my desk!
Malcolm Hull |
26 Jul |
This afternoon. 2 Large White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 Small Dusty Wave at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way,
N14. 1 male Common Blue at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1 Jersey Tiger at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1633 hrs |
Robert Callf |
26 Jul |
Hillbrow meadow. Letchworth Garden City this morning. Meadow Brown=25+, Gatekeeper=50+, Marbled White=2, Small Blue=4,
Peacock=1, Essex Skipper=2, Brown Argus=2, Brimstone=3 (2 male, 1 female), Silver Y moth=1, Yellow Shell=1.
Church Hill, Therfield Heath, Royston. this afternoon. Chalkhill Blue=100+, Brimstone=2, Peacock=1, Dark Green Fritillary=2
Chris Benton |
26 Jul |
A few records from Bushey garden. 5 Small White, 3 Gatekeeper, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Comma, 1 Large White, 1
Peacock |
David Gower |
25 Jul |
Counted at least 80 Jersey Tigers this morning in my Ware garden that came to light! On the 21st July 2020, I left a Sallow
Clearwing lure out in my garden. Fully aware that this Clearwing hadn't been recorded in the east of England (though I wasn't aware when I bought the
lure!), I thought I would try anyway. It only flies in even years so didn't want to wait until 2022 before using it! I was stunned to come home and find a
Clearwing in the lure trap and after confirmation from Colin Plant it has been confirmed as definitely Sallow Clearwing, the first confirmed/known record for
Hertfordshire or Middlesex. However, in the last few weeks there has been many reports from new locations in other counties, so in the last two years since it
last flew, there has been a rapid expansion
Liz Goodyear |
24 Jul |
This afternoon/evening - 1 male Holly Blue nectaring on Bramble blossom at South Lodge Farm, Enfield at 1712 hrs, 1 Comma edge
of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 1 Red Admiral near Obelisk at Trent Park at 1808 hrs, 1 Marbled White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1932 hrs
- getting quite late given the early emergence this year? |
Robert Callf |
24 Jul |
An evening walk at Merryhill fields. Recorded 2 Speckled Wood, 8 Meadow Brown, 2 Small Skipper, 1 Comma, 29
Gatekeeper, 2 Ringlet, 2 Marbled White, 5 Purple Hairstreak in the canopies. Moths were 9 Shaded Broad=bar, 1
Magpie, 2 Yellow Shell & 2 Endotricha flammealis |
David Gower |
24 Jul |
Hounslow. Another sighting of Small Heath seems likely to be a new brood under way. Three Essex Skippers looked remarkably fresh too but
perhaps that's just chance as it seems a little late for them to emerge, especially this year: Gatekeeper: 118, Speckled Wood: 9, Meadow
Brown: 30, Comma: 1, Brown Argus: 1, Small Copper: 4, Red Admiral: 4, Green-veined White: 3, Purple Hairstreak:
2, Small White: 1, Small Skipper: 1, Common Blue: 3, Essex Skipper: 3, Small Heath: 1 |
Peter Gore |
24 Jul |
Andrew Middleton kindly allowed me to join him at Ickenham Meadows this morning to find out how the Brown Hairstreak season is progressing
there. The weather looked a bit iffy at first but the morning ended up warm with plenty of sunny intervals and 11 Brown Hairstreaks were seen (all
male). 8 in the ash trees and, from around midday, 3 nectaring low on thistles. Also seen were numerous Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns, Large
Whites, Small Whites, Small Skippers, Common Blues, Purple Hairstreaks; a couple of Peacock, Brown Argus and
Small Copper plus singles of Comma and Red Admiral
Ian Watts |
24 Jul |
Sudbury: 2 Comma, 1 Small Copper, Large Skipper and 1 Ringlet |
Shailesh Patel |
24 Jul |
I made a trip to Church Hill, Therfield Heath in conditions which were overcast and breezy with occasional sunny spells. Chalkhill Blues
are having a good year with 520 in total. Common Blues are not yet in good numbers with just 13 and Brown Argus 9. Searches the Kidney Vetch
areas, but Small Blue has yet to reach this site. Other highlights include Dark Green Fritillary (11), Red Admiral (4), Essex Skipper
(2), Small Heath (3), 6-spot Burnet (20), Brimstone (5), Ringlet (1), Marbled White (3) and just a single Peacock.
Numerous Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns, Large Whites and Small Whites. One possible Adonis Blue, but it may be another week or so
before the second generation emerges |
Malcolm Hull |
24 Jul |
MerryHill Bushey on a rather warm but rather cloudy afternoon still had plenty of butterflies on the wing. 25+ Gatekeepers, 15+
Meadow Browns, a Speckled Wood, 5 Large Whites, a Marbled White and a Small Copper (my first on this site for two years) |
John Liberty |
23 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 Comma at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1756 hrs and 1 Large White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
23 Jul |
Found Clouded Yellow flying in the hazy sunshine along the top edge of Roughdown Common (Alongside A41) whilst at work weeding Juniper
compartments. Not seen one for 5 years now
Ben Sale |
23 Jul |
I spent from about 1.25 - 2.30 pm watching part of the lucerne fields between Clapgate and Little Hadham in northeast Herts this afternoon, all
from the roadside. In sun and cloud and 20 C + , with a variable breeze, I saw 30+ distant, unidentified whites, 5+ Meadow Brown, 1 Gatekeeper,
5+ distant nymphalids, 5-6 Clouded Yellows - mostly flying through fast, but one which lingered on a particularly tasty dandelion regardless of my
close presence. Plus 12+ Holly Blues in the Lucerne - I had never realised previously what a high opinion they have of the crop! Clouded Yellows viewed
from the entrance to Albury Manor TL444244 and also TL444238. The area which I watched was only a fraction of the lucerne crop on this road, and there
are also several more fields of Lucerne between I here and Braughing so I suspect there are more Clouded Yellows to be found in the area |
Peter Waldron |
23 Jul |
Hounslow. Whilst the mix of species changes slightly again the overall result is essentially the same: Gatekeeper: 117, Small
White: 3, Large White: 6, Meadow Brown: 22, Brimstone: 1, Small Copper: 6, Speckled Wood: 5, Peacock: 2,
Small Heath: 1, Green-veined White: 3, Small Skipper: 4, Common Blue: 1, Essex Skipper: 1, Holly Blue: 3,
Comma: 1, Purple Hairstreak: 1, Ringlet: 1 |
Peter Gore |
23 Jul |
On our lunchtime walk around Heartwood we saw 2 Clouded Yellow (together), there were probably 3 or 4 in total. They were patrolling the
track around the wild flower meadow between Round Wood & Hill End Farm perimeter fence
Peter Ewer |
23 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Red Admiral - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303). 1 Large White, 1 Small White, 2
Green-veined White, 1 Unidentified Fritillary (Dark Green or Silver-washed?), 1 Gatekeeper - Big Butterfly Count conditions Walworth Common path
by railway (TL192303). 1 Small White, 2 Large White, 1 Small Copper, 2 Meadow Brown - Walsworth Common (walkaround)(TL1930) |
David Inward |
23 Jul |
Visit to Stafford Road Open Space, Ruislip (TQ095855) in search of Brown Hairstreaks. 2 seen along path that runs alongside Yeading
Brook feeding on patches of thistles. Also quite a few Purple Hairstreaks, Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns along with a few Peacocks,
Red Admiral, Comma, Common Blue and Brown Argus |
Sue & Steve Place |
23 Jul |
Last night and this morning I photographed what appears to be a Jersey Tiger. The first time (22.07.20 at approx 8pm) in my Chiswick
garden, and then 23.07.20 at approx 0830 while walking by the Thames about 20 minutes west of my home (TQ210761)
Jenny Bryan |
22 Jul |
St Albans - Three Peacocks hibernating in my shed, joining the 7 Small Tortoiseshells already in there. They just beat the
earliest date for Peacocks going into hibernation, which was previously 23rd July in both 2018 and 2019. So actually remarkably consistent with the last two
years, despite all the observations about how early everything is this year
Malcolm Hull |
22 Jul |
6 Peacock (1 near Triangular Wd, 3 together nectaring on thistles 'New Fields' and 2 together nectaring on thistles edge of Moat Wd,
Trent Park), 1 Small Copper nectaring on ragwort near Sport's Field at Trent Park at 1547 hrs, 4 Comma (3 by lower lake, Trent Park, 1 at
Parksside Farm/Res, Enfield), 3 Purple Hairstreak flitting around oaks, edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 1 male Common Blue at Vicarage Farm,
Enfield (TQ3097). 1 Six-spot Burnet identified at Trent Park 'New Fields' |
Robert Callf |
22 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Meadow Brown - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 3 Large White, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Small
Tortoiseshell, 1 Holly Blue - Big Butterfly Count conditions - 1 Small White, 1 Large White - Walsworth Common (TL197302) |
David Inward |
22 Jul |
I did my transects early at Northaw Great Wood. It was quite an experience, I've never seen so many Purple Hairstreaks on the wing, it was
almost swarm like. They were fast and low and landing on the bracken and grass. I counted more than 50 on Middleway alone. Everywhere you looked, one was
visible. Just shows you they are obviously there in good numbers given the Oak Woodland, but usually up high unseen! Many had lost their purple upper wing
Dee Cullen |
22 Jul |
Central London - Back to the office for the first time since lockdown today. Just two butterflies seen: Thornhaugh St Bloomsbury - Large
White, Rathbone St Fitzrovia W1 - Large White |
Malcolm Hull |
22 Jul |
Hounslow. Gatekeeper: 108, Large White: 2, Speckled Wood: 3, Holly Blue: 4, Meadow Brown: 22, Red
Admiral: 4, Small Copper: 4, Small White: 1, Peacock: 2, Green-veined White: 2, Brown Argus: 2, Small Skipper:
4, Common Blue: 2, Painted Lady: 1, Comma: 1 and a Jersey Tiger |
Peter Gore |
22 Jul |
Walking my Ware Park Transect I saw a Clouded Yellow, my first of the year, and only the second on that transect in 25 years of walking it |
Andrew Wood |
22 Jul |
Clouded Yellow seen at Marnham Fields Greenford. Also seen: Common Blue 2 and good numbers of Gatekeepers and Meadow
Browns |
Paul Lane |
21 Jul |
Letchworth, Hillbrow Area - Meadow Brown x50+, Gatekeeper x100+, Marbled White x30+, Small White x10+,
Small/Essex Skipper x10+, Brown Argus x7, Common Blue x4m 1fm, Small Heath x3, Peacock x6, Brimstone x 3m 1fm,
Ringlet x4, Small Copper x3 and Small Blue x6 (includes a mating pair, some appeared well worn and some fresh, was here a week ago and
found none)
Roger Millard |
21 Jul |
We enjoyed a morning walk in the Little Berkhamsted, Bayford, Essendon area and saw the following: in TL2907, Meadow Brown x2;
Gatekeeper x 2: in TL2908, Meadow Brown x c.20; Gatekeeper x c.20; Marbled White x 1; Small Heath x 1; Large Skipper
x 1: in TL3007, Meadow Brown x 10; Gatekeeper x 16; Ringlet x 1; Small White x 2; Comma x 1: in TL2808, Meadow Brown
x c.15; Gatekeeper x c.35; Ringlet x3; Large Skipper x 2; Large White x 1; Small White x2; Speckled Wood x 1;
Comma x2; Peacock x1: in TL2809, Meadow Brown x c. 10; Gatekeeper x c.10; Large Skipper x 2: and in TL2709, Meadow
Brown x 2; Gatekeeper x 5; unidentified whites x2. We left Little Berkhamsted at about 9 a.m. with blue sky and weather warming but still a
pleasant sense of freshness so there were lower numbers at first until the weather warmed |
Roger Newbold |
21 Jul |
This afternoon - 4 Comma (3 at Trent Park - 1 Water Garden and 2 edge of Moat Wd, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield), 7 Peacock (6 at
Trent Park - 1 nectaring on buddleia at Water Garden and 5 together nectaring on thistles edge of Moat Wd, 1 at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield) |
Robert Callf |
21 Jul |
2 Silver-washed Fritillary in corridor under powerlines on west side of public footpath in Chalkleys Wood (3/4 mile west of St Paul's Walden)
this afternoon |
Peter Ewer |
21 Jul |
Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Green-veined White all seen in Harpenden garden |
Roger Thornhill |
21 Jul |
I went up to the grassland north of Clothall Common next to the Baldock bypass to see how the Chalkhill Blues were doing. The answer is
very well, this is the third year of the colony and I counted 43 males and 2 females , well up on last year. Even better was that after many years of
looking I, at last, found two Small Blues at the base of the hill nearest the housing, so they have now been found at both ends of the bypass. The big
question is can a colony result? Good numbers of Six spot Burnets also present. However a visit to the chalk cutting by Baldock Services only revealed
Common Blue and no repeat of last year's Chalkhill Blue
Andrew Wood |
21 Jul |
Bengeo garden: Small Copper (1st garden record), Green-veined White 3, Large White, Gatekeeper 4+, Meadow
Brown 2+, Speckled Wood 3, Peacock 4, Red Admiral 2, Holly Blue 2, Box-tree Moth, Jersey Tiger 3, Mother of
Pearl 5+ & Small Purple & Gold
Simon Knott |
21 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Speckled Wood - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
21 Jul |
Hounslow. It's very nice having over 200 butterflies recorded for the first time this year, I just wish a few more of them were something other
than Gatekeeper! : Gatekeeper: 138, Purple Hairstreak: 1, Speckled Wood: 4, Meadow Brown: 31, Small White: 3,
Green-veined White: 4, Red Admiral: 5, Comma: 2, Small Skipper: 8, Ringlet: 1, Small Copper: 5, Brown Argus:
3, Essex Skipper: 4, Large White: 1, Holly Blue: 5, Common Blue: 3, Peacock: 4 and one Jersey Tiger |
Peter Gore |
20 Jul |
This afternoon/evening - 1 Holly Blue near Shaws Wd, Trent Park, 1 Comma edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 1 Purple
Hairstreak near Ride Wd, Trent Park, 1 Peacock at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 1 Holly Blue at Ferny Hill, Enfield EN4, 1 male Oak
Eggar at Park Farm, Enfield at 1656 hrs, 4 Comma (1 at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) and 3 on edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park). 1 Peacock
nectaring on buddleia at Oakwood Station at 1842 hrs. |
Robert Callf |
20 Jul |
In Bushey garden 2 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Gatekeeper, 2 Small White. Also 1 Twenty Plume moth & 4
Mother of Pearl. At Bricket Wood Common sadly no Purple Emperor or White Admirals. Did see 1 Holly Blue, 39 Gatekeeper, 8
Peacock, 34 Marbled White, 8 Large White, 10 Green-veined White, 2 Red Admiral, 14 Silver-washed Fritillary, 5
Small Skipper, 14 Ringlet, 4 Large Skipper, 5 Brimstone, 11 Purple Hairstreak (several on ground), 5 Small White,
1 Speckled Wood. Stopped over at Fishers field on way home seeing 9 Gatekeeper, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Peacock, 1 Large
White, 1 Comma, 2 Speckled Wood |
David Gower |
20 Jul |
I went up to Hexton Chalk Pit to do my annual "transect" count of Chalkhill Blue at the site. I do a north to south and then a south to north
count through the spine of the site and take a mean. The good news is that that figure today was 88. This compares as follows:
2012 304
2013 423
2014 390
2015 108
2016 no count
2017 29
2018 26
2019 26
2020 88
There were also 3 Dark Green Fritillary, 6 Marbled White, 3 Six-spot Burnet moths and 1 Nemophora metallica moth as well as
Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown etc.
A number of Chalkhill Blues were also seen on the other side of the road at the base of Lion Hill and a few along the field margin at the top of the
path up the hill
Andrew Wood |
20 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Red Admiral - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
20 Jul |
Chalk hillside, Redbourn lane (B487), Redbourn - Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Brimstone, Common Blue, 4 Brown Argus,
Large White, Small White, Peacock but alas no Small Blues |
Darin Stanley |
20 Jul |
On 12 July, The Friends of Cassiobury Park held their first butterfly walk of the year at Cassiobury Park and
Whippendell Woods which due to Covid19 restrictions could not be extended to BC members. It was a very successful walk with 19 species being confirmed.
Species recorded were Brimstone, Silver-washed Fritillary, White Admiral, Purple Hairstreak, Comma, Peacock, Red
Admiral, Ringlet, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Small White, Green-veined White,
Large White, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Essex Skipper and Holly Blue
Peter Fewell |
19 Jul |
I visited Hexton Chalk pit from 4.15 till 6.00 this evening, lots of Chalkhill Blues, 5 Common Blues (3 male, 2 female), 1 Brown
Argus, 1 Small Heath, 1 Large White, 3 Gatekeepers, 10 Meadow Browns, 1 male and 1 female Small Skipper
Miles Attenborough |
19 Jul |
This afternoon/evening - 2 Speckled Wood (1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park). 1 Comma, 1 Red
Admiral and 1 Holly Blue at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998). 1 Red Admiral and 1 male Oak Eggar at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998).
1 Peacock and 1 Red Admiral nectaring on buddleia at Oakwood Station at 1807 hrs |
Robert Callf |
19 Jul |
Branch Event Bricket Wood Common - The start of second HMBC butterfly walk of the year coincided with poor
weather. It was an hour before we saw our first butterflies, a Gatekeeper and a Ringlet. These were followed by splendid views of a
Hummingbird Hawkmoth, nectaring on thistles, a Purple Hairstreak in the oak canopy, three more Gatekeepers, Grass-veneer moth and
Cinnabar moth caterpillars. Unfortunately the sun did not shine and we missed our target species. Bertter luck this afternoon at Potwells, North Mymms,
where I saw two Silver washed Fritillaries, Marbled White, Peacock, Comma, Small/Essex Skippers, Holly Blue and the
usual whites and browns. Arriving home in St Albans I found a Small Tortoiseshell on my buddleia, possibly the start of a new generation plus
Peacock, Red Admiral and Large White |
Malcolm Hull |
19 Jul |
1 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
19 Jul |
Bushey garden were 2 Small White, 2 Large White, 1 Gatekeeper, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock |
David Gower |
19 Jul |
Pale form Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis this morning in our Harpenden garden, escaped capture from a blue tit by sheltering in our
rhubarb patch |
Tim Hill |
18 Jul |
4 Brown Hairstreak in Ruislip area |
Andrew Middleton |
18 Jul |
At Telegraph Hill: about 20 Chalkhill Blues |
Phil Barron |
18 Jul |
On arriving at Norton Green at around 3 pm the sun came out so I began searching for Purple Emperors on the tree tops in Watery Grove. In the
common (meadow), I spent an hour scouring the tree tops on the eastern edge of Pigeonswick Wood as well. No sign of the emperor but at around 3:10 pm I saw a
female Purple Emperor flutter into an oak tree 10 feet up on the south-western tip of Watery Grove. Yay! |
Peter Clarke |
18 Jul |
This afternoon - 3 Comma at Trent Park, 1 Red Admiral near Obelisk, Trent Park. 1 Large White at Park Farm, Enfield
(TQ2998) and 1 Peacock at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998). 3 Purple Hairstreak (2 near Ride Wd, Trent Park and 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097)
this afternoon and evening. 4 Least Carpet at Cedars Court/Church Street, N9 this evening and 1 at Dalrymple Close, N14 |
Robert Callf |
18 Jul |
Went to Hertford heath this afternoon, 1 Purple Emperor at the entrance of Balls Wood, close to the ground but was disturbed, then a new
territory found on Hertford Heath, 2 males clashing around tall Oaks at the Roundings. On the way home I stopped off at a small private wood (TL4112) and
observed a single male Purple Emperor making flights over the canopy |
Laurence Drummond |
18 Jul |
Hounslow. Gatekeeper: 79, Large White: 4, Red Admiral 5, Small Skipper: 9, Green-veined White: 4, Meadow
Brown: 34, Speckled Wood: 8, Purple Hairstreak: 2, Essex Skipper: 4, Peacock: 5, Small Copper: 11, Holly Blue:
5, Brown Argus: 4, Small White: 1, Common Blue: 3, Comma: 3 and one Jersey Tiger |
Peter Gore |
18 Jul |
Female Purple Emperor egg laying at Bramfield Woods |
Lee Browne |
18 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
18 Jul |
Branch Event Heartwood Forest - Our first organised butterfly walk of the season was successfully completed, both target species seen and following Covid19
guidelines. But the day got off to a cloudy start, with just a few Ringlets, Meadow Browns and whites on the wing. Small Skippers and
Essex Skippers were the next to be seen as small glimpses of sun appeared, quickly followed by Gatekeeper, Marbled White and Peacock.
A small blue butterfly was spotted and identified as a Holly Blue. As we climbed the hill , we looked out for likely Purple Emperor highpoints in
Langley Wood and other woods visible on the skyline. Arriving at the highpoint in Pudlers Wood, we soon saw a large butterfly in the trees, which turned out
to be a Red Admiral. But we were soon rewarded by the sight of a Purple Emperor, which flew across the path at a hight of about 20 ft and
settled in an oak, overlooking the area of the Magical Wood which is dominated by Sallows. It stayed there for several minutes, taking short flights and
perching in prominent positions we could all see clearly through binoculars. Proceeding along the track east of Wells/Pudlers Wood we saw several more
butterflies including Large White, Brimstone (male & female) and Commas. Examples of both standard and Hutchinsoni forms of Comma
perched alongside each other demonstrating the clear differences between them. Andrew Neild led us to the area of the "Dog Pond" where he had seen Purple
Emperors during the last week. A Holly Blue was seen taking moisture/salts at the edge of the pond. Purple Hairstreaks were plentiful on the
adjoining oaks. And then a second Purple Emperor was seen flying around the oak adjacent to the pond. We then continued our circuit of the wood into
Valley Field searching for chalk grassland species. The Birds-foot Trefoil was plentiful, but the weather remained firmly cloudy. Common Blue (male and
female), 6-spot Burnet and Shaded Broad-bar added to our total of species. We found areas of Kidney Vetch in flower, but instead of the expected
Small Blue our next species was Clouded Yellow, my first for the year!, walking on round the wood we saw a Pyramidal orchid and a Speckled Wood.
Arriving back at the high point the clouds were thicker than ever. The walk ended but a few of us stayed on to look for tree top Emperors but with no luck.
Instead we were treated to several views of the magnificent day flying moth, Oak Eggar bombing round our heads at great speed. Andrew Steele then
led us to the area where he recorded second generation Small Blues last week. Sure enough there were several small butterflies on the Birds-foot Trefoil. The
first two were Brown Argus and then, a Small Blue. A great return to butterfly walks at a brilliant butterfly site. Read more about it in Brian
Legg's new book (see details on home page)
Malcolm Hull |
18 Jul |
Male Silver-washed Fritillary in our Harpenden garden at 16:00 - the first we have recorded here |
Tim Hill |
18 Jul |
Went to Broxbourne woods and spent all morning there. Sightings were 1 White Admiral, 46 Ringlet, 29 Gatekeeper, 27
Meadow Brown, 5 Green-veined White, 1 Small Skipper, 8 Marbled White, 14 Peacock, 4 Red Admirals, 3 Speckled
Wood, 16 Silver-washed Fritillary, 5 Large White, 6 Small White, 2 Large Skippers, 3 Comma & 2 Purple
Hairstreak |
David Gower |
17 Jul |
A Painted Lady in our Harpenden garden at 13:15, nectaring from marigolds |
Tim Hill |
17 Jul |
This afternoon/evening - 1 Least Carpet at Bramley Rd, N14. 1 Six-spot Burnet at 'New Fields' Trent Park - my first of the year
and several others seen in flight, but not identified to species, 2 Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 11 Peacock at Trent Park 'New
Fields' - 1 on thistles at Sect 5 1655 hrs and 10 together nectaring on thistles in another field at 1703 hrs, 6 Comma (1 at Sect 5 'New Fields' Trent
Park and 5 along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097), 1 Marbled White at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 Red Admiral along
Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm at 1921 hrs |
Robert Callf |
17 Jul |
Church Hill, Therfield Heath. As expected, large numbers of Chalkhill Blue. Dark Green Fritillary and Marbled White past peak. A tatty female
Silver-washed Fritillary, numerous Gatekeeper. Several Peacock, Red Admiral, Brimstone, Common Blue, Meadow
Brown, Small Skipper, Large White, Small White, Green-veined White
James Fowler |
17 Jul |
Aldbury Nowers - Usual good numbers and many species this afternoon. 70+ Meadow Brown, 50+ Gatekeeper, 20+ Ringlet and
20+ Brimstone. Many Small White, Large White and Green-veined White. Lots of Red Admiral and Peacock, which seem to
be having a really good year in this area. Small Heath, Common Blue and Brown Argus present in Upper Compartments along with the hoped
for Chalkhill Blue. Individuals seen of Comma, Small Copper and Dark Green Fritillary. Mother of Pearl only clear moth ID.
The chalk scrapes look really good now with lots of flowers especially Marjoram |
Chris Hilling |
17 Jul |
At lunchtime at Northhaw Great Wood there were numerous Purple Hairstreaks flying at below tree level, indeed quite a few settled on the
ground and on the bracken. I also came upon a group of half a dozen Silver-washed Fritillaries right at the far end of my Middleway Transect at the T
junction near the far north edge of the wood. They appeared to be engaging in courtship behaviour and flying at lower levels than usual, as well as nectaring
on the bramble
Dee Cullen |
17 Jul |
2 Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Small White - St Faiths
Close south, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
17 Jul |
Hounslow. A single fresh-looking Small Tortoiseshell was a welcome surprise as we hit peak Gatekeeper whilst a number of other species slip
away for another year: Gatekeeper: 83, Speckled Wood: 5, Red Admiral: 4, Small White: 6, Meadow Brown: 30, Green-veined
White: 5, Peacock: 13, Holly Blue: 4, Small Copper: 5, Small Skipper: 9, Essex Skipper: 2, Brown Argus: 3,
Small Tortoiseshell: 1, Common Blue: 4, Brimstone: 1, Comma: 3, Ringlet: 1, Large White: 2 |
Peter Gore |
17 Jul |
Weedy field, Batford - 2+ White-letter Hairstreak around same oak and adjacent elm tree. 3+ Purple Hairstreak above the large oak
tree just passed the weedy field at TL15291516 |
Darin Stanley |
17 Jul |
Ellenbrook Fields and Home Covert, west of Hatfield - 3 Silver-washed Fritillaries, 7 Purple Hairstreaks, 17 Peacocks,
2 Common Blues, 1 Comma, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Oak Eggar, 1 Shaded Broad-bar, 4 Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue, 1
Cinnabar, 13 Gatekeepers, 57 Small/Essex Skippers, with a positive ID on both species 42 Small/ Green veined Whites, 2
Six-spot Burnets, 13 Ringlets, 22 Meadow Browns, 11 Marbled Whites, 6 Large Whites and 1 Small Copper. The Purple
Hairstreaks were all in flight close to the ground, or perched at ground level. Meanwhile back in my Shed, the number of hibernating Small Tortoiseshells
has now increased to 6 |
Malcolm Hull |
17 Jul |
As the weather was hot and sunny we drove to Northaw Great Wood at 3pm. We headed for the usual Purple Emperor viewing spot (just inside the
gate and to the left at TL281039), and immediately witnessed a lone Purple Emperor circling above us between the tall Oak and Ash trees. After approx 8
minutes a second one arrived and perched on the same Oak. Very soon afterwards they were battling until one of them was chased off. A very enjoyable visit and
we were back home within the hour! |
Terry Wood |
17 Jul |
At Tring Park this morning were 40 Peacock, 21 Ringlet, 8 Green-veined White, 25 Red Admiral, 52 Meadow
Brown, 23 Gatekeeper, 5 Holly Blue, 8 Silver-washed Fritillary, 7 Comma, 1 Large Skipper, 8 Brimstone, 16
Small White, 27 Marbled White, 6 Small Skipper, 2 Essex Skipper, 1 Small Heath, 5 Speckled Wood. Moths were 1
Narrow-bordered 5-spot Burnet |
David Gower |
17 Jul |
Went for a walk early this morning around fields west of A1 near Stevenage. Pleased to find Purple Hairstreaks at row of oaks along
Dyes Lane (TL218231). At least 7, but probably more. Some staying low down in the scrub in front of the trees in the early morning sun
Tom Speller |
16 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 Least Carpet at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 - my first of the year. 1 Speckled Wood at
Shaws Wd, Trent Park, 2 Comma together edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, also here 1 Marbled White. 10+ Gatekeeper at Trent Park including
eight males together nectaring on ragwort edge of Williams Wd, 1 Peacock at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park and edge of Moat Wd. 1 Red Admiral and
1 Comma at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) |
Robert Callf |
16 Jul |
A late afternoon walk in Oxhey woods. Northern section were 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Comma, 1 Red
Admiral. Central area 1 Large White & lastly at Southern section 1 Holly Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Comma, 1 Small
White, 1 Red Admiral and 6 Peacocks all on buddleia at car park |
David Gower |
16 Jul |
St Albans - 3 Peacocks in my garden at lunchtime and one searching the outside of my house as if looking for a hibernation spot this
afternoon. Also on the wing in the garden - Red Admiral, Comma, Large White (2), Small White (2) and Meadow Brown
Malcolm Hull |
15 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 Ringlet at Forty Hall CP, 3+ Gatekeeper (1 at Whitewebbs Lane, 2+ Guy Lodge Farm), 1 male Oak Eggar at
Whitewebbs Farm, Enfield (TL327001) at 1524 hrs |
Robert Callf |
15 Jul |
Bengeo garden: Purple Hairstreak at ground level again, Marbled White, Green-veined White 2, Gatekeeper 2,
Meadow Brown, Peacock 2, Red Admiral 2, Holly Blue & Box-tree Moth |
Simon Knott |
14 Jul |
This afternoon - 2 Red Admiral at Trent Park (1 near Merryhills Brook, 1 near Dew Pond), 11+ Gatekeeper at Trent Park, 1 male
Large Skipper edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 2 Large White edge of Icehouse Wd, Trent Park, 1 Green-veined White edge of Water Grdn,
Trent Park, 1 Gatekeeper and 1 Comma at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Mother of Pearl at Parkside Hse, Enfield (TQ2998), 2 Red
Admiral at Park Farm, Enfield, 1 Marbled White at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield, 1 male Common Blue at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1608
hrs. 1 Red Admiral at Oakwood Station |
Robert Callf |
14 Jul |
An evening walk at Fishers Field produced 14 Purple Hairstreaks |
David Gower |
14 Jul |
Bower Heath - 1 Silver-washed Fritillary on heath. Tallent Cres.,Batford - 1 Box-tree moth |
Darin Stanley |
14 Jul |
CEMEX site, Smallford (private) this afternoon, while hanging around waiting for an engineer. On buddleia behind office: 6 Peacock,
3 Red Admiral, 2 Gatekeeper, 1 Comma, 1 Small White, 1 Green-veined White |
Robert Bull |
13 Jul |
I was viewing the usual area in Northaw Great Wood between 15:40 and 16:07. I saw a single Purple Emperor five times in flight. It kept
returning to the usual oak, sometimes landing in view. On two of the occasions it was chasing a Purple Hairstreak
Adam Wilson |
13 Jul |
On our walk we saw 9 Purple Hairstreak in oaks on Nomansland Common, later 20+ Silver-washed Fritillary, 30+ Peacock, 6
Red Admiral, 3 Comma + many Ringlet in Symondshyde Great Wood in corridor under powerlines. Then in Titnol's Wood 4 Silver-washed
Fritillary, 10+ Peacock, 2 Red Admiral & 2 Comma |
Peter Ewer |
13 Jul |
At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 2+ Peacock, 2 Red Admiral. At Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) 1 Peacock, 1 Red
Admiral and 1 Large White. 1 Red Admiral and 1 Purple Hairstreak edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park. A few more Gatekeepers today |
Robert Callf |
13 Jul |
Bengeo garden: Purple Hairstreak, Marbled White, Green-veined White 6, Large White, Gatekeeper, Meadow
Brown 5+, Ringlet, Speckled Wood, Comma, Peacock 10, Red Admiral 2, Holly Blue 2, Box-tree Moth 5,
Small Magpie & Mother of Pearl 10
Simon Knott |
13 Jul |
1 Large White, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
13 Jul |
A pleasant afternoon stroll with the dog revealed butterflies in good numbers at MerryHill Bushey. 40+ Meadow Browns, 20+
Gatekeepers, 6 Small Skippers, 2 Marbled Whites, 4 Ringlets, a Red Admiral, 2 Holly Blues, and a Brown Argus |
John Liberty |
13 Jul |
Clouded Yellow at Panshanger Park (TL286130) this morning |
Murray Brown |
12 Jul |
Never seen one of these before. Spotted a Hummingbird hawk-moth on Buddleia at Bull's Green (TL270173)
Simon Stebbings |
12 Jul |
I returned to Pudlers Wood and am happy to report that numbers of butterflies were high - in addition to the 18 species I saw last Tuesday 7th,
I also spotted solitary fresh males (one each) of Small Copper, and Speckled Wood, plus several Small Tortoiseshell (where were they only
5 days ago!?), bringing my day's total to 21 species. Individual numbers were not as high as last time. However I am happy to report that amongst these I had
three separate sighting of Purple Emperor (sex unknown, due to viewing angle) - one flying over the main trail along the eastern edge of the wood, but
the other two (definitely different individuals) were on the large oak which overlooks the pond at the southwestern end of the wood. At 11.20 a specimen
landed some 20 feet up in the tree and spent 5 minutes directly overlooking dogs frolicking in the pond. At 12.20 a different individual fluttered around the
western side of the tree, near the top, where I eventually spotted it settled on a sap run, just below a very prominent fork in the branches some 25 feet up.
It flew away and landed several times, once chased off by a Red Admiral. To those that want to see this sap run (so as to see Purple Emperor), you can
easily see this tree fork ( ) from between the wooden gate by the pond and the small tree about 20 feet south-east from
it on the main path. I left at 1pm; perhaps more PEs visit in the afternoon?
Andrew Neild |
12 Jul |
Visited Ruislip Woods starting around Haste Hill. Noted 3 Small White, 8 Ringlet, 1 Peacock, 13 Meadow Brown, 7
Gatekeeper, 6 Small Skipper, 2 Essex Skipper, 2 Green-veined White, 1 Large White. In Poor's field spotted 1 Small
Skipper, 8 Meadow Brown, 12 Ringlet, 19 Peacock, 5 Gatekeeper, 2 Marbled White, 1 Small White, 1 Common
Blue, 2 Red Admiral, 1 Purple Hairstreak. At Copse Wood recorded 27 Purple Hairstreak and all of them on ground or low down
(probably a lot more), 3 White Admiral, 4 Silver-washed Fritillary, 4 Large White, 11 Peacock, 2 Gatekeeper, 7 Speckled
Wood, 6 Red Admiral, 16 Meadow Brown, 8 Ringlet, 8 Green-veined White, 4 Comma, 2 Small White |
David Gower |
12 Jul |
1 x White-letter Hairstreak on dewy grass at 8.30am at Six Hills Common (TL237238). 2 x Silver-washed Fritillary females, 2 x
fresh Small Copper, 6 x worn Purple Hairstreaks , multiple Marbled Whites, Gatekeepers, skippers and whites , Norton Green area
Colin Alderman |
12 Jul |
I saw my first ever Purple Hairstreak - very beautiful with quite bright colours. It was on a Bramble patch on the side of the playing
field next to Halsey Field
Chris Ridley |
12 Jul |
Went to Plashes Wood again early afternoon and saw 4 territorial male Purple Emperors, 2 at the Highest spot and 2 at the lower
territory, on the way home I managed to see 1 male Purple Emperor holding territory around some tall trees at Sawtrees Wood, TL3917, all the sightings
from public footpaths using binoculars |
Laurence Drummond |
12 Jul |
Hounslow. Mostly sunny and warmer. Despite the absence of Small Heath seen yesterday the addition of Painted Lady and Common Blue brought the
total of species to 20. Two of the Common Blues were mating, another contrast in size and colour with the male seeming more dominant than for other species.
One Jersey Tiger in my garden when I returned: Gatekeeper: 33, Comma: 4, Peacock: 13, Meadow Brown: 45, Speckled Wood: 4,
Holly Blue: 9, Purple Hairstreak: 7, Ringlet: 2, Essex Skipper: 1, Green-veined White: 2, Marbled White: 1, Small
White: 11, Red Admiral: 2, Small Skipper: 25, Small Copper: 5, Large White: 1, Common Blue: 4, Brown Argus: 1,
Brimstone: 1, Painted Lady: 1 and two Jersey Tigers |
Peter Gore |
12 Jul |
2 Large White, 1 Red Admiral - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
12 Jul |
Clouded Yellow at Rickneys (TL319153) this afternoon |
Chris Benton |
12 Jul |
Southgate Chase Allotments: 2 Small White; 1 Red Admiral and 1 Peacock nectaring on buddleia at 1500 hrs |
Robert Callf |
12 Jul |
I revisited Harmergreen Wood (TL253170) this morning and found three Silver-washed Fritillaries on the opposite side of the wood at
least 200 yards from yesterday's sighting
David Booth |
11 Jul |
Monken Hadley Common this afternoon (TQ269971) 4pm. One Silver-washed Fritillary, lots of Comma, Purple Hairstreak,
Green-veined White, Small White, Large White, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and Ringlet |
Ben Epstein |
11 Jul |
I went to Plashes Wood TL3820 early afternoon and saw 2 Purple Emperors, one male at the lower territory and another that may have been
a female flying across the wheat field, also 2 Marbled Whites, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Red Admiral, Peacock, Small
Tortoiseshell and Comma, a few Purple Hairstreaks too. On the way home I stopped off at Mathams Wood TL4518, somewhat surprised to see 3
Silver-washed Fritillaries along the public footpath, 2 males and 1 female |
Laurence Drummond |
11 Jul |
Grovelands Park this afternoon (1500 - 1710 hrs) - 1 male Common Blue (my first of the summer-brood), male Gatekeeper, 1
Speckled Wood, 1 Ringlet, 2+ Meadow Brown, 2+ Small Skipper, 1 Small White and 3 Large White |
Robert Callf |
11 Jul |
Bengeo garden: Brown Argus ab. snelleni (1st for year), Large Skipper, Green-veined White, Large White,
Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown 5+, Ringlet, Speckled Wood, Comma, Peacock 5, Red Admiral 3, Holly Blue
& Mother of Pearl 5+
Simon Knott |
11 Jul |
Highlights of a walk around Brockett Hall and Lemsford was a Silver-washed Fritillary at TL 217 122 also a Purple Hairstreak in the
same area |
Andrew Steele |
11 Jul |
A Red Admiral, Comma, Peacock & Large White all seen in Bushey garden this morning. Disturbed 6 Mother of
Pearl and 1 Small Magpie amongst the nettles also. This afternoon spotted 2 Comma in Oxhey Park . Along Ebury Way, Watford have seen 1
Red Admiral, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Large White and 2 Purple Hairstreak. At Croxley Green Moor were 19
Meadow Brown, 4 Small White, 2 Peacock, 3 Essex Skipper, 7 Large White, 3 Small Copper, 2 Gatekeeper, 4
Purple Hairstreak, 2 Marbled White, 1 Red Admiral & 1 Small Tortoiseshell |
David Gower |
11 Jul |
Hounslow. Slightly more sun than yesterday and more butterflies too: Meadow Brown: 22, Gatekeeper: 15, Small White: 5,
Red Admiral: 10, Green-veined White: 6, Purple Hairstreak: 6, Speckled Wood: 6, Large White: 1, Essex Skipper: 3,
Holly Blue: 10, Small Skipper: 9, Brown Argus: 2, Comma: 5, Peacock: 14, Marbled White: 1, Small Heath: 1,
Small Copper: 2, Brimstone: 1, Ringlet: 2 and two Jersey Tigers |
Peter Gore |
11 Jul |
This afternoon on my daily exercise walk in Harmergreen Wood (TL253170) I saw a Silver-washed Fritillary, the first I have ever seen in this
area |
David Booth |
11 Jul |
Barham Park, Wembley : Small Skipper, 1 Small Copper, 1 Peacock, Meadow Brown and 1 Jersey Tiger moth |
Shailesh Patel |
10 Jul |
I paid a brief visit to Hexton Chalk Pits and saw five Chalkhill Blues although the cloudy and breezy conditions were not ideal |
David Booth |
10 Jul |
5 male Gatekeeper S edge of Wiliams Wd, Trent Park, 2, male and female, Green-veined White mating at Vicarage Farm, Enfield
(TQ3097), 4 Red Admiral (3 at Park Farm, Enfield and 1 at Parkside Hse, Enfield), 1 Green-veined White and 2, male and female, Small White
mating at Duncan's Wd, Enfield Chase. 1 male Oak Eggar in flight along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) at 1525 hrs, 1 male
Gatekeeper and 1 Peacock at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
10 Jul |
Hounslow. One of those days when the sun keeps disappearing into the clouds so ultimately I was rather pleased to have the number of species
seen reach a respectable 16: Speckled Wood: 2, Holly Blue: 2, Purple Hairstreak: 1, Meadow Brown: 24, Ringlet: 3 (this
included 2 mating, a first for me: I was struck by the size difference - female much larger and the colour difference despite wings closed of course, but
looked like a black male, mating with a brown female.) Green-veined White: 4, Peacock: 12, Comma: 4, Small Skipper: 6, Essex
Skipper: 3, Small Heath: 1, Red Admiral: 4, Small White: 2, Gatekeeper: 4, Marbled White: 1, Large White: 1 |
Peter Gore |
9 Jul |
1 melanic variety Box-tree Moth at ASDA Southgate this evening |
Robert Callf |
8 Jul |
St Albans - not great butterflying weather here. Found a Gypsy Moth caterpillar on my gooseberry bush this evening. One Large White
and two Small Whites in between showers in my garden!
Malcolm Hull |
8 Jul |
Following the appearance of a single Old Lady over my front door, I was not entirely surprised to find more guests this morning. I now
have three huddled together. The most I've had over the last four years has been seven
Chris Hilling |
8 Jul |
3 male Gatekeeper (1 edge of Rough Lot, Trent Park, 1 at Park Farm and 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097), 1 Green-veined White
at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Peacock at Park Farm, Enfield. 1 Ringlet and 1 Shaded Broad-bar at Vicarage Farm, Enfield
(TQ3097) - beautifully fresh. 1 Jersey Tiger nectaring on buddleia at Dalrymple Close, N14 - my first of the year (and one of the earliest?) |
Robert Callf |
7 Jul |
Whilst completing the detour required around the A10 during my WCBS at High Cross, I stopped to look at the bank of sallows by the bridge over
the A10 and at 11.45 in a moment of improved brightness, a Purple Emperor came out of the sallow, flew around and then disappeared! Otherwise,
butterflies were very poor in sections 3 - 8, not because of the dull weather but all the margins had been cut. However, reaching 9 & 10 where a different
farmer is responsible, species numbers suddenly improved and included a Small Copper and several Gatekeeper! |
Liz Goodyear |
7 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 Comma at South Lodge Farm, Enfield. 1 Green-veined White at Shaws Wd, Trent Park & 1 Purple
Hairstreak settled near Ride Wd, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
7 Jul |
Millhoppers Reserve - Three new species joined the fray this morning: Small Skipper, Essex Skipper plus Gatekeeper.
Ringlet and Meadow Brown everywhere especially on the Knapweed. Whites increasing in number with second generation Green-veined White
returning. Marbled White, Comma, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood also seen. Every July I start checking front of my house for
visitors and sure enough this morning I found Old Lady over my front door frame - might be a joke in there somewhere |
Chris Hilling |
7 Jul |
It was a wonderful day, with lots and lots of butterflies, despite the almost total absence of sunshine (it was however quite bright), and it
was not very warm (around 18 degrees). Around Pudlers Wood I counted 18 species (and if there had been any sun, surely Tortoiseshell and Small Copper would
have made it on to the list!). All were present in good numbers except as noted: Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Holly Blue (one fresh
female), Common Blue (one battered male), Purple Hairstreak (several at the top of most oaks), Brimstone (a single fresh male), Large
White (nice to see it in such numbers), Small White, Green-veined White, Peacock, Comma (amazing numbers, up to 5 on one
bramble bush), Red Admiral, Purple Emperor (one female), Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper (3 seen), Marbled White,
Ringlet (low numbers)
Andrew Neild |
6 Jul |
Hummingbird hawk-moth, first of year in High Barnet garden buddleia, v' windy |
Mike Habben |
6 Jul |
Visited Broxbourne Woods from 11am until 3pm. Rather cool (around 19C) and only intermittent sunshine. These species were seen: lots of
Ringlets, Marbled Whites, Meadow Brown, Small Whites. Two or three Silver-washed Fritillaries in glade where cattle graze.
Also here a slightly worse for wear White Admiral. Purple Hairstreaks high up in oak. Alas, I didn't spot a Purple Emperor - and I checked a lot
of oak trees!!
Vaughn Reade |
6 Jul |
My LEW took me back to TL3816 to try and confirm a probable Purple Emperor seen last Thursday on the corner of Buckney Wood near Wareside before
getting drenched. Gatekeeper were now showing and I was also able to confirm an Essex Skipper. I had a call to say I had to be back by 3.30pm
so only had a short window to watch the corner of the wood and it was still very dull. At 1.45 I called it a day and was walking back towards the wood edge,
looking at a large sallow on the corner and suddenly an Purple Emperor/Empress flew out to the left over an ash then back and into the wood canopy.
As it was still cloudy I didn't stop to try and relocate it but set off to walk home. On the way back passing some roadside scabious I found two
Nemophora Metallica (longhorn moths!) near Wareside |
Liz Goodyear |
6 Jul |
Barnet Gate Sports Ground 140m above sea level - 2 or 3 Purple Emperor during brief brighter spells over oaks, and a female lower down.
Abundant sallows in the 'wilderness' adjacent to mature and veteran oaks - must be more to see on a sunny day |
Andrew Middleton |
6 Jul |
This afternoon - 1 female Large White edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 2 Red Admiral (1 at Ferny Hill, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield), 1
Green-veined White at Ferny Hill, Enfield. 2, male and female, Ringlet mating at Park Farm, Enfield, also here 1 Marbled White, 2
Large White and 2 Small White. 1 male Gatekeeper, 1 Green-veined White and 6 Small White edge of Duncan's Wd, Enfield
Chase. 1 Peacock and 1 Marbled White at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998). 2 Comma at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
6 Jul |
Not much to report from Oxhey woods northern section this morning but did find a female Purple Hairstreak on grass low down and a
Ringlet |
David Gower |
5 Jul |
Bengeo garden: Marbled White, Gatekeeper (1st for year), Large Skipper, Green-veined White, Small White,
Meadow Brown 5+, Ringlet, Red Admiral, Comma, Holly Blue & Mother of Pearl
Simon Knott |
5 Jul |
For a change I cycled to Bricket Wood Common this morning and spotted 20 different species. Record was 4 White Admiral, 21 Silver-washed
Fritillary, 39 Meadow Brown, 4 Peacock, 7 Large White, 20 Marbled White, 5 Small White, 1 Gatekeeper, 5
Small Skipper, 1 Essex Skipper, 2 Green-veined White, 2 Speckled Wood, 5 Large Skipper, 8 Purple Hairstreak, 8
Comma, 2 Red Admiral, 55 Ringlet, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue. Probable Purple Emperor
sighting at 10.35 in canopy at Mutchetts wood but only appeared once. On return in Bushey garden were 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small White, 2
Peacock, 1 Red Admiral & 1 Box-tree moth |
David Gower |
5 Jul |
1 Dwarf Cream Wave at ASDA Southgate this afternoon |
Robert Callf |
5 Jul |
Bower Heath by Harpenden - 1 Purple Emperor between 12.02 to 12.05 then flew south (TL14331675). Tallents Crescent, Batford - 1 Box-tree
moth |
Darin Stanley |
4 Jul |
Seen on car door in Wheathampstead - a Box-tree moth
Gary Taylor |
4 Jul |
In Bushey garden 3 Red Admiral on buddleia & moths were 5 Mother of Pearl amongst nettles, 1 Box-tree, 1 Small
Magpie |
David Gower |
3 Jul |
An evening visit to Fishers field nature reserve seeing 1 Ringlet, 3 Meadow Brown, 1 Red Admiral and 11 Purple
Hairstreaks seen around 7 different oaks |
David Gower |
3 Jul |
13 Comma at Trent Park, 5 Marbled White (4 at Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097), 11 Ringlet at Trent Park, 2
Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, also here 1 Small Heath. 6 Red Admiral (4 at Trent Park, 2 at Park Farm, Enfield), 4 Purple
Hairstreak at Trent Park, 1 Hummingbird Hawkmoth at Pops Corner, Snakes Lane, Trent Park (TQ289969) at 1420 hrs, 2 Large White at Duncan's
Wd, Enfield Chase - male and female, 1 Ringlet at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 male Oak Eggar seen in flight along Leeging Beech Gutter at
Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1642 hrs - my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
3 Jul |
Symonshyde Wood complex nr Hatfield - 14 Silver-washed Fritillaries along the ride this morning. A testosterone fuelled male tried to
see me off by flying full speed at my face, veering away at the last second. Most of the others were males, many nectaring on bramble with a few guarding
their territories. I also saw a female egg laying, a sign we are reaching the height of their season. She chose a pine tree and appeared to lay 4 eggs in the
crevices of the bark at sites 15-30 cm above ground. On close examination I could find just two eggs, so she must have either rejected the other spots or they
were well concealed. Identifying the SWFs was trickier than usual due to a proliferation of Commas along the ride with 12 seen on total also spotted
Peacock, Ringlet, Large White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown. At lunchtime I watched the
Purple Emperor high spot at Park Croft and had two clear views of a single Emperor gliding across the canopy gap, 7 mins apart and probably the same
individual. Purple Hairstreaks were very active - at least 5 individuals. I also added Marbled White, Small Skipper, Common Blue
and Small Tortoiseshell to the days species count. Click on image below for video clip of Silver-washed Fritillary egg-laying
Malcolm Hull |
3 Jul |
A couple of hours walking around the western side of Nomansland Common this morning produced 2 Red Admirals, 6 Commas, 3
Small Skipper, numerous Small White, 1 Large White, several Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper, 1 Marbled
White and at least 6 sightings of Purple Hairstreak - all in the same oak. Moving on to the assembly point at Northaw Great Wood, I had
numerous sightings of Purple Emperor between 1.50 and 2.15pm, including at least 5 clashes between 2 males, and several good telescope views of
single males perched on top of the favoured oak. All sightings were in the usual oak/chestnut/ash gap and no more than two insects seen at once. Otherwise
only a few whites, Ringlet and Meadow Browns |
Peter Waldron |
3 Jul |
30 minutes walk around Shackledell at lunch. Managed to get a photo, despite windy conditions, of this Essex Skipper near south end. c30
Marbled Whites mostly in the glade area
Tom Speller |
2 Jul |
1 melanic variety Box-tree Moth at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 this afternoon and 1 Ringlet at Guy Lodge Farm,
Enfield at 1842 hrs |
Robert Callf |
2 Jul |
The sun came out at last around 3pm so I took the opportunity to do my Alexandra Park transect. Turned out to be a good call, I saw my first
Silver-washed Fritillary, think it was a male at the park. I heard others had seen a lone one - probably the same one- a couple of weeks back. It
swooped from the Eastern end of the anthill/butterfly meadow, circled a bit, landed briefly just long enough for a hasty photo, then glided off north west
wards towards the trees. On my return home I saw a lone Ringlet in my front garden (N10) for the first time this year
Dee Cullen |
2 Jul |
Therfield Heath (Church Hill): Chalkhill Blue (24), Brown Argus (1 - second generation), Small Copper (1), Dark Green
Fritillary (3). All the Chalkhill Blues were males. Another five males were seen near the Therfield Road, but none were seen elsewhere
Martin Johnson |
2 Jul |
St Albans - My first butterfly on buddleia, this year, a newly emerged Peacock at lunchtime. A Comma also came for lunch on the
same bush. A Green-veined White is busy laying on the Garlic Mustard and a Holly Blue and several Small Whites are also hanging about |
Malcolm Hull |
1 Jul |
Shortwood Common, Staines (TQ 0475 7187). I saw the following: 8 Small Skippers, 5 Meadow Browns, 4 Small Heaths and 2 Small
Whites. The Small Heaths have a had a long flight period here as they have been around since late May |
Jeremy Soane |
1 Jul |
At Monken Hadley Common 4-7pm. Purple Emperor, Purple Hairstreak, Green-veined White, Comma, Essex Skipper,
Marbled White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown. Purple Emperor seen in the canopy of an oak chasing hairstreaks and one flying around briefly at
ground level. At south-east corner of open space close to the lake at 51.658381, -0.164957, in a clearing with a toxic caterpillar warning sign
Ben Epstein |
1 Jul |
At Alexandra Park an aberrant form of Ringlet (a third spot on the hindwing)
Dee Cullen |
1 Jul |
This afternoon - 5 Comma (1 edge of Shaws Wood, 1 in clearing, Williams Wd, 1 near Water Grdn, Trent Park, 2 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097),
4 Red Admiral (1 S edge of Williams Wd, 2 together nectaring on bramble blossom in clearing, Williams Wd, Trent Park, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield), 3
Marbled White (1 edge of Shaws Wd, 1 edge of Williams Wd, 1 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park), 1 Small Copper edge of Shaws Wd at Vicarage Farm
- TQ2997 (my first of the summer-brood), 1 Large White edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 2 Green-veined White (1 female, edge of Icehouse Wd, 1
edge of Ride Wd, Trent Park), 2 Peacock (1 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998, 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097) - my first of the summer-brood, 1 Small
Tortoiseshell along Leeging Beech Gutter N of Williams Wd at Vicarage Farm - TQ2997, 4 Ringlet (3 at Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield -
TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
1 Jul |
I visited Denham Country Park at 08.40 on the canal Deep Lock no. 87 and I had sightings of over 20 Commas, 2 Red Admirals, 1
Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Marbled Whites and 50+ Meadow Browns. I have never seen so many Commas before |
Geoff Ryder |
1 Jul |
A few minutes to 1 o'clock a male Purple Emperor was seen flying around a tall oak just south of the entrance to Hanbury Manor in
Thundridge. He was not seen again but also present on the roadside trees were Purple Hairstreak and White-letter Hairstreak. New season
Peacocks have started to emerge as well as Small Copper in the last few days |
Liz Goodyear |
1 Jul |
This afternoon alongside the River Lea, adjacent to Hatfield House grounds (TL257098). Small Tortoiseshell 1, Comma 2, Large
Skipper 3, Small Skipper 5, Green-veined White 3, Small White 5, Large White 1, Meadow Brown 20, Marbled White 5,
Ringlet 15 – a relative newcomer to this part of the world |
Roger Gibbons |
1 Jul |
St Albans - newly emerged Red Admiral sunning itself on my garden fence at lunchtime. A Small White and a Green-veined
White were nectaring in a brief sunny period
Malcolm Hull |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
30 Jun |
1 Box-tree Moth at ASDA Southgate this evening - my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
30 Jun |
Tonight I escaped from a long day in front of my computer screen for an evening visit to Tunnel Gardens (TQ 29330 91453), I was so glad I did,
in the overcast conditions I found 6 roosting Marbled White 5 of which were females, giving me good hope that they will establish a permanent colony.
All I suspect from the single female I saw here for the first time last year. Also 1 female Essex Skipper and 1 Ringlet in the same small meadow
Miles Attenborough |
30 Jun |
Not expecting much on the butterfly front during a cloudy afternoon at Norton Green Common but to my surprise, a male Purple Hairstreak
(my first of the year) flew to within a foot under my nose towards the bottom end of the track where it is wooded on both sides |
Peter Clarke |
29 Jun |
This afternoon - 3 Small White at Trent Park (2 females, edge of Williams Wd, 1 male near Rough Lot), 1 Comma near Water Grdn,
Trent Park, 2 Large White Rough Lot, Trent Park, 3 Gatekeeper at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield |
Robert Callf |
28 Jun |
Bramfield Woods (TL290167): Silver-washed Fritillary (5), White Admiral (2) |
Martin Johnson |
28 Jun |
After rain stopped play on a Butterfly trip to Bookham Commons in Surrey I decided to drop into Bricket Wood Common on the way home, I got
about 10 minutes of sun in the gas ride before it tipped down, I did manage to see 2 male Silver-washed Fritillary, one of which I managed to get a
shot of, 1 Comma, 5 Ringlets and 4 Meadow Brown and 2 Large Skippers. Having got home the rain stopped and there was a patch of
sun so I popped round to Tunnel Gardens where the female Marbled White was still present with 3 male Marbled White, 2 Essex Skippers, 2
Ringlets, 3 Meadow Brown
Miles Attenborough |
28 Jun |
Bengeo garden: Marbled White killed by Emperor Dragonfly, Ringlet (1st for year), Large White, Small White,
Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown 4+, Comma, Holly Blue & Small Magpie
Simon Knott |
28 Jun |
Millhoppers Reserve - Did not expect too much this afternoon with little sunshine and very fresh westerly breeze but still found 8 species.
Ringlet outnumbered the Meadow Brown 49 to 38. 8 Marbled White, 7 Large Skipper (all Male), 4 Speckled Wood, 2 Red
Admiral, and one each Small White and Comma. Also Yellow Shell and Nettle Tap moth |
Chris Hilling |
28 Jun |
A brief stop at Fishers field to check Skippers resulted in 2 Essex Skipper, 1 Small Skipper, 12 Meadow Brown,
4 Marbled White. Onto Cassiobury park, Watford where I recorded 1 Large White, 3 Small White, 1 Comma, 1 Green-veined White,
14 Ringlet, 20 Meadow Brown, 5 Marbled White, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Large Skipper, 1 Small
Skipper, 1 Small Heath. Lastly at Whippendell Woods 1 White Admiral, 7 Red Admiral, 15 Meadow Brown, 12 Ringlet, 6
Silver-washed Fritillary, 2 Small Skipper, 7 Comma, 1 Holly Blue, 2 Green-veined White, 1 Large White |
David Gower |
26 Jun |
I took a late evening trip to see Dark Green Fritillaries at Hexton Chalk pit lots of butterfly activity from 18.00 till 19.30. I estimate
around 12 Dark Green Fritillaries seen, lots of Marbled White, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, a few Small Heath, a few Small/Essex
Skippers and Large Skippers, Meadow Browns no Chalkhill Blues yet. Most of the DGFs now a bit tatty but one or two fresh looking ones
Miles Attenborough |
26 Jun |
At Merryhill fields, Bushey from 5.30p.m were 1 Gatekeeper (first of year), 12 Purple Hairstreaks another first. These were seen
on 4 oak trees mostly around 8 p.m. Also 1 Painted Lady, 3 Comma, 118 Meadow Brown, 169 Marbled White, 6 Small Skipper, 5
Large Skipper, 110 Ringlet, 1 Large White. Moths able to identify were 8 Yellow Shell, 1 Silver Y, 5 Shaded
Broad-bar |
David Gower |
26 Jun |
This evening - 3 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Painted Lady at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097). 1 male Gatekeeper at
Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1912 hrs - my first of the year! |
Robert Callf |
26 Jun |
At Northaw Great Wood between Transects I looked in the usual place, fleetingly saw a lone Purple Emperor with the naked eye high in the
ash tree. On looking again with my zoom there was no sign of it. I looked again at the end of my walk and no sign |
Dee Cullen |
26 Jun |
Symondshyde Great Wood 4-5 pm = 5+ Silver-washed Fritillaries and 1 White Admiral, with Comma, Large Skippers,
Small White, Peacock and Meadow Brown also seen |
Trevor Chapman |
26 Jun |
Nomansland Common bear Sandridge - Male Purple Emperor languidly circling the high point in the oak canopy at 2pm. I was not able to
repeat yesterday's sightings of Dark Green Fritillaries, suggesting they are continuing dispersal, so worth keeping an eye on patches of thistles and knapweed
across our area. Other highlights from the site include Small Copper, Small Heath, Common Blue and Holly Blue, a very fresh
looking Brimstone, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Silver Y and plenty of Marbled Whites
Malcolm Hull |
26 Jun |
1 Small White, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Meadow Brown - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
26 Jun |
First Silver-washed Fritillary of the year in Cannocks Wood then a female seen in Norton Green Common during mid-morning walk. Numbers
of Meadow Brown and Marbled White are still quite high along with several Large Skippers. Still no sign of Purple Hairsteak, Purple
Emperor nor White Admiral
Peter Clarke |
26 Jun |
On our circular walk from South Mymms woods, through fields into North Mymms wood and back again we were pleased to see 2 White Admiral.
The first in North Mymms at TL 21840 03680 and presumably a male from its behaviour, and the second in South Mymms at TL 21645 02605 an egg laying female.
Also seen on the walk a single Small Tortoiseshell and Cinnabar; many Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Whites, Comma, Speckled
Wood, and Large Skipper, Small Skipper; together with a multitude of Marbled White. In fact earlier this week on walks that I've
taken around The Fir & Pond Wood area, I've seen Marbled White everywhere, too numerous to report on |
Terry Wood |
26 Jun |
Bower Heath - 1 Purple Hairstreak & 3 Purple Hairstreak on 25 Jun |
Darin Stanley |
25 Jun |
Silver-washed Fritillary and Purple Hairstreak at Stanmore Country Park
Steve Bolsover |
25 Jun |
As the weather was forecast for a turn for the worst tomorrow, I decided to make the best of today, starting at St Albans Verulamium Park
between 9.50 and 12 noon, hoping for hairstreak sp. In fact the temperature had reached 25C by this and any hairstreaks present were being very coy with
only Meadow Brown, Marbled White, Red Admiral, 10+ fly-through whites, seen. On to Hexton Chalk Pit between 1240 and 1.45 - the
temperature now 29C . A little bit of magic here, with large numbers of Meadow Brown, and Marbled White, good numbers of Small Heath,
and plus at leas 26 Dark Green Fritillaries, but no skippers or blues. Back to St Albans via Sharpenhoe Clappers, where over the border butterfly
numbers were generally lower, but still 16 Dark Green Fritillaries in 30 minutes, but again but again no Chalkhill Blues yet. Home via Symondshyde Great
Wood where between 2.30 and 3.15 pm along the main telegraph pole ride produced 8 sightings of very mobile Silver-washed Fritillaries, but only a
maximum of 3 in view at any time. Plus small numbers of Meadow Brown, Whites. So, some compensation for the sunburn! |
Peter Waldron |
25 Jun |
This evening at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 1 Painted Lady (very worn & faded) settled on track at Hog Hill at 1819 hrs, 2
Marbled White, 2 Small Heath, 100's Meadow Brown, 7+ Purple Hairstreak around oaks along Leeging Beech Gutter after 1940 hrs, 4
Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma and 1 Cinnabar |
Robert Callf |
25 Jun |
I was getting worried for the Silver-washed Fritillaries on Bricket Wood Common this year. White Admirals have been about for almost two
weeks, and Meadow Browns and Ringlets are plentiful, but until yesterday I'd only seen a single fritillary on any day, and none patrolling the 'Gas Ride'
where they're usually most conspicuous. But today I saw 7 just walking down the ride, including this pair mating. I first noticed movement below eye level,
above the low brambles, realized the flight was awkward, and then saw it was one carrying another as it flew. They circled round a couple of times and settled
on a twig, giving me long enough to photograph them from various angles
Chris Newman |
25 Jun |
St Albans - Brimstone moth and 2 Box Tree moths in my garden this afternoon. One of the latter flew into my house. And two more
Small Tortoiseshells went in to hibernation, bringing the current total to 3. But the big news of the day is from Nomansland Common which I visited at
lunchtime to meet the new Ranger Tanya Dickson. We saw no less than three Dark Green Fritillaries and had clear views of the underside to positively ID
each one. I have recorded just one of this species here before which was in 2013. DGF is clearly having a fabulous year in its strongholds in the north of
Herts and it can disperse over quite a long distance so worth watching out for this species elsewhere
Malcolm Hull |
25 Jun |
For my LEW I walked through Easneye Woods and was thrilled to see 3 Silver-washed Fritillary. Purple Hairstreak and
White-letter Hairstreak were both active with one White-letter on low vegetation and later a Purple Hairstreak at eye level on an oak leaf. Nice to see
several Marbled White on the field margins east of Easneye! |
Liz Goodyear |
25 Jun |
Hounslow. Very pleased to see my first White-letter Hairstreak of the year at one of the usual sites at the top of an elm tree. It followed
immediately after a rather more conspicuous Jersey Tiger moth also in a familiar spot on the heath. For a little while after these sightings I was 'escorted'
along my path by a Purple Hairstreak so an enjoyable few minutes. Here are the full sightings, Skippers badly under-counted: Small White: 6, Painted
Lady: 1, Red Admiral: 4, Meadow Brown: 33, Marbled White: 11, Ringlet: 5, Small Tortoiseshell: 5, Comma: 5,
Holly Blue: 3, Small Skipper: 4, Small Heath: 16, Large White: 1, White-letter Hairstreak: 1, Purple Hairstreak: 6
and a Jersey Tiger moth |
Peter Gore |
25 Jun |
1 (possibly 2) Large White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
25 Jun |
This morning walked to the top of Wormley Wood saw 2 White Admirals and a Purple Emperor and several Silver-washed
Fritillaries |
Steve Kiln |
25 Jun |
Early morning walk through Tunnel Gardens to water newly planted Meadow Cranesbill revealed 1 new lonely male Marbled White (the first
was badly pecked when last seen) but still no females, 3 Essex Skippers, 2 Large Skippers, 4 Meadow Browns, 2 Speckled Wood, 1
Cinnabar moth and 1 Rose Chaffer buzzing loudly. I returned to Tunnel Gardens this evening and was pleased to discover three fresh Marbled Whites
one of which was a female, it's not much of a gene pool but hopefully it could be the start of a colony. Also four Essex Skippers, 4 Large
Skippers, two Commas, 6 Meadow Browns, 4 Small Whites, and two Red Admirals. The red admirals, skippers and commas all having
dog fights in the last big patch of sun
Miles Attenborough |
24 Jun |
This evening - At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - 2 Marbled White, 4 Comma, 6 Small Tortoiseshell including three
together at Hog Hill, 1 Red Admiral and 2 Purple Hairstreak. At Parkside Farm/Res., Enfield (TQ2998) - 1 Comma and 2 Small White
mating |
Robert Callf |
24 Jun |
Hounslow. In effect this walk started at about the time yesterday's finished but in similar sunny sweltering conditions and over the same
terrain. A few Purple Hairstreaks were probably getting overheated in the treetops (or their food supplies were) and I was able to record my first of the year
at ground level: Purple Hairstreak: 3, Meadow Brown: 42, Small Heath: 14, Painted Lady: 1, Comma: 6, Red Admiral: 4,
Ringlet: 2, Speckled Wood: 2, Small Skipper: 6, Holly Blue: 2, Essex Skipper: 1, Marbled White: 7, Small
White: 3, Green-veined White: 2 |
Peter Gore |
24 Jun |
A brief visit to Fishers field nature reserve late afternoon and came across 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 7 Small Skipper, 15
Meadow Brown, 16 Marbled White, 1 Comma, 1 Small White. No sign of Purple Hairstreaks yet |
David Gower |
24 Jun |
St Albans Shed - Small Tortoiseshell in hibernation at lunchtime today. Ridiculously early I know, but that's what they do nowadays! In
2017 there were 9 hibernating by the end of June. Today's sighting is the earliest date in the year I have recorded. In fact when I entered the shed there was
a second Small Tortoiseshell, searching for a hibernation spot. It flew very slowly, as if in first gear, searching round the darkest corners of the
shed. They are very careful about picking the best spot, as a poor decision can be fatal. Unfortunately as I left the door open, it rejected all the sites
inspected as too light and flew out of the slit window. I had been alerted earlier this week by three tell-tale signs that hibernation was about to start.
Firstly two of the butterflies were feeding avidly on nectar in the garden all day. Secondly I disturbed a Small Tortoiseshell on top of my recycling
bin, which is just outside the shed window and a place no butterflies are seen unless planning to check out their winter quarters. Thirdly today was
exceptionally hot - a factor which I've observed to speed up the rate of hibernation in previous years. There have been numerous Small Tortoiseshell
sightings locally in recent weeks, so I'm looking forward to hosting a good number of butterflies for the next 9 months
Malcolm Hull |
24 Jun |
Silver-washed Fritillary in Buckney Wood, north of Wareside (TL3816) |
Liz Goodyear |
24 Jun |
Scales Park (TL415 335): Silver-washed Fritillary (9 Males) |
Martin Johnson |
24 Jun |
New Mill Meadow, Tring (SP923131) - Morning walk but already 26 degrees. 1 each Small White and Large White, 1 Comma, 6
Small Tortoiseshell, 7 Large Skipper and 23 Ringlet. Two species abundant with 100+ Marbled White and Meadow Brown |
Chris Hilling |
23 Jun |
Therfield Heath: Silver-washed Fritillary (5 Males). Males were seen holding/disputing territory in both Fox Covert and Fordham's Wood,
as well as on Church Hill. If they stay this will be the 3rd new species to establish itself on Therfield Heath in the last 10 years, following on from Dark
Green Fritillary and Adonis Blue (unlicensed introduction), bringing the number of species completing breeding cycles here up to 27 (excludes Painted Lady and
Clouded Yellow). Amongst other species seen across the heath were Dark Green Fritillary (75+; another phenomenal year) and Marbled White (150+;
ditto) |
Martin Johnson |
23 Jun |
We enjoyed a walk in the Tewin area in the afternoon with warm sun and clear skies. Steady numbers of Meadow Brown and Marbled
White all round. Also one Comma, two Small Tortoiseshells, three Small Heath, two Gatekeepers and several unidentified whites.
The highlight was Bramfield Park Wood (TL2815) where along with a number of Meadow Browns we saw a Large Skipper and a Silver-washed
Fritillary before spotting a dead White Admiral on the path. Even better was the sight of two White Admirals flying around about 100 yards
further down where the Permitted Path meets the bridleway running through the wood |
Roger Newbold |
23 Jun |
4 Orange Conch - Commophila aeneana - E of 10 km line at Oakwood Park, N14. Probably >100 Small Skipper at Oakwood Park
(although only a sample counted and no Essex Skipper identified yet). 1 Comma at Southgate Chase Allotments at 1948 hrs |
Robert Callf |
23 Jun |
Weedy field, Batford - 3 White-letter Hairstreaks at top of small oak tree at the SW corner or the field |
Darin Stanley |
23 Jun |
Hounslow. Lots of sunshine with lots of butterflies, the following being identified: Comma: 7, Ringlet: 5, Marbled White:
6, Green-veined White: 3, Red Admiral: 4, Meadow Brown: 46, Small Skipper: 12, Small Heath: 14, Essex Skipper: 1,
Small White: 2, Small Tortoiseshell: 1, Small Copper: 1, Speckled Wood: 1, Holly Blue: 1 |
Peter Gore |
23 Jun |
We visited our local area Park Wood, Ruislip. At the high point by St Vincent's nursing home (TQ095897) we saw our first Purple Emperors
(2) in the canopy opening at the highest point of the oaks, one sat on a perch for about five minutes which enabled us to enjoy prolonged telescope views. At
the area known as Grub ground (TQ09708895) we saw approx. 10+ Marbled Whites along with Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Ringlets,
Meadow Browns and Speckled Woods. As we were leaving the woods we saw a male and female Silver-washed Fritillary and a White Admiral
all feeding on the brambles just inside the entrance from the cul-de-sac at the end of Park Avenue |
Sue & Steve Place |
22 Jun |
3 Speckled Wood at Trent Park (2 together near Merryhills Brook and 1 edge of Moat Wd), 6 Comma (5 at Trent Park, 1 at Park Farm,
Enfield), 1 Red Admiral edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 13 Small Tortoiseshell (1 at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 6 at Park Farm, Enfield, 1 at
Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield, 5 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield - TQ3097), 1 Large White and 2 Small White at Park Farm, Enfield, 2 Small Skipper
at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield. 1 Small Magpie at ASDA Southgate this evening near outside light |
Robert Callf |
22 Jun |
I had a late evening visit to Monken Hadley Common in the hope of seeing Purple Hairstreaks, but no luck on that front. I did see Commas,
Large Skippers, Essex Skipper, Small White, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood and Marbled White. Commas in all states of
repair from very tatty ones clinging on from last year to really fresh golden ones glowing in the evening sun, lots of battling for territory Skippers and
Miles Attenborough |
22 Jun |
I visited Church Hill, Therfield Heath this afternoon. I was pleased to see over a dozen Dark Green Fritillaries on the main slope, but
there were no blues flying. However, on crossing into the small enclosure on the southern boundary, I came across a solitary male
Chalkhill Blue - this is a very early date for these to be starting to emerge. Many Marbled Whites were on the thistles marking the boundary
at the foot of Church Hill, and there were a handful of Small Heath and two very faded Common Blues |
Ian Small |
22 Jun |
Made an excuse to go in to the office, them absconded for a very quick walk round Ellenbrook Fields (old Hatfield airfield) and the adjoining
old BT site. No camera, binoculars, phone or even paper and pen, so from memory, I saw: 12 Marbled White, probably double that Meadow Brown,
2 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Small Heath, 4 Small Skipper and a rather tatty female Common Blue. There were numerous other flypasts
including 15 to 20 assorted whites and a Cinnabar or Burnet moth (too brief to tell). Quite forgotten how much I'd missed getting out here. Need to find
more excuses to be back in the office |
Robert Bull |
22 Jun |
A lunchtime visit to Roxeth Recreation Ground produced my first Marbled White for this site. Also, at least one Ringlet and 1
Common Blue |
Michael Robinson |
22 Jun |
A morning visit to Hexton Chalk Pit with the purpose of seeing the Dark Green Fritillaries, did not disappoint! I counted 35 of them all
hovering low but rarely landing. In addition, 40 Marbled White. Smaller numbers of other species which included Ringlets, Meadow Browns,
Small Heath, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Brimstone. No Blues or Brown Argus. Then en route back I did my transects at
Northaw Great Wood. Pleased to see quite a few firsts of year : White Admirals 2 on each transect; Silver-washed Fritillaries 5 on the Bridleway
transect; 4 Purple Hairstreaks down on the bracken. Also out of context, like last year saw a lone Marbled White, this time at the Western
end of the Middleway transect
Dee Cullen |
22 Jun |
A Silver-washed Fritillary, initially found by Tony Jakeman, was on Anthill Meadow in Alexandra Park (TQ299899) this afternoon. Usually
only seen once or twice a year here, and always a wandering male. Also seen in the Park were White-letter Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak,
Marbled White, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Ringlet and Comma and numerous Meadow Brown and Small White
Gerry Rawcliffe |
21 Jun |
Late afternoon visit to Bricket Wood Common with very short burst of sun revealed 1 nice fresh Red Admiral, 3 White Admirals and
1 male Silver-washed Fritillary, 1 Comma, 3 Ringlets, 7 Meadow Brown and 3 white butterflies all in the gas main ride (TL 129010).
Only got one chance of a shot of the White Admiral nectaring on a bramble in the shade but quite a lot of activity when the sun came out
Miles Attenborough |
21 Jun |
On a public footpath off Furzebushes Lane, Chiswell Green (TL126048) saw a cluster of black caterpillars on the wire fencing by a nettle patch
- presumably Peacocks. There were 4 other small groups nearby - a total of 40 or so. Mainly cloudy with brief intermittent sunny breaks, so was pleased
to see a few butterflies including a Red Admiral
Alison Hill |
21 Jun |
Millhoppers Reserve - Late afternoon walk found few species but reasonable numbers. Over 70 Meadow Brown with one pair mating. 9
Large Skippers (6 male and 3 female), 4 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Marbled White, 11 Ringlet and 1 Speckled Wood. There was a
writhing mass of Peacock larvae - possibly 100. I got a brief view of a Snout moth in the top wood area |
Chris Hilling |
21 Jun |
Sighted a Marbled White at Chelsing Farm, Wadesmill |
Roger Stainton |
21 Jun |
Heartwood Forest, Sandridge - 3 Purple Emperors at the Eastern tip of Pudler's Wood. I arrived at 1pm, weather was overcast with
occasional sunny spells. At 2.30 I saw the aftermath of a clash - two males heading rapidly west from the high point, one chasing the other. At 3.50 I saw a
single Emperor fly out of the Sallows in Magical Wood into the Pudler's Wood canopy |
Malcolm Hull |
20 Jun |
Had Purple Emperor at master tree Totteridge Green at 12.55 and 13.10. Also Brimstone and Purple
Hairstreak seen, Marbled Whites on Owl Field |
Tony Clancy |
20 Jun |
A good number of butterflies around at Nicholls Farm including good numbers of Small Tortoiseshell (incl caterpillars on nettles) and
Meadow Browns plus a few Small White, Comma, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Small Heath and Marbled Whites |
Peter Tallantire |
20 Jun |
Visited Balls Wood between 15.30 and 18.30. 9 White Admirals in different sections of the woods, only two settled, one pristine male
Silver-washed Fritillary, 3 Ringlet, 20 male Large Skippers, 9 Commas, 10 Meadow Browns, 2 Red Admirals, and 4 white butterflies
Miles Attenborough |
20 Jun |
At Fishers field nature reserve 36 Meadow Brown, 7 Marbled White, 8 Small Skipper, 1 Comma, 3 Small
Tortoiseshell. Moths 3 Cinnabar (and 27 caterpillars), 1 Silver Y, 1 Burnet Companion, 1 Yellow Shell. Back to Water Lane
seeing 8 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Small White, 14 Marbled White, 1 Essex Skipper, 5 Ringlet, 6 Meadow Brown, 6
Comma, 1 Large White, 2 Red Admiral also 1 Peacock caterpillar |
David Gower |
20 Jun |
Oakwood Park, N14 (1635 - 1720 hrs) - 3 Comma and 1 Red Admiral near Saxon Way entrance (TQ297953), 27+ Small Skipper, 1
Small White W of 10 km line, 3 Small Heath, 27+ Marbled White including five together nectaring on knapweed and a pair mating, 3
Cinnabar, 1 Ringlet E of 10 km line, 2 Burnet Companion E of 10 km line, 2 Orange Conch - Commophila aeneana - E of 10 km
line. 1 Small Magpie near light at Oakwood Station - my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
20 Jun |
On a late morning walk on Potters Bar Golf Course, after seeing up to 6 Meadow Brown, we were surprised to see towards the railway line
1 Marbled White (TL 245024) |
Terry Wood |
20 Jun |
We spent the day in and around Bricket Wood Common. The highlights were 4 White Admirals, 1 Silver-washed Fritillary and a highly
likely Purple Emperor. We both had brief glimpses of the Emperor through the canopy gap by its master tree area in
Mutchetts Wood. It was gliding powerfully around the high point above the canopy. Meadow Brown and Grass Veneer moth were seen in their
hundreds. We saw 25 Small Tortoiseshells, with a particular concentration around the nettle-beds around Wall Hall pumping station. Other species seen
in small numbers included Speckled Wood, Brimstone, Ringlet, Comma, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Green-veined
White, Brown Silver-Lines, Purple Hairstreak and Marbled White. Last but not least were 2 Small Heath, a species which has
recently re-established itself on the Common and is benefiting from the conservation grazing regime |
Malcolm Hull Chris Newman |
19 Jun |
St Albans - Not much around apart from Meadow Browns and Cinnabar Moths
Malcolm Hull |
19 Jun |
1 Large White - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL19583031) |
David Inward |
18 Jun |
Water End meadows, Hemel Hempstead (TL033106): Meadow Brown 30+, Small Tortoiseshell 10, Small Skipper 2, Large
Skipper 3, Marbled White 1, Ringlet 1, Small Heath 1 |
Martin Parr |
18 Jun |
4 Small Tortoiseshell (1 at Park Farm, Enfield, 2 together at Parkside Farm - TQ2998, 1 at Vicarage Farm, Enfield). 1 Yellow
Shell at bus-stop shelter at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 and 1 Small Blood-vein at ASDA Southgate - my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
18 Jun |
I didn't go out until late afternoon, when the weather cleared. On Bricket Wood Common's 'Gas Ride', Transect Section 4, I saw a
Silver-washed Fritillary, my first of the year, and further down a White Admiral (my 7th sighting, but probably 4th individual)
Chris Newman |
18 Jun |
St Albans - heavy rain over the last few days has raised the water level in my garden pond by one foot. Butterfly numbers seem lower. This
afternoon's haul from my allotment was 11 Small Tortoiseshells, 6 Small White and one Small Skipper. Numbers of Peacock
caterpillars are much reduced, presumably due to pupation. Cinnabar moth caterpillars are now in bigger numbers
Malcolm Hull |
17 Jun |
Weedy field, Batford - 2 White-letter Hairstreaks around small oak tree by large bramble bush (TL15171497), also many Marbled
Whites, Meadow Brown & Small Skippers |
Darin Stanley Ian Denholm Jason Reyolds |
17 Jun |
1 Comma edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, also here 1 female Large Skipper. 1 Marbled White and 2 male Small Skipper
at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. 3 Small Tortoiseshell at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) and 2 Marbled White here. 1 Ringlet at Parkside
Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) - my first of the year and 1 female Small White here. 2 Small Tortoiseshell at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
17 Jun |
At Stocking Pelham TL457281, 11 Marbled Whites, 5 Meadow Browns, 1 Large White, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Common
Blue, 3 Small Tortoiseshell |
Andy Brown |
17 Jun |
In Bengeo garden: Marbled White, Red Admiral, Comma, 5+ Meadow Brown, Large Skipper, Speckled Wood
& Yellow Shell
Simon Knott |
17 Jun |
Arrived home on the Rosedale estate in Cheshunt at just before 1 p.m. to discover my wife had found and caught a butterfly in the downstairs
loo. She had caught it in a clear plastic cup and had put a piece of paper over the top to stop it escaping until I could see it. I was surprised to find it
was a female Purple Hairstreak. I have never seen one in this area before so have no idea how it came to be inside our house. I was pleased to see it
fly off when taken outside |
Roger Newbold |
16 Jun |
Between 2:30 and 3:30 pm, west of Stevenage, following footpaths Kitching Lane and Dyes Lane counted 19+ Small Tortoiseshells along
field margins including several interacting pairs. About 30 Small Tortoiseshells feeding on brambles back up Dyes Lane where there were also at least
35 Marbled Whites
Tom Speller |
16 Jun |
Walking from home in Cheshunt to Wormley and Bencroft woods and back, we saw the following. In TL3203, 15 Meadow Browns, in TL3103, 15
Meadow Browns, 1 Small Heath and 1 Holly Blue, in TL3104, 6 Meadow Browns, 1 Small Tortoiseshell and in TL3106 (Wormley
Wood), 3 Speckled Woods and 1 unidentified white. Whilst in the woods the sky turned grey so that with thunder rumbling in the distance we only saw one
solitary Meadow Brown as we hurried home before the heavens opened. A walk of two halves as far as butterflies are concerned |
Roger Newbold |
16 Jun |
Weedy field, Batford - 3 White-letter Hairstreaks around small oak tree by large bramble bush (TL15171497) |
Darin Stanley |
16 Jun |
1 Red Admiral settled on ground near Obelisk, Trent Park at 1813 hrs. At Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) - 1 Marbled White and 4
Small White. 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1927 hrs and 1 Painted Lady settled on track at Hog Hill,
Vicarage Farm (TQ305975) at 1949 hrs |
Robert Callf |
16 Jun |
Explosion of Marbled Whites, in field behind Bencroft Wood, 8 on 13 June, today 70 plus with 90 plus
Meadow Browns and 2 Ringlets. In Broxbourne glade near west car park, 2 Silver-washed Fritillaries |
Steve Kiln |
16 Jun |
I went for an early morning visit to the Tunnel Gardens (TQ292915) to water a newly seeded area. Last year I had seen one female Marbled White
who hung around in the same area for at least a week, the first I had seen there in the 15 years we have lived here. I was hopeful she would have laid some
eggs so was pleased to discover today 1 Marbled White who flew up into a tree when disturbed but looked like a male. I will be going back this evening
to see if there are more. I also spotted 1 very fresh Cinnabar moth, which I had also been hoping to see as we had hundreds of caterpillars on the
ragwort last year. Also 1 male Large Skipper. Sadly the two small broods of Common Blue I had seen last year don't appear to have established
themselves as none seen this year. Returned to Tunnel Gardens this evening and found 1 lonely male Marbled White hopefully he will find a mate. Also 2
male Essex Skippers and 3 Large Skippers
Miles Attenborough |
15 Jun |
Grovelands Park, Southgate (1325 - 1620 hrs) - 1 male Small Skipper, 2 male Meadow Brown, 1 Small Heath and 1 Burnet
Companion near tennis courts (TQ307946). 2 Small Tortoiseshell at Ivy Road Recreation Ground, N14 this afternoon at 1644 hrs (around clump of
bramble in flower) |
Robert Callf |
15 Jun |
We took a walk, late morning, on Bricket Wood Common. There we saw 2 White Admiral, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Marbled White, 3
Speckled Wood and 10+ Meadow Brown |
Terry Wood |
15 Jun |
I spent an hour at Hexton Chalkpit this morning, and there were numerous (what I took to be) Dark Green Fritillaries: the commonest
butterfly on the wing. I managed to see 8 flying simultaneously, and I would have thought there were double that number in total, but all butterflies were
very mobile in the warm conditions. Also about 6 Marbled Whites |
Phil Barron |
14 Jun |
Much Hadham (TL434187): Silver-washed Fritillary(2 males) |
Martin Johnson |
14 Jun |
I followed the 'Gas Ride' and all of Section 2 of the Bricket Wood Common Transect in reverse, and saw three White Admirals. The first
settled for nectar and a photo soon after the sun came out, I waited some time before the second perched, but I saw the third where I recorded one yesterday,
where there's little sunshine or nectar, so when it flew past and disappeared into the trees, I didn't wait. Also on parts of the Transect I saw 1 Red
Admiral, 2 Commas, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 probable Large Skippers, 1 distant probable female Brimstone and plenty
of Meadow Browns. Elsewhere on my walk I saw 3 Small Tortoiseshells, 1 Speckled Wood, plenty of Meadow Browns, and 2 Peacock
caterpillars crossing the footpath next to the Wall Hall Pumping Station footbridge
Chris Newman |
14 Jun |
2 Purple Hairstreaks battling it out in the canopy at Merry Hill plus 3 Meadow Browns. A heartening sight on a beautiful evening |
John Liberty |
14 Jun |
4 Small Tortoiseshell at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 2 Small Heath, 1 Marbled White, 2 Small Skipper
and 1 male Large Skipper. 1 male Marbled White at Cuckold's Hill, Parkside Farm (TQ302981), 2 Small Tortoiseshell at Parkside Farm,
Enfield (TQ2998), also here 1+ Silver Y, 1 Marbled White, 2 Large Skipper, 1 female Green-veined White and 1 Cinnabar. 1
Red Admiral at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ293986), 3 Small Skipper at Bay Farm, Enfield (TQ295986), also here 1 Red Admiral flew off strongly
N at 1209 hrs and 1 Speckled Wood, 3 Small White at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), also here 1 Small Tortoiseshell at 1228 hrs at TQ289988,
1 Yellow Shell and 1 male Large Skipper. 1 Red Admiral edge of Moat Wood, Trent Park at 1301 hrs, 3 Large Skipper at Trent Park
(2 near Dew Pond, 1 edge of Williams Wood), 3 Comma at Trent Park (2 clashing edge of Williams Wood, 1 edge of Shaws Wood), 1 female Green-veined
White edge of Shaws Wood, Trent Park, 4 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm near Shaws Wood (TQ297970), 1 male Marbled White near Merryhills Brook
at Vicarage Farm (TQ297968), also here 3 Small Skipper, 1 Speckled Wood near Equestrian Centre, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
14 Jun |
Hounslow. A Comma and a Holly Blue in the garden made a slightly surprising start to the day although it became clearer later on the walk that
Commas are increasing at the moment : Comma: 9, Holly Blue: 1, Small Skipper: 6, Small Heath: 13, Meadow Brown: 6,
Peacock: 1, Smnall White: 1, Marbled White: 1, Painted Lady: 1, Small Tortoiseshell: 1 and a Cinnabar moth |
Peter Gore |
14 Jun |
Back to Merryhill fields, Bushey. Was pleased to report 1 Painted Lady (first of year), 1 Small Copper, 1 Comma, 1
Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, 2 Large White, 5 Ringlet, 31 Marbled White, 159 Meadow Brown, 9 Small Skipper,
15 Large Skipper (failed to identify 19 more). Moths were 1 Plum Tortrix, 1 Silver Y, 1 Burnet Companion. Walked through St James
churchyard finding 6 Meadow Browns & 1 Red Admiral |
David Gower |
14 Jun |
Lunchtime we saw 2 Marbled Whites at Tyttenhanger Gravel Pits; 1 by the scrape and 1 along the River Colne. Also seen 1 Holly Blue,
1 Small Heath, 1 Small White, 4 Meadow Brown and 3 Small Tortoiseshell |
Terry Wood |
14 Jun |
Silver-washed Fritillary at Therfield Heath alongside half a dozen Dark Green Fritillary |
Andy Symes |
14 Jun |
After ten minutes scouring the elm tree-tops at Six Hills Common, Stevenage I finally saw a White-letter Hairstreak in the middle 'gap' at
10:30 |
Peter Clarke |
14 Jun |
Thought I'd share that this White-letter Hairstreak (I believe) landed in my garden in Enfield
Tom Sharpe |
14 Jun |
This afternoon alongside the River Lea, adjacent to Hatfield House grounds (TL257098). Small Tortoiseshell 10+ with six seen on the
same Bramble bush, Large Skipper 3, Green-veined White, Small White, Meadow Brown 10+, Marbled White 1 - the first time we
have seen this species in this part of the world. And a Cinnabar moth, and two nests of Peacock caterpillars |
Roger Gibbons |
14 Jun |
Seen at Marnham Fields, Greenford: Marbled White 5 (my first record of this species here), Meadow Brown 1, Small Skipper 1,
several unidentified whites |
Paul Lane |
14 Jun |
Went to Broxbourne Woods this morning. In field behind Bencroft Wood 50 plus Meadow Browns, 5 Small Heath, 4 Large Skippers and
4 Small Skippers also 8 Marbled Whites |
Steve Kiln |
13 Jun |
At Aldbury Nowers lowest enclosure spotted 55 Meadow Brown, 17 Small Heath, 8 Ringlet, 4 Small Skipper, 6
Marbled White, 3 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Dark Green Fritillary, 1 Large White, 1 Small Skipper. Moths 1 Common Carpet,
1 Silver Y, 2 Cinnabar, 1 Mother Shipton. Onto next enclosure finding 15 Meadow Brown, 5 Small Heath, 5 Marbled White,
1 Ringlet and 1 Silver Y. Duchie's piece next. 3 Ringlet, 15 Meadow Brown, 2 Green Hairstreak, 1 Small Skipper, 1
Brimstone, 3 Large Skipper, 1 Small Heath, 1 Green-veined White, 8 Marbled White, 1 Dark Green Fritillary. Moths 1
Yellow Shell, 1 Silver Y. Lastly at top section were 23 Meadow Brown, 11 Small Heath, 3 Dark Green Fritillary, 1 Marbled
White, 7 Ringlet, 2 Common Blue, 1 Small Skipper, 1 Brimstone, 1 Small Tortoiseshell & 1 Silver Y |
David Gower |
13 Jun |
On the Bricket Wood Common transect I saw my first White Admiral and Marbled White of the year. I also recorded a Small
Heath (only the 20th recorded since 1997) and 3 Small Tortoiseshells (only 15 recorded in the previous 4 years), along with 29 Meadow Browns,
a Speckled Wood, a female Brimstone and a Holly Blue
Chris Newman |
13 Jun |
1 female Small White at Dalrymple Close, N14 at 1058 hrs, 1 Green-veined White near Oakwood entrance, Trent Park, 1 Speckled
Wood at Sect 7, Trent Park, 8 Speckled Wood at Monken Hadley Common - scattered along length of wood, 2 Large Skipper including a female at
Monken Hadley Common (TQ268973) and 1 Marbled White here also, 1 Large White at Monken Hadley Common (TQ261970), 1 Comma near Beech Hill
Lake at Monken Hadley Common (TQ268969) at 1425 hrs, 2 Comma at Trent Park - 1 near Cockfosters entrance (TQ280966) and 1 near Oakwood entrance
(TQ288962), 2 Large Skipper chasing near Oakwood entrance, Trent Park, 1 White Ermine at ASDA Southgate |
Robert Callf |
13 Jun |
Millhoppers Reserve - Late afternoon walk found 23 Meadow Brown, 3 Large Skipper and a Speckled Wood in the meadow areas.
In the small Wood at the top of the site I saw a very fresh Red Admiral plus a Small Magpie moth. Coming back into the top meadow I disturbed a
Marbled White feeding on some thistle, my first and the sites first of the year. It promptly flew off towards Long Marston before I could get a picture.
Also present were Nettle Tap and Celypha lacunana micros moths |
Chris Hilling |
13 Jun |
Hounslow. Breeze and more cloud than expected probably limited sightings that would otherwise have been flying but the first Marbled Whites of
the year were seen, one day earlier than the previous earliest back in 2017: Comma: 2, Speckled Wood: 1, Meadow Brown: 6, Small
Heath: 17, Small Skipper: 1, Marbled White: 2, Small White: 1, Small Tortoiseshell: 2 and a Cinnabar moth |
Peter Gore |
13 Jun |
Aldbury Nowers. 10 Dark Green Fritillaries were the highlight of today's walk. Meadow Brown was the most common butterfly with
over a hundred seen. Also good numbers of Small Heath, Small Tortoiseshell and Marbled White. 3 species of skippers with Small
Skipper being most common, the Large Skipper and just one Essex Skipper. Several left over Spring butterflies including Brimstone and
tatty Common Blues and a Brown Argus. Ringlet, Speckled Woods and Green-veined Whites also spotted. Moths included
Silver Y, Cinnabar, Burnet Companion, Yellow Shell and Mullein caterpillars
Malcolm Hull |
13 Jun |
Seen this morning at Commonswood, WGC (TL258109): Small Tortoiseshell 5, Comma 2, Meadow Brown 10, Small Heath 2, Small
White 2, Large Skipper 2 |
Roger Gibbons |
13 Jun |
Saw my first Gatekeeper on my Middleway Transect at Northaw Great Wood today. Didn't manage a photo. A better
range and number of butterflies flying than I have since the counts started again. Including Meadow Browns, Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells,
and Speckled Woods. A nice Comma let me photograph it. Surprisingly no whites around again, overall numbers of them are way down on my usual
Dee Cullen |
13 Jun |
Gatekeeper butterfly flying in our Thorley Park, Stortford, back garden this morning |
Len Crouch |
13 Jun |
A walk around Bricket Wood Common this morning between 10am and 11.30am in sun and cloud and 18-22 C, produced 5 Speckled Wood, 7
Meadow Brown, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Large Skipper, 5 non-stopping Whites and 1 Ringlet and 1 White
Admiral, both on the gas ride |
Peter Waldron |
12 Jun |
1 Red Admiral at Strayfield Rd, EN2 (TQ313989) at 1304 hrs |
Robert Callf |
12 Jun |
South Mymms, around midday we saw another Marbled White, this time by the footpath that goes under the M25 (TL215015). Also seen on our
walk 8 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Meadow Brown and an unidentifiable white butterfly |
Terry Wood |
12 Jun |
Box Moor, Hemel Hempstead (TL049060) - 5 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Meadow Brown. Paradise Meadows TL061070 - 1 Speckled Wood;
TL060068 - 1 Small Tortoiseshell |
Martin Parr |
11 Jun |
Hemel Hempstead, Bunkers Park (TL0805) - 2 Essex Skipper, 5 Large Skipper, 1 Marbled White |
Martin Parr |
11 Jun |
Trent Park 'New Fields' - 2 male Small Skipper, 1 Small Heath, 1 Cinnabar and 1 Rose Chafer feeding on umbellifer flowers
near Triangular Wd - my first record for this site! |
Robert Callf |
9 Jun |
TL455285 Stocking Pelham 4 Small Heath, 2 Meadow Brown |
Andy Brown |
9 Jun |
Dark Green Fritillary, one, possibly two, Little Offley (TL129285) |
Martin Ketcher |
9 Jun |
1 freshly emerged Purple Hairstreak Totteridge Valley, also 6 Small Tortoiseshell large numbers
Meadow Brown |
Tony Clancy |
9 Jun |
Ringlet reported from Chorleywood Common |
Philip Gibbs |
9 Jun |
St Albans - 2 Small Tortoiseshells feeding avidly on scabious and Bowles Mauve wallflower for long periods today. This is characteristic
of their behaviour immediately before entering hibernation! But no butterflies in my shed yet
Malcolm Hull |
9 Jun |
Hounslow. Mid afternoon before sun persuaded a few butterflies out which included the first skippers of year seen here and a decent showing for
the new brood of Small Tortoiseshells - hope they don't all disappear by mid-June! : Small Tortoiseshell: 5, Small Skipper: 2, Meadow Brown:
3, Small Heath: 12, Red Admiral: 1 |
Peter Gore |
9 Jun |
This afternoon - 29 Chimney Sweeper in usual field at 'New Fields' Trent Park - my first of the year, 2 Burnet Companion at
'New Fields' Trent Park, 2 Cinnabar (1 at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm near Hadley Rd), 3 Large Skipper (1 at 'New Fields' Trent
Park, 1 at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield - TQ2998 and 1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097), 4 Small Heath (3 at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 at Vicarage Farm -
TQ3097), 1 Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 4 Small Skipper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 Comma near Sports Field at Trent Park
- my first of the summer-brood, 4 Small White (1 near Sports Field at Trent Park, 3 at Park Farm, Enfield), 9 Small Tortoiseshell (1 near
Sports Field at Trent Park, 2 at Park Farm near Duncan's Wd, 1 at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield, 5 at Vicarage Farm - 3 at Hog Hill and 2 courting at firing
range), 1 Marbled White near Snakes Lane, Trent Park - my first of the year, a batch of Peacock caterpillars on nettles near Snakes Lane, Trent
Park, 1 Holly Blue near Snakes Lane, Trent Park, 1 Yellow Shell at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998). Another large batch of Peacock caterpillars
(well grown) near Triangular Wd, Trent Park this evening |
Robert Callf |
9 Jun |
Dark Green Fritillary between Aston End and High Wood Benington this morning at TL281233
Phil Bishop |
9 Jun |
1 Small Blue at Westbrook Hay, Boxmoor, Herts. Singleton most likely wanderer from nearby Bourne End colony, no Kidney vetch present as far as
I could see
Ashley Cox |
9 Jun |
This morning I had two firsts of the year for me: 3 Meadow Browns 1 in the anthill meadow and 2 in the top meadow on my Alexandra Park
transect. At my Allotment in Muswell Hill 1 Painted Lady |
Dee Cullen |
9 Jun |
A walk on a surprisingly sunny late morning around Stapleford and Waterford north of Hertford revealed my first Marbled White of the
year, followed a little later by my latest Orange-tip of the year, a smart male, not often I record these two species on the same day |
Andrew Wood |
9 Jun |
On a quick visit to the Grubb ground area in Park Wood, Ruislip this morning (TQ09708895) we saw our first White
Admiral of the year (which is earlier than previous years). It was seen at the north end of Grubb ground adjacent to the Pylon Ride. Also seen was
a Small Skipper, 6 Speckled Wood and 5 Meadow Browns |
Sue & Steve Place |
9 Jun |
Two Marbled Whites were seen today on Ox-Eye Daisies alongside a field of Oats at Redwell Wood Farm, South Mymms (TL209022). Also seen
on our walk were Small Tortoiseshell (10+), Meadow Brown (10+) and Speckled Wood (3) |
Terry Wood |
8 Jun |
At Oakwood Park, N14 (1635 - 1720 hrs) - 9 Orange Conch - Commophila aeneana - 3 W of 10 km line, 6 E of 10 km line, 2 Yellow
Shell - 1 W of 10 km line, 1 E of 10 km line, 2 Small Skipper including at least one male E of 10 km line - my first of
the year |
Robert Callf |
8 Jun |
Small Skipper seen at Horsenden Hill East, Ealing (TQ161843)
John Eborall |
8 Jun |
Another early record (this time for Marbled White) on Therfield Heath. Therfield Heath (Church Hill): Dark Green Fritillary (2),
Marbled White (5), Small Tortoiseshell (2), Small Heath (10+), Meadow Brown (10+). No blues were seen
during a short visit this morning in chilly weather
Martin Johnson |
8 Jun |
My first Marbled White of 2020 in Hertford |
John Harris |
7 Jun |
This afternoon - 4 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 1 Small Tortoiseshell on bramble along Leeging Beech
Gutter at 1224 hrs, 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Parkside Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1239 hrs, a batch of Peacock caterpillars on nettles at Park
Farm, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Holly Hill Farm, Enfield (TQ289998) at 1348 hrs. 1 Yellow Shell at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998)
- my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
7 Jun |
Barham Park, Wembley - 5 Meadow Brown |
Shailesh Patel |
5 Jun |
Walking in the Much Hadham area we saw very few butterflies in the cool and showery weather, just the occasional Meadow Brown. However,
nearing the village the clouds blew away, the sun came out and we saw a male Orange-tip looking in very good condition.(TL433187) |
Roger Newbold |
3 Jun |
Found a batch of Peacock caterpillars on nettles at Whitewebbs Farm, Enfield (TL327004) this evening |
Robert Callf |
3 Jun |
St Albans - approx 200 Peacock caterpillars on the nettle patch on my allotment
Malcolm Hull |
2 Jun |
Letchworth, Hillbrow Area - Small Heath x2, Small White x2, Meadow Brown x30+, Large Skipper x11, Brown Argus
x5, Common Blue x3m and Small Blue x17 (includes 2fm egg laying and a mating pair)
Roger Millard |
2 Jun |
This evening (after 1830 hrs) - 4 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) |
Robert Callf |
2 Jun |
This afternoon I saw a couple of Meadow Browns on the on Bricket Wood Common transect route for the first time this year, Section 4
along the 'Gas Ride' (TL130012) (I wasn't walking the transect, having done Week 9 on Thursday, and I saw a Meadow Brown on the Common yesterday) |
Chris Newman |
2 Jun |
Broxbourne woods this morning. Small Tortoiseshell=1, Speckled Wood=6, Meadow Brown=3, Large Skipper=3,
Silver-washed Fritillary=1 (never seen one this early before). Speckled Yellow moth=1 |
Chris Benton |
2 Jun |
We enjoyed a late afternoon walk of about 4 miles starting from Appleby Street and heading to Bencroft and Wormley Woods. We saw in TL3304, 3
Small Heath, 1 Speckled Wood, 3 Large Skipper, 2 Meadow Brown; in TL3305, 1 Small White and 1 Small Tortoiseshell;
in TL3306, 2 Meadow Brown; in TL3205, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Red Admiral, 4 Large Skipper and 1 Holly Blue. All the butterflies
were in fields and hedgerows; disappointingly all we saw in the woods were grey squirrels, not a single butterfly even along the rides |
Roger Newbold |
2 Jun |
Walked along Ebury way, Watford spotting 3 Speckled Wood, 4 Meadow Brown, 1 Comma. At Croxley Green Moor recordings were 1
Small White, 18 Small Heath, 6 Meadow Brown, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small Copper, 1 Common Blue and 5 Cinnabar
moths |
David Gower |
2 Jun |
Hounslow. Another sweltering sunny day that really would fit better in August along with the dried grasses and the fire that they encouraged.
A few more butterflies today though: Speckled Wood: 5, Red Admiral: 1 Small Heath: 13, Comma: 1, Common Blue: 1, Meadow
Brown: 4, Brown Argus: 1. The Meadow Browns here are not my first of the year overall, that was one in my garden on Sunday
31st May when it was joined by a Small White. Few whites seen today and none identified |
Peter Gore |
1 Jun |
Seen at Islip Manor meadows: single Common Blue accompanied by a Brown Argus, 2 Large Skippers, 2 Meadow Brown, 1
unidentified white, 3 Burnet moths plus many Burnet Companions |
Paul Lane |
1 Jun |
Another early evening trip to Sewit's Hill Monken Hadley Common. Around 18 Meadow Browns, 1 male Large Skipper, 1 Comma,
2 Small Heath
Miles Attenborough |
1 Jun |
1 Burnet Companion and 4 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 3 Small Tortoiseshell at Hog Hill,
Vicarage Farm (TQ3097) at 1638 hrs, 2 male Large Skipper clashing at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1738 hrs, also 1 Small Tortoiseshell
here, 1 Large Skipper along Jubilee Path at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ293987) at 1809 hrs, 1 Small Heath and 1 Small Copper along Jubilee
Path at Bay Farm (TQ298985) |
Robert Callf |
1 Jun |
Chiswell Green Lane, beyond the Royal Entomological Society, public footpath 28 (TL124044) has a short stretch which, from the satellite
picture, borders the former Butterfly World and Gardens of the Rose, I think and would explain why the grasses and plants are of interest to butterflies. Saw
Meadow Brown (1), Brimstone (2), Small Blue (3), Small Tortoiseshell (min. 4), Large Skipper (4), Small White (1),
Small Heath (2) |
Alison Hill |
1 Jun |
Aldbury Nowers - Following the report on 30th by Andrew Neild, I went over to look for the Dark Green Fritillary. I found 3 in the mid
compartment at the bottom of the slope. Thankfully one settled long enough for a photo. There is increasing amounts of Kidney Vetch by the path in top
compartment which yielded 2 Small Blue. Meadow Brown (50+) and Small Heath (30+) were most abundant species on site. On the moth front
- Cinnabar, Lesser Treble-bar and Burnet Companion seen
Chris Hilling |
1 Jun |
Meadow Brown returned to Bengeo garden. Also Speckled Wood
Simon Knott |
1 Jun |
At St James churchyard, Bushey 2 Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue, 1 Meadow Brown. At Bushey manor field only a lone Meadow
Brown. Lastly at Fishers field 2 Meadow Brown. 1 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Cinnabar moth |
David Gower |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
31 May |
8 Small Blues found roosting on the Butterfly World/Rose Farm Boundary (TL124042) |
Mandy Floyd |
31 May |
I had a late afternoon walk round Sewit's Hill in Monken Hadley Common (TQ268973) and saw 6 Small Heath, 3 Meadow Brown, 1
Large Skipper and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. At a bench in a sunny clearing at TQ269969 we watched 3 Comma duelling for territory, two a
bit faded and one very fresh one, one landed on my wife's finger and then knee |
Miles Attenborough |
31 May |
Tyttenhanger Gravel Pits this morning: 1 Painted Lady; 5 Small Tortoiseshell; 1 Small Heath. Then a payoff this
afternoon from "no mow May" in our front garden in Queensbury with a Meadow Brown. First for the garden. Gives me an excuse for no mow first week of
June! |
Tony Blake |
31 May |
Oxhey woods northern section 3 Speckled Wood. Southern section 1 Red Admiral |
David Gower |
31 May |
Barham Park, Wembley : Brimstone, Meadow Brown and a Large Skipper |
Shailesh Patel |
31 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - Mid morning walk at the Reserve found 3 Speckled Wood, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1
Small White and a fresh Meadow Brown. Also a male Brimstone nectaring on the Red Campion and a Large Skipper nectaring on the
Birds foot Trefoil. Numerous Grass Veneer moths seen all over the site
Chris Hilling |
31 May |
I finally remembered this year to go to Frogmore GPs in May and try & find a Grizzled Skipper. I guess I left a little late but
found one as soon as I got there. Unfortunately the only one though. Also two Small Copper interacting /chasing
Tom Speller |
30 May |
1 Willow Beauty at ASDA Southgate |
Robert Callf |
30 May |
Cheshunt (TL368028): Speckled Wood - 3, Small Tortoiseshell - 5 all look very fresh new brood, Holly Blue - 4,
Green veined White - 1, Small White 1 Broxbourne Silvermead (TL371064): Orange-tip 2, Green-veined White 1, Holly Blue 2,
Small Tortoiseshell 2 Wareside: Small Tortoiseshell - 2, Holly Blue - 4, Orange-tip - 1, Green-veined White 2,
Large White - 1, Speckled Wood - 1, Comma - 1 and Camberwell Beauty - 1. My son found the Camberwell
Beauty in the orchard on an old apple tree trunk, his description was excellent |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
30 May |
3 Small Tortoiseshell (1 at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm, 1 at Parkside Farm - TQ2998, 1 at Park Farm nectaring on bramble blossom), 1
Mother Shipton nectaring on Giant Hogweed along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm (TQ3097), also at Vicarage Farm - 1 Small Heath and 1
male Beautiful Demoiselle - my first of the year, 1 male Large Skipper at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield at 1800 hrs - my first of the year. 1 Common
Swift at ASDA Southgate - my first of the year |
Robert Callf |
30 May |
Merryhill fields again. Sightings were 26 Meadow Brown, 3 Large Skipper (my first this year), 2 Common Blue, 2
Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue, 2 Brimstone. In Bushey garden 1 Small Magpie moth |
David Gower |
30 May |
I got back from a lovely afternoon at Aldbury Nowers, and am keen to report at least 2 Dark Green Fritillaries
(I saw two together around flowers, but also 5 sightings within 200 yards of solitary individuals, all flying, so there was no way to say if they were the
same specimens or not). I arrived after midday. Despite the glorious sunshine, most butterflies were present in low numbers, or entirely absent: vanessids
were conspicuously missing, and I saw no skippers whatsoever, but there were 2 Brown Argus, a few Speckled Woods, good numbers of
Brimstones and and very fresh Meadow Browns, while the most numerous butterflies were dozens of Small Heath
Andrew Neild |
30 May |
During a walk through grassland and woods (principally Bencroft, Cowheath, Brambles and Wormley woods) we saw the following: in TL3304, 2
Small Heath; in TL3305, 2 Speckled Wood, 1 Small Tortoiseshell; in TL3306, 1 Large Skipper (on bramble flowers), 1 Six-spot
Burnet moth, 2 Small Heath, 1 Small White; in TL3307, 1 Small White; in TL3308, 5 Small Heath, 2 Meadow Brown; in
TL3207, 1 Small White, 5 Small Heath, 3 Meadow Brown and finally in TL3106, 2 Speckled Wood |
Roger Newbold |
30 May |
White-letter Hairstreak this morning on local north London elms |
Andrew Middleton |
29 May |
1 Painted Lady at Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) at 1553 hrs, 3 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also
here 1 Holly Blue, 1 Peacock and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. 1 Straw Dot at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) - my first of the year,
also here 2 Small Tortoiseshell clashing at 1637 hrs, 1 Holly Blue at Strayfield Rd near St John the Baptist Church (TQ318988) at 1754 hrs |
Robert Callf |
29 May |
I was hoping to find Small Blues, and lingered behind the old Butterfly World site, on Footpath 28 (TL124043) before continuing to the new
chalk bank in Greenwood Park. No luck with the Small Blues, but behind Butterfly World was a good site for butterflies. I saw several Meadow Browns,
my first of the year. A couple of Holly Blues flew over, and I took a photo of what I thought was a perched Common Blue, but looking at the photo,
although the spots on the underwing aren't well developed, I think it's a Brown Argus. There were also several Small Tortoiseshells behind
Butterfly World, and male Brimstones and some whites flying over. On my way home I was delighted to see a Small Heath on Bricket Wood Common
(Transect Section 7 TL132008)
Chris Newman |
29 May |
Hounslow. A little more variety but very low numbers for a continuously sunny day: Small Tortoiseshell: 1, Speckled Wood: 1,
Small Copper: 1, Small Heath: 5, Holly Blue: 1 and a Cinnabar. My first Painted Lady of the year seen in my garden,
nectaring for quite some time on Red Valerian on 27 May |
Peter Gore |
29 May |
A41 Bourne End Junction - 31 Small Blues, 1 Meadow Brown and 2 new brood Small Tortoiseshells. I saw 6 Small Blues
on a single Birds foot Trefoil plant, including a mating pair, who were bombarded by two other amorous males. There was a good amount of Kidney Vetch on the
south/east bound side of the road, but much less than last year on the north/west bound side. At Redbourn Lane/bypass I saw 2 Small Blues plus 2
Meadow Browns. Several dozen Kidney Vetch plants flowering here and nice to see the Small Blue as I could not find it here last year. A female was egg
laying on a Kidney Vetch flower. Later at Folly Lane St Albans, 5 fresh Small Tortoiseshells
Malcolm Hull |
29 May |
My wife and I took our walk at the Heartswood Forest, and were very pleased to see 4 Small Blues on the kidney vetch there (TL167114).
We also saw 1 Meadow Brown, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Common Blue, 1 Brimstone(f), 6 Small Heath and 1 Cinnabar |
Terry Wood |
29 May |
First of the new brood Small Tortoiseshells nectaring on Bowles Mauve in my St Albans garden at lunchtime
Malcolm Hull |
28 May |
While gardening (St Albans), I spotted an unusual grey lump on an old apple pruning. It was a beautiful Puss Moth
Mandy Floyd |
28 May |
Therfield Heath (Old Rifle Range): Adonis Blue (2 males), Common Blue (5), Brown Argus (20+), Small Heath (40+),
Meadow Brown (2). The Old Rifle Range is at the east end of Therfield Heath, one mile as the crow (or Adonis Blue???) flies from Church Hill.....
Martin Johnson |
28 May |
12 male Meadow Brown and 1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), also here 8 Small Heath. 3 Cinnabar at Parkside Farm near Hadley
Rd (TQ302980), 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998) at 1126 hrs, 2 male Meadow Brown at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998),
also here 1 Green-veined White and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. 1 Small Heath at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park and 5 Meadow Brown at
Trent Park (2 field near Dew Pond, 3 S edge of Williams Wd) |
Robert Callf |
28 May |
This morning my wife called me out to see a Painted Lady on our lawn at Bricket Wood
Chris Newman |
27 May |
2 male Meadow Brown at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) - my first of the year, 3 Small Tortoiseshell (1 at Vicarage Farm -
TQ3097, 2 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998), 1 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1 Green-veined White at Parkside Farm, Enfield
(TQ302980), also here 2 Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetles at 1640 hrs - my first of the year, 1 Red Admiral along Salmons Brook at Parkside Farm,
Enfield at 1645 hrs, 1 Burnet Companion at Parkside Farm/Res, Enfield (TQ2998), 1 Green-veined White at Duncan's Wd, Enfield Chase, 1 Green
Oak Tortrix at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ2998) - my first of the year. A batch of Small Tortoiseshell caterpillars on nettles at Park Farm, Enfield
(TQ2998) this afternoon, coinciding with 3 adults today which were newly emerged |
Robert Callf |
27 May |
Went to 2 familiar places adjacent to the St Albans WWA local nature reserve. Through the gate I could see a Peacock. Outside the
reserve on a slight slope, as per norm, a Comma and after a few minutes a 2nd one briefly. Above this spot, on the Alban Way a Red Admiral
which I also expect to see here at this time of year and day. A second one appeared and was even sunning itself but was promptly dispatched. Also usually see
a Speckled Wood here (if I venture into the nettles) - and saw two. And a Holly Blue. In both places a few unidentified small whites
Alison Hill |
27 May |
At Aldbury Nowers this morning: Large Skipper, Common Blue and Mother Shipton
Richard Callf |
27 May |
St Albans - strolled round the exterior of the old Butterfly World site before breakfast. 3 Small Blues, all sunning themselves perched
on long grass where they had been roosting overnight. 1 Small Heath, 1 Small White and about 50 Peacock larvae on nettles. Although there
is no access to the Butterfly World site itself, the view through the fence showed that Kidney Vetch is still thriving there. Late report from
25 May - 3 Small Blues at Heartwood Forest
Malcolm Hull |
26 May |
1 Garden Carpet at Dalrymple Close, N14 at 2300 hrs. 1 White Ermine at ASDA Southgate at 2335 hrs |
Robert Callf |
26 May |
Meadow Brown at SP948132, near Albury Nowers/Northfield Grange |
Rikki Harrington |
26 May |
Oakwood Park (1210 - 1300 hrs) - 1 female Holly Blue W of 10 km line at Conservation Pond 1216 hrs, 3 small clusters of Peacock
caterpillars on nettles at Conservation Pond, 4+ Small Heath E of 10 km line, 5 Burnet Companion E of 10 km line, 4 Mother Shipton E of
10 km line, 8 Orange Conch - Commophila aeneana - including two 'fresh individuals' E of 10 km line, 1 Cinnabar E of 10 km line, 1 male
Common Blue E of 10 km line. 1 male Holly Blue at Boxer's Lake, Enfield at 1316 hrs and 1 Common Marbled Carpet at ASDA Southgate - my
first of the year |
Robert Callf |
25 May |
Highlights from this afternoon walk at Heartwood Forest: 1 Large Skipper still in the same area as last week, 1 Small Blue opposite the scout hut, 3
Common Blues a possible Brown Argus and 37 Small Heaths |
Andrew Steele |
25 May |
3 Large White - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
25 May |
Another visit to Merryhill fields, Bushey. Sightings were 1 Small Heath, 3 Common Blue, 9 Brimstone, 1 Peacock,
2 Speckled Wood, 1 Brown Argus & 1 male Meadow Brown (my first of year). Moths were 3 Mother Shipton
& 6 Burnet Companion |
David Gower |
25 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - Mid afternoon walk. Low numbers in the heat but another species to add. 3 male Brimstone and single Small
White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood, Brown Argus, Peacock and Orange-tip, a male. New for the year was a male
Large Skipper. Also saw many Common Blue and White-legged damselfly plus a Cinnabar moth |
Chris Hilling |
25 May |
Barham Park, Wembley: 1 Brimstone and 1 Small Heath |
Shailesh Patel |
24 May |
I had the following at Wood Farm, part of Stanmore Country Park (TQ175935): 1 Painted Lady, 1+ Green-veined White, 2
Peacock |
Tony Blake |
24 May |
Letchworth (Hillbrow): Small Blue (20), most close to the rail track in the lower field. Also plenty of Common Blues and Brown
Argus in the same areas and a few Small Heath and Brimstone butterflies across the site
Martin Johnson |
24 May |
Visited Church Hill at Therfield Heath this morning in strong wind and occasional sun. Disturbed 7 male and 2 female Adonis Blue and also
2 Small Heath on route from the car park. It was my first visit to Therfield Heath and it was nice to also find White Helleborine growing in Fox
Covert Nature Reserve although not yet in flower
Miles Attenborough |
23 May |
Hounslow. Breezy and brief rain showers, unsurprisingly sightings were low with Small Coppers and Small Heaths seeming to be blowing past me as
much as flying: Small Copper: 2, Small Heath: 3, Speckled Wood: 1 |
Peter Gore |
23 May |
1 Orange-tip female - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303)
David Inward |
23 May |
At Merryhill fields, Bushey 3 Common Blue only butterflies seen. Also 3 Mother Shipton moths |
David Gower |
22 May |
One male Small White on Red Valerian and 3 Holly Blue on the holly tree and Cotoneaster in my garden in Bounds Green
at lunchtime
Miles Attenborough |
22 May |
10 Small Heath including three together at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097), 1 Brown Silver-line flushed from bracken SW edge of
Rough Lot, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
22 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - Walked over this afternoon not expecting too much with the blustery conditions. 1 Green-veined White, 1 Small
White and 2 Speckled Wood near the entrance. But in the top pasture dancing around within the long grasses were 2 Common Blue and 2 Brown
Argus. 14 species this year so far on the site |
Chris Hilling |
21 May |
I showed Tanya, the new ranger for Bricket Wood Common (and Nomansland Common), the route of the Bricket Wood Common transect. On our way round
I spotted and photographed a Small Heath (TL131007; only 19 have been recorded during the transect from 1997 onwards, and 12 of those were in 2013, with
4 last year. I hope seeing one today is a sign I'll see some to record for the transect, and that the cattle grazing over the last few years is improving the
site for these butterflies
Chris Newman |
21 May |
3 Peacock (1 at Vicarage Farm - TQ3097, 1 at Parkside Farm/Res - TQ2998, 1 at Park Farm, Enfield - TQ2998), 2 Painted Lady (1 at
Hog Hill, Vicarage Farm - TQ3097 at 1550 hrs, 1 flew N at Park Farm, Enfield at 1643 hrs), 2 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (1 at TQ3097, 1 at
TQ2997), 1 female Large White at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ3097) and 2 Mother Shipton (1 at Parkside Farm/Res - TQ2998 and 1 at Vicarage Farm -
TQ2997). Female Orange-tip settled edge of Water Grdn, Trent Park late afternoon |
Robert Callf |
21 May |
At Stanmore Country Park 12 male Common Blues, 5 Small Heath (my first of year), 1 Green-veined White. Moths were 8
Burnet Companion & 1 Cinnabar. 1 Speckled Wood at Stanmore Common ( TQ158938) and lastly 1 Large White in Bushey garden |
David Gower |
20 May |
A big improvement to 18 butterflies on the Bricket Wood Common transect despite very similar hot sunny conditions to the day before |
Chris Newman |
20 May |
A late afternoon stroll in Fishers field produced 1 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue, 1 Orange-tip. Bushey garden 1 Small
White, 1 Holly Blue and 1 Cinnabar moth |
David Gower |
20 May |
Aldbury Nowers: Brimstone, Common Blue, Orange-tip, Small Heath, Green Hairstreak, Grizzled Skipper,
Mother Shipton and the Cinnabar Moth |
Shailesh Patel |
20 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - A mid-morning walk before it got too hot. 3 Green-veined White, 2 male Orange-tip, 2 male Brimstone,
1 male Holly Blue, 2 Speckled Wood and 1 Large White. A few Nettle Tap moth also seen plus many White Legged Damselfly and first Golden
bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle of the year |
Chris Hilling |
20 May |
Aldbury Nowers (1045 - 1330 hrs) - 5+ Brimstone - 3 males & 2 females, 4+ Small Heath, 4 Dingy Skipper including two
together, 2 Grizzled Skipper, 2 male Orange-tip, 1 Green Hairstreak, 1 Cinnabar. 1 Poplar Kitten at ASDA Southgate this
evening near an outside light |
Robert & Richard Callf |
19 May |
Only 5 butterflies recorded on the 1st Bricket Wood Common transect of the year, but I watched a female Brimstone spend a long time
inspecting the top of an alder buckthorn (TL130009) |
Chris Newman |
19 May |
In the garden Wareside - The Brimstones are still very active egg laying on the buckthorn, whist Orange-tips are still finding vacant hedge
mustard to lay more eggs, although there are quite a few caterpillars now. Holly Blues are frequent visitors and been seen laying eggs on dogwood flower buds.
We have had them on the berries before but not the flower buds. Several other "unidentified whites". Brimstone - 6, Red Admiral - 1, Holly
Blue - 4, Orange-tip - 7, Small Tortoiseshell - 2, Brown Argus - 1, Green-veined White - 3, Small White - 2,
Comma - 1, Peacock - 2, Speckled Wood - 1
Field margin at Wareside (TL401153) - Small Copper - 1, Small Heath - 2, Orange-tip - 7, Brimstone - 3, Peacock - 2,
Small Tortoiseshell - 2, Small White - 2, Green-veined White - 2, Holly Blue - 1
Field margin Wareside (TL398150) - Small Heath - 2, Orange-tip - 5, Brimnstone - 3, Peacock - 1, Small Tortoiseshell - 1,
Small White - 2, Green-veined White - 4, Holly Blue - 2, Red Admiral - 1
And from the Broxbourne River side Silvermeade reserves (TL372063) - A walk along the river and into the Silvermeade reserves yielded brief sightings of
water voles and lots of banded demoiselle damselflies. Orange-tip - 10, Holly Blue - 2, Peacock - 2, Red Admiral - 2, Small
White - 1, Green-veined White - 5, Small Heath - 1 |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
19 May |
St Albans - this evening I disturbed a female Brimstone, roosting underneath the raspberry canes on my allotment. She was perched in low
vegetation about 3 inches off the ground. She quickly settled back into the same position after being accidentally watered. I think she may have been keen to
stay in this spot as the raspberries are right next to my Alder Buckthorns
Malcolm Hull |
19 May |
Hounslow. Despite high temperatures and plenty of sun here we seem to have arrived at something like a mid-season lull as far as numbers of
butterflies are concerned: Holly Blue: 3, Green-veined White: 1, Peacock: 2, Speckled Wood: 1, Brimstone: 2, Common
Blue: 1, Small Heath: 4, Orange-tip: 2 |
Peter Gore |
19 May |
I found and photographed a Small Blue on the chalk bank at Butterfield LNR in Wheathampstead. There is a small patch of Kidney Vetch
there, but not much. This individual may have come from the Heartwood colony. I also saw the first Common Blue for this year
Trevor Chapman |
19 May |
2 male Common Blue at Oakwood Park (1 W of 10 km line, 1 E of 10 km line), 9 Mother Shipton (1 W of 10 km line, 8 E of 10 km
line), 3 Small Heath at Oakwood Park (all E of 10 km line), 1 Orange Conch (Commophila aeneana) at Oakwood Park E of 10 km line - my earliest
ever and first May record - at 1409 hrs, 2 Burnet Companion at Oakwood Park E of 10 km line, 1 Holly Blue at Lower Kenwood Ave, N14 at 1458 hrs,
1 Holly Blue and 1 male Orange-tip at Boxer's Lake near Play Ground |
Robert Callf |
19 May |
2 Small White - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
19 May |
A long LEW which took in TL3614, TL3814 and TL3816 proved to be very hot but productive in finding Small Heath. 5 completely new sites
were found in areas almost void of records in the past years (to my knowledge). Three were fields where they were visible through binoculars and the last find
was an small area of derelict grassland just 150m (as the butterfly flies) from my Ware garden. A total of 14 adults seen. Failed to find Holly Blue in TL3816
but numerous fast flying unidentifiable whites. Orange-tips and Brimstones were still out in force including an egg laying Brimstone female in
our garden. Also near to home a few Peacocks and a Small Tortoiseshell |
Liz Goodyear |
19 May |
Cycled along Ebury Way adjacent to Croxley Green moor (TQ 095947) where I saw 4 Small Copper & 1 Peacock. At Woodcock Hill
Cemetery, Rickmansworth (TQ 058931) were 2 Common Blue, 1 Brown Argus, 1 Cinnabar moth & 1 Burnet Companion |
David Gower |
18 May |
1 male Holly Blue at The Ridgeway, Enfield (TQ 316968) at 1035 hrs, 1 Speckled Wood and 1 Peacock near New Cottage Farm,
Potters Bar (TL 272000) at 1055 and 1059 hrs, 1 male Large White and 1 Green-veined White near New Cottage Farm, Potters Bar (TL 272005) at 1105
hrs, 1 male Orange-tip near New Cottage Farm, Potters Bar (TL 273008) at 1111 hrs, 3+ Alabonia geoffrella at Fir & Pond Woods NR (TL 277007),
also here 1 Green-veined White, 1 male Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue and 1+ Peacock. 1 Silver-ground Carpet at Fir & Pond
Woods NR (TL 277005). 1 Mother Shipton at Dalrymple Close, N14 (TQ 297949) at 1645 hrs - unusual to see one on the grass verge here, probably a stray
from nearby Oakwood Park |
Robert Callf |
18 May |
Cycled to Bentley Priory nature reserve this afternoon noting 4 Common Blue males, 1 Brown Argus, both my first of the year.
Also spotted 1 Small White, 1 Peacock & 1 Small Copper.
A brief stop at St James churchyard seeing 1 Green-veined White, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue & 1 Red Admiral |
David Gower |
18 May |
Eastcote Lane Cemetery, Harrow: 2 Common Blue |
Shailesh Patel |
17 May |
Wareside garden. Holly Blue - 5, Peacock - 2, Red Admiral 3, Orange-tip - 5, Brimstone - 5, Small White
1, Green-veined White - 1. Also we have had Sandy Carpet (4 seen) emerging from the bladder campions in the front garden |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
17 May |
Heartwood Forest. Highlight was finding an early Large Skipper roughly at TL155109 also present 22 Small
Heaths, 9 Brimstones, 7 Orange-tips, 3 Peacocks and a Red Admiral plus a couple of Mother Shipton moths
Andrew Steele |
17 May |
A Small Heath at Merryhill Bushey. First one I have personally seen on the site this year |
John Liberty |
17 May |
Back to Merryhill fields but not a lot of activity. 3 Small White, 1 Peacock, 3 Brimstone, 1 Green-veined White
& 1 Small Copper my first of the year |
David Gower |
17 May |
Following the appearance of Adonis Blue at Church Hill last year, I checked the site for first brood early this morning. I found 6 males
roosting and when the sun broke through the number was certainly in excess of 20. Fewer females flying but probably more than 10 seen. FYI double figures of
Brown Argus & Common Blue, c. 5 Small Heath
James Fowler |
16 May |
Widford. Orange-tip - 3, Brimstone - 3, Red Admiral - 1, Peacock - 2, Holly Blue - 1 |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
16 May |
We were walking in the fields near Little Gaddesden near Hemel and noticed the farmer had left a field margin for wild flowers and grasses.
Sunbathing amongst the grasses was this Burnet Companion. We also saw Orange-tips nearer the river and Small Whites fluttering around
the hedges and over the meadows
Chris Ridley |
16 May |
Visit to Islip Manor meadows this morning: 2 rather fresh looking Small Heath and 2 Burnet Companion, not much else flying in
cool overcast conditions |
Paul Lane |
15 May |
I had a female Holly Blue nectaring on Thyme in my garden in Bounds Green followed by an early evening walk in Oakwood Park where I
found three Small Heath (TQ 304952)
Miles Attenborough |
15 May |
1 female Small Copper at Oakwood Park W of 10 km line at 1732 hrs, 2 Small Heath at Oakwood Park E of 10 km line and 3+ Mother
Shipton at Oakwood Park E of 10 km line |
Robert Callf |
15 May |
St Albans. White species dominated on my stroll along the Ver Valley towards Redbourn this afternoon. Green-veined Whites dominated,
followed by Orange-tips, with several Large Whites, a Small White and a Brimstone. Numbers of other butterflies seem to have
dropped during a week where we have had three frosts. The only other butterfly sightings were 2 Peacocks and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. The star of
the day was a Muslin Moth, which stopped obligingly for a photo
Malcolm Hull |
15 May |
Bushey garden were several Whites, 1 Brimstone moth & 1 Light Brown Apple |
David Gower |
15 May |
Hounslow. Although overall numbers seemed a little low in increasingly dry conditions, I was pleased to see my first Brown Argus of the year
nevertheless. Here's the full list: Holly Blue: 1, Peacock: 7, Brimstone: 1, Orange-tip: 2, Brown Argus: 1,
Green-veined White: 2, Small Heath: 1, Common Blue: 1, three Cinnabar moths and a Mother Shipton looking impressive on a
Cow Parsley flower-head |
Peter Gore |
14 May |
1 Small Heath at Monken Hadley Common (TQ 267972) at 1139 hrs. 1 Small Dusty Wave at Cedars Court, Edmonton, N9 (TQ 334939) in
bus-stop shelter |
Robert Callf |
14 May |
Out between Hertford and Ware I found a group of 1st instar Peacock caterpillars, the first I've seen this year
Andrew Wood |
14 May |
At Fishers field 2 Orange-tip, 1 Small White & 1 Green-veined White. Water Lane, Watford were 2 Peacock, 4
Green-veined White & 1 Small White |
David Gower |
13 May |
1 male Small White settled near Saxon Way, N14 entrance at Oakwood Park this afternoon at 1403 hrs |
Robert Callf |
13 May |
Despite a lot of cloud and also very breezy, nice to find a fresh Small Copper beside the Fanhams Tributaries in TL3815 and in TL3716
just south of Cold Christmas Lane 2 Small Heath, 1 Common Blue and 1 Brown Argus, taking my adult species count for the year to 16!
Yesterday on a small area of uncut grass near the river Ash and close to the Hollycross Road from Ware to Stanstead Abbotts there were 9 Small Heath
flying! |
Liz Goodyear |
12 May |
1 Small Heath at Oakwood Park, N14 E of 10 km line at TQ 301953 at 1128 hrs, 1 Speckled Wood edge of Water Grdn, Trent Park at
TQ 296979 at 1300 hrs, 2 Green-veined White at Trent Park (1 edge of Moat Wd, 1 by Lower Lake), 1 Small Heath at Vicarage Farm, Enfield
(TQ 300972) at 1435 hrs |
Robert Callf |
11 May |
1 female Small Copper near Water Garden, Trent Park at 1406 hrs - sheltered in a sunny spot |
Robert Callf |
10 May |
Visited Oakwood Park in Enfield at around 11.30 just as weather was beginning to turn cold. 1 Small Copper, 3 Small Heath and 2
Mother Shipton moths in the south east of the park
Miles Attenborough |
9 May |
Went on a family walk through Arnos Park and Oakhill Park, 8 Holly Blue, 2 Speckled Wood, 1 Peacock, 2 male
Brimstones, 2 male Orange-tips, various white butterflies including 1 female Orange-tip laying eggs on garlic mustard
Miles Attenborough |
9 May |
Recorded this afternoon on Therfield Heath, Church Hill area. 5 Adonis Blue, 17+ Small Heath, 30+ Brown Argus and much lesser numbers of
Brimstone, Orange-Tip, Common Blue, Small White, Red Admiral
Adrian Cooper Caroline Scott |
9 May |
7+ Mother Shipton at Oakwood Park (1 W of 10 km line, 6+ E of 10 km line), 1 Small Heath at Oakwood Park E of 10 km line at
TQ 302952 at 1608 hrs. 2 Holly Blue at Boxer's Lake, Enfield and a female Orange-tip here at TQ 306962 at 1650 hrs, 1 male Orange-tip at
Bincote Rd, EN2 at TQ 309964 at 1710 hrs |
Robert Callf |
9 May |
I was walking near Jubilee wood in Gadebridge park, when I went 'off piste' a little to look at a beautiful patch of Speedwell. I was surprised
to see 2 Brown Argus, a Small Copper and a Mother Shipton moth in this small area of grassland. Dacorum's new policy is to leave more
patches of grass unmown during the summer months, which is a big improvement on the uniform short turf of previous years
Chris Ridley |
9 May |
A walk around Hillbrow, LGC, Brimstone x11fm & 6m, Small Copper x2, Small Heath x1, Orange-tip x3m and Small
Blue x1, the earliest sighting I am aware of from this site
Roger Millard |
9 May |
1 Orange-tip - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Brimstone, 1 Orange-tip - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
9 May |
Sightings in Bushey garden were Holly Blue, Comma, Peacock, Orange-tip, Green-veined White, Small White.
The Cinnabar moth turned up again on lid of moth trap |
David Gower |
9 May |
Hounslow. Morning sunshine and the following butterflies: Speckled Wood: 5, Orange-tip: 5, Small Copper: 3, Holly
Blue: 5, Green Hairstreak: 3, Peacock: 10, Small White: 1, Common Blue 3, Red Admiral: 1, Green-veined White: 4,
Comma: 1 plus one Cinnabar and a likely Mother Shipton moth. Yesterday a heavily veined female Green-veined White briefly in my garden
with a minimum of two Holly Blues |
Peter Gore |
9 May |
Aldbury Nowers - Lots to see on my morning exercise walk. Many Brimstones, Green-veined Whites, Orange-tips plus
Green Hairstreak and numerous Dingy Skippers. Most abundant species seen were Small Heath in the lower compartments. I saw my first 4
Brown Argus of the year in the same area. Also saw Cinnabar, Burnet Companion and 5 Small Yellow Underwing moths |
Chris Hilling |
9 May |
Barham Park, Wembley : Common Blue, Brimstone, Orange-tip and a Speckled Wood |
Shailesh Patel |
8 May |
Therfield Heath: Adonis Blue (1), Common Blue (4 males), Brown Argus (36), Holly Blue (5), Small Heath (23). Also seen: Small
White, Large White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell. Also two Mother
Shipton moths. I discovered a very active colony of Brown Argus butterflies (males, females, mating pairs, egg-laying females and variants) on a section
of the empty golf course that is normally 'out of bounds' for non-golfers: it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good!
Martin Johnson |
8 May |
1 male Holly Blue at Wolfsen Hillel Primary School, Chase Rd, N14 at 1425 hrs, 1 Holly Blue near Rangers' Hut at Grovelands Park
at 1512 hrs, 2 Speckled Wood clashing near Bowling Green, Grovelands Park at 1524 hrs and 2 Mother Shipton near tennis courts at Grovelands Park
at 1530 hrs |
Robert Callf |
8 May |
At least 2 Holly Blues in Bushey garden. A Cinnabar moth was resting on top of my new moth trap this morning. Light Brown
Apple moth spotted around honeysuckle also |
David Gower |
8 May |
A visit to Islip Manor meadows produced following sightings: Small Copper 2, Peacock 2, Orange-tip (m) 1, Green-veined
White 1, Small White 1, Burnet Companion 5, plus several unidentified whites |
Paul Lane |
7 May |
1 Comma edge of Triangular Wd, Trent Park at 1252 hrs, 3 male Orange-tip at Trent Park (2 'New Fields', 1 edge of Williams Wood),
5 Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 3 Peacock at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 Small Heath at Sect 6 'New Fields' Trent Park at 1301
hrs - my first of the year! 1 male Brimstone edge of Church Wd, Trent Park at 1317 hrs, 1 Holly Blue edge of Church Wd, Trent Park, 1 Holly
Blue at Vicarage Farm near Enfield Rd (TQ 3097) and 1 at Salmons Brook at Enfield Rd |
Robert Callf |
7 May |
Saw a Small Heath, some Orange-tips and a Holly Blue in my garden in Stocking Pelham |
Andy Brown |
7 May |
Exercise walk at Oxhey Park this morning and noticed 2 Holly Blue, 4 Brimstone, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Orange-tip.
1 Holly Blue in Bushey garden also |
David Gower |
7 May |
1 Small White, 1 Large White, 4 Orange-tip, 4 Holly Blue - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
6 May |
Hounslow. An enjoyable strenuous walk in the sun brought the reward of two more year firsts.The initial bright blue butterfly wasn't quite good
enough to claim for Common Blue given the presence of Holly Blue in the same area but a later one which settled justified both. Later still a similar pattern
developed with Green Hairstreak but here the rapidly flying suspects really weren't clear enough whilst one which settled was every bit as green as the Common
Blues had been blue, to leave no doubt. A good variety overall with Orange-tips surprisingly elusive whilst other whites were perhaps commoner but too active
to identify many: Holly Blue: 8, Green-veined White: 4, Peacock: 21, Speckled Wood: 4, Comma: 2, Brimstone: 5,
Small Heath: 2, Small White: 1, Common Blue: 2, Orange-tip: 3, Small Tortoiseshell: 2, Small
Copper: 1, Green Hairstreak: 1. Yesterday a Red Admiral joined the obligatory 2 Holly Blues in my garden where some fresh holly
leaf-tips are being consumed by unseen eaters |
Peter Gore |
6 May |
5+ Mother Shipton (1+ W of 10 km line, 4+ E of 10 km line) at Oakwood Park - my first of the year, 1 Peacock W of 10 km line,
Oakwood Park, 1 male Common Blue at Oakwood Park (E of 10 km line at TQ 304952) - my first of the year, and 1 Small
Copper here also. At Boxer's Lake, Enfield - 1 Peacock at TQ 303961, 2 Holly Blue including a female settled at TQ 306962 and 1
Small White here also. At Salmons Brook, Enfield Rd (TQ 310968) - 1 Holly Blue. At Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ 3097) - 1 Peacock and 1
Small Tortoiseshell. 2 Speckled Wood together near Saxon Way entrance at Oakwood Park (W of 10 km line) at 1420 hrs and 1 at Southgate Chase
Allotments at 1746 hrs |
Robert Callf |
6 May |
Today's permitted walk in Alexandra Park saw my biggest number of sightings in one walk so far this year. Small White (12),
Brimstone (8), Holly Blue (8), Large White (4), Green-veined White (1). With the best being my first Small Coppers a pair
on a path on the top meadow
Dee Cullen |
6 May |
At Merryhill fields 3 Peacock, 2 Orange-tip, 6 Brimstone and frustratingly 17 whites unable to Identify. Home via St James
churchyard spotting 4 Orange-tip females, 1 Holly Blue, 1 Large White |
David Gower |
6 May |
1 Orange-tip - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
6 May |
I took my exercise walk around Shrubhill Common in Hemel Hempstead (TL036072). I was very pleased to see two Dingy Skippers - the first
I've seen there since 2017. They are easily overlooked at this site, unless they happen to land on the path in front of you. Fortunately this is what happened |
Roger Prue |
6 May |
In south Fairlands Valley Park, saw 3 Orange-tip, 1 Large White, 3 Peacock, 2 Green-veined White, 2 Small
White, 1 Speckled Wood and a Brown Argus (my first of the year and first ever May specimen here)
Peter Clarke |
6 May |
A walk around fields yesterday beside the river Ver between Redbourn and Redbournbury produced 6 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell,
2 Brimstone, 2 male Orange-tips, 12+ fast moving, unidentified whites, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Red Admiral, and a blue nectaring
on flowers in the grazing meadow at approx. TL121104, which to my surprise was not a Holly Blue but showed the heavily marked underwings of a male
Common Blue |
Pete Waldron |
5 May |
1 Red Admiral and 1 Holly Blue at Lavender Hill Cemetery (TQ320981) at 1431 and 1436 hrs respectively, 1 Speckled Wood at
Flash Lane, EN2 at 1517 hrs |
Robert Callf |
5 May |
Plenty of activity at Fishers Field. 2 Orange-tip, 4 Brimstone, 2 Holly Blue, 1 Peacock, 1 Speckled Wood, 1
Comma, 3 Green-veined Whites, 2 Small Whites as well as 4 more unable to identify. Next was a walk around edge of Bushey Hall golf club
finding 3 Peacock, 5 Orange-tip, 3 Holly Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 2 Small White, 1 Large White and 12
unidentified whites |
David Gower |
5 May |
1 Orange-tip - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Small White - St Faiths Close south (TL198302) 1 Small White,
1 Large White, 1 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
4 May |
1 female Holly Blue at Allotments, Vicarage Farm at 1106 hrs; 1 male Brimstone, 2, male & female, Orange-tip, 1
Small White, 2 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield. 1 male Holly Blue at Ivy Rd, N14 at 1523 hrs |
Robert Callf |
4 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - Mid afternoon exercise walk found male and female Orange-tip, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood,
Brimstone and Red Admiral. But the highlight for me was just as I was leaving I disturbed something which fluttered around my feet for short
while before. Settling down in the grass - a very fresh Green Carpet moth
Chris Hilling |
4 May |
1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Green-veined White - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
4 May |
My first Large White of the year in Bushey garden on lilac. After shopping late afternoon I walked home via Water Lane seeing 1
Green-veined White |
David Gower |
4 May |
Newton Farm Ecology Park, Harrow HA2 9DA : Painted Lady |
Shailesh Patel |
3 May |
1 Brimstone Moth near outside lights at ASDA Southgate this afternoon - my first of the year! |
Robert Callf |
2 May |
Earliest recorded Painted Lady in Bengeo garden. Also, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue & Red
Simon Knott |
2 May |
1 male Orange-tip at Vicarage Farm, 1 Green-veined White edge of Ride Wd, Trent Park, 1 male Orange-tip edge of Rough Lot,
Trent Park at 1157 hrs, 1 Red Admiral edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park at 1200 hrs. 1 Holly Blue at Dalrymple Close, N14 at 1033 hrs |
Robert Callf |
2 May |
Hounslow. A sunny afternoon walk with the highlight being a Small Heath, first of the year for me and two weeks earlier than other years I've
been recording. Here are today's sightings: Holly Blue: 10, Speckled Wood: 2, Orange-tip: 9, Peacock: 17, Brimstone: 5,
Small Tortoiseshell: 2, Green-veined White: 1, Small Heath: 1, Small Copper: 1 and my first Cinnabar moth of the year.
Yesterday a Large White visited my garden, starting May off with what was then the 12th species seen this year |
Peter Gore |
2 May |
Here are some more butterfly sightings for you from Therfield Heath and an image of the Brown Argus that I saw this morning. Again, this was
the earliest date that I have seen Brown Argus locally, although of course I don't normally go on local walks every day! Therfield Heath: Brown Argus
(1), Small Heath (4). Also seen: Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Orange-tip (10+), Small White and
Green-veined White (lots). A Mother Shipton moth was also seen
Martin Johnson |
2 May |
1 Small White - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Orange-tip, 5 Holly Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 1
Brimstone - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
2 May |
Back to Fishers field recorded 1 Orange-tip, 2 Brimstone, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Peacock. Onto Water Lane, Watford
finding 3 Peacock, 3 Brimstone, 2 Orange-tips, 2 Holly Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Small White. As often there
were many more whites unable to identify. Lastly in Bushey garden 1 Green-veined White & 1 Holly Blue |
David Gower |
1 May |
1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield at 1207 hrs, 1 male Orange-tip along Leeging Beech Gutter at Vicarage Farm at 1215 hrs,
1 female Orange-tip near Dew Pond, Trent Park at 1400 hrs |
Robert Callf |
1 May |
Millhoppers Reserve - In between the rain showers four species appeared. A male Orange-tip, 2 Speckled Wood, 2 Green-veined
White and 1 Small White |
Chris Hilling |
1 May |
In a sunny patch this afternoon went to Rickneys quarry. It is sheltered there and I saw 4 Grizzled Skippers, 5 Green-veined Whites, 2
Small Whites and a Peacock |
Steve Kiln |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
29 Apr |
Jane and I had our exercise walk early as the weather was perfect for spotting Grizzled Skippers roosting on seed heads at Waterford
Heath. I was cursing when the sun came out - how perverse. However on the south Heath we found 7 on the east bank, 3 towards the northern end , 1 on the Black
Barns site and 2 along the ditch that runs along the centre of the bowl. All but a couple were in quite sheltered positions. None in the settling beds. On the
north Heath only 2 both on the east side. A total of 15. Also one Treble Bar and one Latticed Heath moth and many Roman Snails enjoying the
better conditions for them
Andrew Wood |
27 Apr |
4 Speckled Wood at Trent Park (1 along bridle path near Shaws Wd, 2 together, Williams Wd, 1 Shaws Wd), 1 Peacock at 'Old Golf
Course' Trent Park |
Robert Callf Bob Husband |
27 Apr |
1 Orange-tip - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
27 Apr |
Therfield Heath: Small Heath (1). My first local sighting of this species in April
Martin Johnson |
26 Apr |
In Ridge, I saw my first (rather faded) Red Admiral of the year (TQ214999). We also saw several Orange-tip, Peacock,
Small White, Speckled Wood and Small Tortoiseshell |
Terry Wood |
26 Apr |
Aldbury Nowers - I went East for my exercise today and I'm glad I did. 2 Small Copper, 9 Dingy Skipper,
4 Grizzled Skipper and 6 Green Hairstreak. Also seen were 28 Brimstones, 5 Green-veined Whites, Orange-tips, Peacocks,
Comma, Small Heath, Holly Blue and dozens and dozens of unidentified whites. Lesser Treble Bar and
Burnet Companion moths also seen |
Chris Hilling |
26 Apr |
Hounslow. Another mostly sunny walk with the following identified: Holly Blue: 11, Orange-tip: 9, Green-veined White: 1,
Brimstone: 10, Small White: 1, Peacock: 16, Small Copper: 1, Speckled Wood: 1 |
Peter Gore |
26 Apr |
1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 2 Orange-tip, 4 Holly Blue, 2 Large White - Walsworth
Common, Hitchin (TL1930), 1 Holly Blue, 1 Orange-tip - Woolgrove Road, Hitchin (TL19293046) |
David Inward |
26 Apr |
In Bushey garden were 1 Orange-tip & 2 Holly Blues. At Merryhill fields 7 Peacock, 9 Brimstone & 3
Orange-tip |
David Gower |
26 Apr |
1 Peacock at Vicarage Farm, Enfield this morning at 0848 hrs |
Robert Callf |
26 Apr |
Grizzled Skipper and Dingy Skipper at Aldbury Nowers |
Richard Callf |
25 Apr |
Having seen the recent sightings of Small Coppers on the wing I searched the Green space between Coppetts Wood and the Football Pitches where I
had seen a couple last year and was quite quickly rewarded with a single Small Copper. Carried on round Coppetts Wood, where 3 very fresh
Green-veined Whites, 5 male Orange-tips (one courting a female) 3 female Orange-tips, 3 Holly Blue, 2 Peacocks, 3
Speckled Wood, 1 very tatty Comma
Miles Attenborough |
25 Apr |
1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 3 Orange-tip, 1 Peacock - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
25 Apr |
At Northwood HQ 1 Orange-tip. Lunch break exercise walk in Oxhey Woods. 1 Speckled Wood in northern wood, 1 Orange-tip
in southern and in Central wood 3 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue, 2 Green-veined White, 2 Speckled Wood, 2 Small White |
David Gower |
25 Apr |
First Grizzled Skipper on Rickneys Quarry, also my first Burnet Companion moth there. Also saw five Grizzled Skipper on
the western facing bank on Waterford Heath south |
Steve Kiln |
25 Apr |
Orange-tip in Croxley Green garden |
Tony Evans |
25 Apr |
St Albans - over a hundred butterflies on a stroll through countryside south of the city. Peacocks (19) and Holly Blue (7) put on
a good show, but whites have now become the most numerous. Male Orange-tips (19) and females (5) were conspicuous as was a single Large White.
I identified two Green-veined Whites, 1 Small White and recorded another 59 Whites which did not wish to stop for identification purposes! Other
species seen included Red Admiral (1), Comma (1), Brimstone (2, both male) and Cinnabar moth (1), my first of the year, which
obligingly stopped for a photo
Malcolm Hull |
24 Apr |
While working, passing through the Chiswell Green fields that border the old Butterfly World site had two male Small
Blues and a Brown Argus
Clive Burrows |
24 Apr |
St Albans = my first Small Copper of the year on my allotment today nectaring near the sorrel. Also my first Green-veined White
hunting along the hedge Garlic in my garden. Orange-tips and Holly Blues doing well. Brimstone, Peacock and Small
Tortoiseshell still around but in much reduced numbers. Small Whites are on the increase and the first large red damselfly emerged from my pond
Malcolm Hull |
24 Apr |
1 Holly Blue at Chase Rd/Charter Way, N14 at 1239 hrs, 3 male Orange-tip at Trent Park (1 near Oakwood entrance, 1 near
Sport's Field, 1 edge of Williams Wd), 5 Peacock at Trent Park, 3 Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park, 3 Speckled Wood at Trent Park
(1 Sect 7 'New Fields', 2 together at Shaws Wd), 1 Holly Blue at Trent Park near Sport's Field, 2, male and female, Green-veined White
copulating near Lower Lake, Trent Park at 1520 hrs |
Robert Callf |
24 Apr |
I saw 14 Brimstone on my Halsey Field walk, three of which were in a mating dance - two males pursuing one female. Also 4
Orange-tip, 4 Peacock, 2 Small White and 2 Holly Blue. In the adjoining Warners End wood there were 2 Large White,
a Holly Blue, an Orange-tip and 2 Speckled Wood; also a large swarm of honey bees! |
Chris Ridley |
24 Apr |
1 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303 |
David Inward |
24 Apr |
On a walk this afternoon I spotted a Red Admiral, the first I've seen in Alexandra Park this year
Dee Cullen |
24 Apr |
Pristine Red Admiral just shot through my Ware garden. None seen on any of my LEW this week |
Liz Goodyear |
23 Apr |
Stocking Pelham TL452291: 5 Orange-tip, 2 Brimstone, 5 Peacock, 8 whites (to/ small whites?), 5 Speckled Woods,
1 Red Admiral, 1 Green-veined White |
Andy Brown |
23 Apr |
Went to Waterford Heath and Rickneys this afternoon. Saw Small Copper in both sites for the first time. 6 Grizzled Skippers at
Waterford Heath, two on the north, two on the settling beds on the south and two on the western facing bank. Also a Lattice Heath moth in the
settling beds on the south heath |
Steve Kiln |
23 Apr |
1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Brimstone, 2 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue, 1 Speckled Wood
- Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
23 Apr |
2 Peacock, 1 male Orange-tip at Vicarage Farm, 1 Peacock N edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 1 Peacock near Upper
Lake, Trent Park, 1 Speckled Wood near Ride Wd, Trent Park, 1 male Brimstone, 1 Red Admiral edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park - my first of the
year, 1 Small Tortoiseshell near Water Grdn, Trent Park, 1 Large White and 1 male Orange-tip edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park, 1 Holly
Blue & 1 male Brimstone at Oakwood Station. 1 Holly Blue at Southgate Chase Allotments at 1435 hrs |
Robert Callf |
22 Apr |
Furneux pelham East end (TL450277): 3 Orange-tip, 7 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Green-veined White |
Andy Brown |
22 Apr |
Patmore Heath (just north of the heath TL447267): 5 Orange-tip, 1 Peacock, 3 whites, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Brimstone |
Andy Brown |
22 Apr |
This afternoon I saw a pair of Brimstone butterflies circling, male below the female, in a mating dance, on the 'Gas Ride', Bricket
Wood Common, Section 4 of the transect, (TL129011). There are still lots of Peacock and Brimstone butterflies there, and also little white butterflies;
I think more Orange-tips and Green-veined Whites than Small Whites |
Chris Newman |
22 Apr |
Late afternoon visit to Hounslow Heath eventually stumbled upon my target: Green Hairstreak x 1. Also seen
Peacock numerous, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Brimstone 3, Speckled Wood 2, Holly Blue 1, male Orange-tip 1, Comma
1, Silver Y 1, various restless (unidentified) whites 6 |
Paul Lane |
22 Apr |
Having seen the pristine male Orange-tip roost in bright windy sunshine in Tunnel Gardens late last night I could not resist getting up
early and seeing if I could get a better shot of him with my tripod in the more shaded early morning light with less wind. Pleasingly at 7.00 this morning he
was still there and I got the shot I hoped for although still annoyingly windy even at that time. On my way back an hour later I saw three Speckled
Woods basking in sunny glades
Miles Attenborough |
22 Apr |
Hounslow. A much-needed walk in the sun,species identified into double figures now: Brimstone: 3, Holly Blue: 15, Small
Tortoiseshell: 3, Peacock: 23, Orange-tip: 9, Small Copper: 1, Green-veined White: 2, Speckled
Wood: 2, Red Admiral: 1, Comma: 1 |
Peter Gore |
22 Apr |
1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
22 Apr |
2 Small Copper at 'New Fields' Trent Park (1 Sect 8 at 1042 hrs, 1 N of Triangular Wd 1119 hrs) - my first of
the year, 1 Comma at Sect 7 'New Fields' 1045 hrs, 1 Speckled Wood Sect 7 at 1047 hrs, 2 Large White near Nature Trail, Trent Park at
1127 hrs, 1 Speckled Wood at Rough Lot, Trent Park at 1147 hrs, 1 male Brimstone near Obelisk, Trent Park at 1152 hrs, also here 1 Peacock
and male Orange-tip, 1 Comma near Ride Wd, Trent Park, 1 Comma at Water Grdn, Trent Park, 1 male Brimstone near Ride Wd, Trent
Park, 1 Peacock near Dew Pond, Trent Park, 1 Holly Blue at Shaws Wd, Trent Park, 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Vicarage Farm (TQ 3097) at 1310
hrs, 1 Comma at Allotments, Vicarage Farm (TQ 3097), 1 male Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue and 1 Small Tortoiseshell along Salmons Brook
at Enfield Rd. 1 Peacock at Southgate Chase Allotments this afternoon at 1401 hrs |
Robert Callf |
21 Apr |
Aldbury Nowers. Among the butterflies we saw were one Grizzled Skipper and one Green Hairstreak, both
prolonged and excellent sightings; also more briefly but 95% confident, one Dingy Skipper. Lots of Orange-tips, Brimstones, Small Whites,
Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells, plus a few Green-veined Whites and one common lizard |
Nick Murray |
21 Apr |
I took a late evening walk through Tunnel Gardens and was lucky to find a nice fresh male Orange-tip settling down to roost along with
two Speckled Wood and a Red Admiral catching the last rays of sun in the same sheltered sunny spot. Also 1 Holly Blue 1 Peacock
and 1 Green-veined White in other sections
Miles Attenborough |
21 Apr |
Aldbury Nowers. Among the butterflies we saw were one Grizzled Skipper and one Green Hairstreak, both prolonged and excellent
sightings; also more briefly but 95% confident, one Dingy Skipper. Lots of Orange-tips, Brimstones, Small Whites, Peacocks and
Small Tortoiseshells, plus a few Green-veined Whites and one common lizard |
Nick Murray |
21 Apr |
Millhoppers Reserve - 8 species seen. Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Brimstone, Peacock, Comma, Speckled Wood,
Small White and two very fresh looking Red Admiral. Walking home saw numerous male Orange-tip |
Chris Hilling |
21 Apr |
Waterford Heath NR. Silting beds clearing. Peacock=4, Grizzled Skipper=3, Orange-tip=2, Red Admiral=1, Small
Tortoiseshell=1, Comma=1. Also a female Broad-bodied Chaser
Chris Benton |
21 Apr |
1 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Holly Blue - south end of Meadowbank, Hitchin
(TL19582995) |
David Inward |
21 Apr |
1 Peacock near Triangular Wd, Trent Park at 09:43 hrs, 3 Orange-tip at Trent Park (male, near Church Wd, male, near Water Grdn
and female along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three-bridges'), 1 female Small White near Water Grdn, Trent Park and 1 female Green-veined White
near Ride Wd, Trent Park, 1 Peacock near Water Grdn, Trent Park, 1 Small Tortoiseshell along Salmons Brook at Enfield Rd, 1 male Orange-tip
along Salmons Brook at Enfield Rd |
Robert Callf |
21 Apr |
I went to Waterford south heath this afternoon to see if I could find a Grizzled Skipper. Plenty of Peacocks, Small
Tortoiseshells, whites and Orange-tips. None on the west facing bank but I finally saw one down in the settling beds area, pretty rough ground
around there. I then decided to pop over to north heath. Some Peacocks and whites, then I went over to the right near the steep slope and I found
another Grizzled Skipper, these were my first of the year |
Steve Kiln |
20 Apr |
Broxbourne woods. Peacock=14, Orange-tip=17, Brimstone=2, Red Admiral=1, Large White=1, Speckled
Wood=5, Green-veined White=4
Chris Benton |
20 Apr |
Five species seen in the Harpenden garden: Peacock, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Orange-tip |
Robin Pearson |
20 Apr |
3 Peacock at Trent Park and 2 at Vicarage Farm - 1 at (TQ 2997) and 1 at (TQ3097), 1 Green-veined White near Triangular Wd,
Trent Park, 2 Speckled Wood at Sect 7 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 Comma at Sect 6 'New Fields' Trent Park, 1 male Orange-tip at Snakes
Lane, Trent Park near Hockey Club, 1 Small Tortoiseshell near Hadley Rd/Vicarage Farm, 1 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 male Orange-tip along
Salmons Brook at Enfield Rd |
Robert Callf |
19 Apr |
At Fishers field nature reserve recorded 3 Orange-tip, 4 Peacock, 3 Small White, 4 Brimstone including my first
female of the year, 1 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Speckled Wood. I continued my exercise in the adjacent Bushey Hall golf club (TQ124964) seeing
8 Peacock, 8 Orange-tip, 3 Small White, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue and 1 Comma. At
Water Lane were 6 Peacock, 2 Speckled Wood, 2 Brimstone, 6 Orange-tip, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma. Lastly in
Bushey garden were 3 Small White, 2 Orange-tip, 1 Peacock and 2 Holly Blue |
David Gower |
19 Apr |
1 Orange-tip, 1 Speckled Wood - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Brimstone, 3 Orange-tip, 1 Holly
Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Small White - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
19 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley : 2 Holly Blue, 3 Brimstone and 1 Orange-tip |
Shailesh Patel |
19 Apr |
1 male Orange-tip at Vicarage Farm (TQ 3097) at 1028 hrs, 1 Small White at Vicarage Farm (TQ 2997) along Leeging Beech Gutter N of
Williams Wd, 1 Green-veined White E edge of Ride Wd, Trent Park at 1047 hrs, 1 male Orange-tip along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three-bridges'
Trent Park at 1105 hrs, 1 Peacock and 1 Comma near Water Grdn, Trent Park, 1 Peacock edge of Moat Wd, Trent Park, 1 Speckled Wood
at Shaws Wd, Trent Park at 1227 hrs, 1 female Holly Blue settled S edge of Williams Wd, Trent Park at 1235 hrs, 1 female Large White at Vicarage
Farm (TQ 3097) at 1324 hrs. 1 Peacock at Chase Side, N14 (TQ 294 943) at 1324 hrs. 1 Small White at Southgate Chase Allotments at 1342 hrs. 1
Comma at 1702 hrs and 1 Peacock at 1706 hrs near Triangular Wood, Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
18 Apr |
A short walk to the power station TL 457 286 at Stocking Pelham showed just one Speckled Wood butterfly |
Andy Brown |
17 Apr |
1 Peacock E edge of Icehouse Wood, Trent Park at 0919 hrs |
Robert Callf |
17 Apr |
Folly Lane allotments St Albans - reduced butterfly activity on an overcast morning, but two firsts for me. A female Small Tortoiseshell
egg laying in a sunny spot in the middle of my nettle patch. And a female Orange-tip, exploring the Hedge Garlic and choosing egg laying sites. Two
male Orange-tips had been hurtling up and down all morning. One attempted to mate with the female, who assertively pushed him away, arching her abdomen
and resisting his charms |
Malcolm Hull |
17 Apr |
A Boris walk near Braughing - I found number of butterflies in the small copse to the north of the village (TL400258): 2 Small
Tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, 1 Green-veined White, 2 Orange-tip, 6 Brimstones, 1 Speckled Wood and 2 Large White (could
be Brimstone) |
Andy Brown |
16 Apr |
In Great Ashby garden: 1 x Holly Blue (female) on ceanothus for 5 mins, 2 x fly through Small Tortoiseshells in chase and 1 x
Orange-tip male fly through
Colin Alderman |
16 Apr |
1 Holly Blue in Bushey garden late afternoon |
David Gower |
16 Apr |
1 Orange-tip - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
16 Apr |
1 female Brimstone near upper lake, Trent Park at 1254 hrs. 1 Speckled Wood at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ 3097). 1 Holly
Blue, 1 male Orange-tip and 1 Small Tortoiseshell at Salmons Brook at Enfield Road nr Jolly Farmers PH (Large Red Damselfly here also - my
first of the year) |
Robert Callf |
16 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley : 4 Holly Blue, 3 Orange-tip, 2 Brimstone and 2 Green-veined White |
Shailesh Patel |
16 Apr |
One Grizzled Skipper sunning itself on the east bank of the South Pit of Waterford Heath this lunchtime while
out on my permitted exercise |
Andrew Wood |
15 Apr |
We saw our first 2 Holly Blues of the year in our Cheshunt garden enjoying the Spring sunshine |
Roger Newbold |
15 Apr |
Morning walk to Coppetts Wood revealed 3 Peacocks, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Holly Blue, 3 Speckled Wood,
5 Orange-tip (3 male 2 female), 2 Small White, 3 Green-veined White
Miles Attenborough |
15 Apr |
2 Orange-tips in Bushey garden around bluebells and honesty |
David Gower |
15 Apr |
Folly Lane allotments, St Albans - Peacock 5, Small Tortoiseshell 3, Brimstone 2, Orange-tip 3, Holly Blue 2,
Comma 1, Small White 2, Speckled Wood 1
Malcolm Hull |
15 Apr |
Hounslow. Another sunny day with the following seen: Holly Blue: 9, Brimstone: 7, Orange-tip: 7, Peacock: 19,
Comma: 2, Small White: 1, Small Tortoiseshell: 3, Speckled Wood: 1 |
Peter Gore |
15 Apr |
1 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 2 Brimstone, 3 Orange-tip, 3 Holly
Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 1 Speckled Wood - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930)
David Inward |
15 Apr |
On a slightly extended walk that covered the footpaths north of Ware towards the Easneye Estate and back via Morley Hall, had a grand total of
20 Peacock, 11 Small Tortoiseshell, 11 Orange-tip, 1 each Large White, Small White and Green-vein White,
6 Brimstone and the highlight a pristine Painted Lady. Also checked some elm seed discs for White-letter Hairstreak feeding damage. Found a
hole, found the hatched egg but couldn't locate a caterpillar! |
Liz Goodyear |
15 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley : 1 Holly Blue and 2 Orange-tip |
Shailesh Patel |
14 Apr |
I'd like to report that on my exercise walk I made my first positive sighting of a Green-veined White just inside the entrance to South
Mymms woods (TL217022). Several Orange-tips were also noted |
Terry Wood |
14 Apr |
Very little butterfly news to report from my LEW north of Ware but a female Orange-tip made use of the garden nectar between egg laying
runs on my garden's honesty and garlic mustard. On my walk it was hard going as still quite cool but managed to see 4 Peacock, 3 Small
Tortoiseshell and 1 Orange-tip. Close to home, a bit more activity with 2 Orange-tip, 2 Green-veined White and 1 Small White
Liz Goodyear |
14 Apr |
On my daily exercise walk I was amazed to find a Painted Lady sunning itself at Cricket Scrub Corner on
Alexandra Palace (TQ300899). Also seen were several Speckled Wood, Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell, a Holly Blue and a Small
Gerry Rawcliffe |
14 Apr |
Late morning walk round Tunnell Gardens revealed 5 Speckled Wood, 3 Holly Blue, 4 male Orange-tip, 2 Small White,
2 Green-veined White
Miles Attenborough |
12 Apr |
On our exercise walk near Well End we saw our first Speckled Wood of the year (TQ210985) as well as a number of Comma,
Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock |
Terry Wood |
12 Apr |
Spent the day in my garden in Bounds Green, 1 Speckled Wood spent most of the morning with me and I was visited by 4 Holly Blue,
1 Comma and 2 white butterflies flying through. In the evening I went to Tunnel Gardens to water wildflower seedlings in an area I cleared of
Brambles in the winter, 1 Peacock, 1 Comma and 2 Speckled Wood |
Miles Attenborough |
12 Apr |
Millhoppers Reserve - Lunchtime walk found 1 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Small White, 2 male Brimstone, 1
male Holly Blue plus 2 Orange-tip, male and female. In the small wooded area at the North end of the site I was very pleased to see 3 fresh
Speckled Wood
Chris Hilling |
12 Apr |
I was able to definitively identify my first Green-veined White of the year (I'd probably seen others, but they didn't settle to be
identified). It was on the 'Gas Ride' on Bricket Wood Common, but further north than the transect extends. I also saw plenty of Peacocks and male
Brimstones, and some females and Orange-tips, until it clouded over and began to thunder!
Chris Newman |
12 Apr |
1 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
12 Apr |
The Brimstones have arrived in Halsey Field, and this morning on a short walk to the site and around it I saw 13; also 5 Peacock,
an Orange-tip female, Small White and a Small Tortoiseshell on a patch of nettles |
Chris Ridley |
12 Apr |
In Bushey garden 1 Peacock and at least 3 Orange-tips seen around "honesty" and "Bowles mauve" |
David Gower |
12 Apr |
I spotted this recently-laid Orange-tip egg on Garlic mustard in my garden in Potten End this afternoon
Paul Cross |
11 Apr |
Walked to Coppetts Wood. 6 Peacocks, 1 Holly Blue, 1 Speckled Wood, 5 male Orange-tip, 2 Green-veined White
and two Small Tortoiseshell. Walked through Tunnel Gardens late evening where I watched a male Brimstone fluttering around an Ivy-covered tree
trunk I assume searching for a nicely camouflaged roost where it settled, as well as spending a bit of time trying to get a photo of a small bright green
caterpillar swinging on a silk thread dangling from a tree, I assume to evade prey but I have not been able to confirm what species it is. Also 5 nice fresh
Speckled Wood and a Comma
Miles Attenborough |
11 Apr |
Walked to Little Bushey Lane via footpath and opposite Jewish cemetery (TQ 149514) counted 1 Small White, 1 Speckled Wood,
2 Orange-tip, 1 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell. At other side of cementary just before M1 (TQ139513) were 3 Brimstone, 4
Orange-tip, 6 Peacock, 1 Small White. On way home passed through Bushey Manor field seeing 2 Small White, 1 Orange-tip,
1 Speckled Wood, 1 Peacock. In Bushey garden 1 Holly Blue only
David Gower |
11 Apr |
1 Brimstone, 1 Holly Blue - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Brimstone - opposite Tesco, Rail Station, Hitchin
(TL19332974) |
David Inward |
11 Apr |
Royston: 1 Orange-tip butterfly and 1 Hummingbird Hawk-moth close to my home |
Martin Johnson |
11 Apr |
On a 1 hour walk around Copsewood/Poor's Field I counted 33 Peacock, 3 Orange-tip (2 M/1 F) and 2 Brimstone (M) |
Carole Holton |
11 Apr |
Folly Lane, St Albans - My first Speckled Wood and my first Large White of this year. Male Orange-tips spent hours
hurtling up and down alongside my Garlic Mustard, seemingly without finding any females. The one smallish white around turned out to be just that - a Small
White |
Malcolm Hull |
10 Apr |
I took a walk from my house to Coppetts Wood in Barnet. 5 Peacocks, 1 Holly Blue, 2 Green-veined White, 1 Small
White, 5 male Orange-tip, 1 Brimstone and 5 Speckled Woods On the way home 1 Orange-tip by Pymms brook by the North Circular
Miles Attenborough |
10 Apr |
On my walk I saw my first Speckled Wood of the year, on Section 4 of the Bricket Wood Common butterfly transect, where the path runs
parallel to the 'Gas Ride'. This butterfly stayed in the area long enough for me to get a photo (it won't win any prizes, but it's good enough for
identification). Also, as is currently usual, lots of Peacocks, some Brimstones, male and probably female Orange-tips, Commas and
Small Tortoiseshells on my walk
Chris Newman |
10 Apr |
In Bushey garden 1 Small White, 2 Orange-tip, 1 Brimstone. At 4pm went out for my exercise and a short visit to Fishers
field seeing 2 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell. Lastly at Water Lane there was plenty of activity. Recorded 13 Small Tortoiseshell,
7 Peacock, 4 Orange-tip, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Comma, 1 Small White |
David Gower |
10 Apr |
1 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Orange-tip, 1 Holly Blue - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
10 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley. 2 Orange-tip, 2 Large White, 4 Brimstone and 1 Speckled Wood |
Shailesh Patel |
10 Apr |
Brimstone butterflies active again in my Letchworth garden, laying eggs on an Alder Buckthorn shrub
Roger Millard |
10 Apr |
Hounslow. A somewhat rapid and restricted walk in full sunshine with the following observed: Small Tortoiseshell: 1, Speckled Wood:
1, Orange-tip: 5, Peacock: 9, Brimstone: 2, Comma: 2, Holly Blue: 8. A few restless whites also around but not identified |
Peter Gore |
10 Apr |
On an exercise walk in Alexandra Park, I saw my first 2 Holly Blues there, 5 Brimstones, finally managed a photo. 1 Red
Admiral, 1 Peacock. Then on returning to my Muswell Hill garden, a Small White was fluttering around
Dee Cullen |
10 Apr |
St Albans - no hibernating Peacocks or Small Tortoiseshells in my shed today. The last 23 all left this week. At the nearby nettlebeds in New
England St I found 7 Small Tortoiseshells and no Peacocks. At Folly Lane, 6 Small Tortoiseshells and 4 Peacocks, also 8
Orange-tips, 2 Brimstone, 2 Holly Blues and 1 Small White. None of the butterflies I saw were nectaring and the dry weather may
have caused nectar to dry up. So I have decided to water my dandelions to help the butterflies find food |
Malcolm Hull |
9 Apr |
On my walk I saw what I believe was a Light Orange Underwing moth, fairly early on Section 2 of the Bricket Wood Common butterfly
transect, where the path runs parallel to the 'Gas Ride'. I saw it settle on the ground, and could clearly see orange close to its body, with grey-brown
forewings with some faint banding running across their length. It seemed settled on the ground, so I took off my camera bag, got out the camera and mounted
the macro lens, but it had disappeared. It reappeared, and the third time it settled I got as far as focusing on it before it flew again, and this time it
flew away. It looked slightly smaller than I remember one I saw 5 years ago that Malcolm Hull deduced was a Light Orange Underwing. Also lots of
Peacocks, some Brimstones, male and probably female Orange-tips, Commas and Small Tortoiseshells on Bricket Wood Common and
elsewhere on my walk |
Chris Newman |
9 Apr |
Meesden TL 42838 32526: 1 Peacock. Scales Park: 4 Brimstone, 15 Peacock, 3 Orange-tip, 1 Green-veined White,
1 Small Tortoiseshell. Meesden paths various: 3 Brimstone, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 5 Peacock. Hall wood near Stocking Pelham
TL 44560 29645 : 13 Peacock |
Andy Brown |
9 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley. 1 Comma, 2 Orange-tip, 2 Large White and 5 Brimstone |
Shailesh Patel |
9 Apr |
Bernards Heath garden: First Orange-tip (female) |
David Utting |
9 Apr |
During a walk around Oxhey Park (TQ113952) I encountered 2 x Peacock, 5 x Orange-tip, 1 x Holly Blue (m), 1 x Small
Tortoiseshell, 2 x Comma. In Bushey garden 1 x Orange-tip and 1 x Small White |
David Gower |
9 Apr |
1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Orange-tip, 1 Brimstone -
Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
8 Apr |
Stocking Pelham garden : 2 Brimstone, 2 Orange-tip, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock. Brent Pelham TL 43438 30756
: 1 Peacock, 2 Brimstone, 1 Orange-tip |
Andy Brown |
8 Apr |
I took my LEW around the footpaths north of Ware much later in the afternoon in the hope that an Emperor moth would come to my lure.
Peacocks (15) and Small Tortoiseshells (11) were abundant although mostly in the first ditch I walk past. Nothing came to the lure so when I got
back to my Ware garden at 5.30 I put the container on my washing line and within minutes this absolute stunner of an Emperor moth arrived. I knew it
wasn't the same as the previous day as it was pristine!
Liz Goodyear |
8 Apr |
Millhoppers Reserve - Along with the usual Brimstone (4), Peacock (2), Comma (1) and Orange-tip (3) also saw first
Holly Blue, a male, plus a Small White |
Chris Hilling |
8 Apr |
Wareside: 7 Brimstone, 9 Peacock, 3 Small White, 2 Orange-tip, 1 Comma, 1 Holly Blue and 1 Speckled
Wood. St Pauls, London: 1 Small White, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
8 Apr |
1 Brimstone, 1 Orange-tip - St Faiths Close north, Hitchin (TL198303), 1 Peacock - St Faiths Close south, Hitchin, (TL198302 |
David Inward |
8 Apr |
Walked up to St James churchyard in Bushey again. Sightings were 2 x Holly Blue, 2 x Small White (both first sightings this year),
3 x Peacock, 1 x Comma, 2 x Brimstone (m), 4 x Orange-tip (3 males). Back in Bushey garden a male Brimstone on honesty |
David Gower |
8 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley. 1 Peacock, 2 Orange-tip and 1 Holly Blue |
Shailesh Patel |
8 Apr |
I just did a lunchtime walk at Alexandra Park. Saw my first Orange-tip and Speckled Wood of the year in the Banqueting Hall area.
Also seen were two Peacocks and a Brimstone in the Butterfly Meadow |
Dee Cullen |
7 Apr |
Bernards Heath garden: First Holly Blue of the year (male) |
David Utting |
7 Apr |
Wareside: 5 Brimstone, 8 Peacock (appears to be a strong hibernation this year), 4 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Small White,
2 Comma, 1 Speckled Wood |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
7 Apr |
Barham Park, Wembley. 1 Peacock, 1 Brimstone and 1 Orange-tip |
Shailesh Patel |
7 Apr |
LEW took me across the paths north of Ware to Cold Christmas and back. Lots of butterflies seen including Brimstone, Orange-tip, 15
Peacock, 9 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Small White. I deliberately went in the morning when activity was heightening but it was just at
the end of the walk where passing a bit of derelict grassland near the back of my road that most activity was observed. Here there were male and female
Brimstone and Orange Tip, all be chased by each other! However it wasn't until 4.25 in the afternoon that the star of the show arrived in my garden - a male
Emperor moth to lure
Liz Goodyear |
7 Apr |
I went for an evening walk through Tunnel Gardens in Bounds Green at 17.30, 1 Comma and 1 Peacock in the last of the evening sun
Miles Attenborough |
7 Apr |
I saw my first Holly Blue and Orange-tip of the season in our Hemel Hempstead garden. The orange was extremely vivid, so I
suspect the Orange tip had just crawled out of its pupa. A Small Tortoiseshell also made a brief appearance |
Chris Ridley |
7 Apr |
I saw a male Orange-tip along the part of the 'Gas Ride' on Bricket Wood Common included in the transect (TL1301), along with a male
Brimstone and about a dozen Peacocks along that part of my walk alone. My first orange tip of the year, although I reported that my wife had
seen a couple on 5 April. I don't remember ever seeing so many Peacocks about in spring before; it's a pity we aren't walking formal transects to record them objectively |
Chris Newman |
7 Apr |
Back to Merryhill via Bushey Manor field spotting 2 x Peacocks. At St James churchyard were 2 x Orange-tips (m & f),
Comma x 1, Peacock x 3, Small Tortoiseshell x 1. Lastly at Merryhill fields were Peacock x 9, Brimstone (m) x 1,
Comma x 4
David Gower |
7 Apr |
Saw my first male Orange-tip of the year as I started my daily exercise walk up Barnhill. It was still in the same area on my return and
got 1 decent shot while it nectared briefly. Most of my walk was devoid of butterflies (too hot???) but I did count 5 Brimstones, 1 Small
Tortoiseshell, 1 Comma, 9 Peacocks, 2 unknown whites (I suspect one might have been female Orange-tip and one Green-veined white but
uncertain) and my first 2 Speckled Woods of the year
Mike Rubin |
6 Apr |
Stanwell Moor: Peacock 29, Comma 15, Orange-tip 12, Small White 5, Brimstone 4. Once again, there was a new
species for the year, this time a single Red Admiral. Early light rain gave way to sunshine before lunchtime, but only the Peacocks, Commas and Orange
Tips seemed to cash in on it
Dave Miller |
6 Apr |
Male Orange-tip in our Harpenden garden this afternoon, the first of the year |
Alan Jackson |
6 Apr |
Walked my usual paths north of Ware with an extension which included a circuit of Buckney Wood. In total I recorded 17 Peacock, 1
Small Tortoiseshell and my first Red Admiral of the year |
Liz Goodyear |
6 Apr |
I saw lots of Peacock butterflies whilst on my walk - 8 in Halsey field and one on the track running along an arable field adjacent to
Halsey field. Also seen were 3 Small Tortoiseshell on the field and a Small White on the edge of Warners End wood |
Chris Ridley |
5 Apr |
Stanwell Moor: Peacock 27, Comma 15, Brimstone 10, Small White 10, Orange-tip 10, Speckled Wood 3,
Small Tortoiseshell 1. Finally, at last the first Holly Blue appeared, the eighth species of the year here. Very warm (up to 21 degrees) and
Dave Miller |
5 Apr |
In my South Mymms garden we had a pair of male Orange-tips chasing each other, a patrolling Peacock, and a first
male Brimstone of the year |
Terry Wood |
5 Apr |
Hounslow Heath: Brimstones 6, Peacocks 10+, Small Tortoiseshell 1, female Orange-tip, Speckled Wood 1,
Holly Blue 1, Small White 2 |
Paul Lane |
5 Apr |
After 6 days in front of my computer I needed some exercise so took a walk through Tunnel Gardens along the North Circular to Coppetts Wood and
Glebelands Nature reserve and back. 1 Comma in Tunnel Gardens, 1 Comma and two Brimstone by Pymms Brook, 1 Holly Blue,
5 Brimstone, 1 Small White and 6 Peacocks in Coppetts Wood, 2 Peacock, 1 Comma and 2 Brimstone at Glebelands.
1 Peacock nectaring on Blackthorn blossom and the Small White and Brimstones nectaring on Dandelions
Miles Attenborough |
5 Apr |
I had my first Holly Blue of the year in my garden in Muswell Hill as well as Brimstone and Peacock. An exercise walk on
Alexandra Palace yielded multiple Comma, Brimstone and Peacock as well as a Small White, but no sign yet of Speckled Wood, Orange
Tip or Holly Blue |
Gerry Rawcliffe |
5 Apr |
Millhoppers Reserve - 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 5 male Brimstone, 1 Comma, 3 Peacocks and the first male Orange-tip |
Chris Hilling |
5 Apr |
Bernards Heath garden, Peacock. Heartwood (E. side TL175173) during daily exercise 2x Peacock (flying together). Heartwood (E
side TL176114) Brimstone (male) |
David Utting |
5 Apr |
1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL1930), 1 Brimstone, 1 Peacock - Purwell Meadows east, Hitchin (TL2029) |
David Inward |
5 Apr |
Spent this morning in Bushey garden and noticed Peacock x 2, Comma x 1. This afternoon at Water Lane during my exercise walk I
recorded Brimstone x 2(m), Peacock x 6, Comma x 5, Small Tortoiseshell x 8. On way home via Fishers field seeing Peacock x
3, Comma x 1, Small Tortoiseshell x 1. I'm pleased to report that I've seen more Tortoiseshells this year than last two years put together! |
David Gower |
5 Apr |
Brimstones passing through our Harpenden garden throughout the day, also 2 Peacocks |
Alan Jackson |
4 Apr |
Stanwell Moor: Peacock 26, Brimstone 17, Comma 11, Small White 11, Orange-tip 8, Small Tortoiseshell
5. Saw the first Speckled Woods - with two seen. The Small Whites included a mating pair. Lots of sunshine and much warmer - up to 17 degrees
Dave Miller |
4 Apr |
Several Brimstones and Peacocks in our Harpenden garden, also a Comma (first of the year); Small Tortoiseshell on
our Harpenden allotment |
Alan Jackson |
4 Apr |
St Albans garden, Townsend area: 1 Brimstone, 2 Commas, 1 Small Tortoiseshell & what looked suspiciously like a female
Orange Tip passing at some speed |
Robert Bull |
4 Apr |
A Green-veined White in my garden in Royston (also 2 Peacock and 1 Brimstone) |
Nick Keep |
4 Apr |
On my exercise walk at Potters Bar's Furzefield, I was pleased to see my first male Orange-tip of the year |
Terry Wood |
4 Apr |
3 Brimstone - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930), 1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close (TL1930) |
David Inward |
4 Apr |
I saw a Small Tortoiseshell on the Gas Ride, Bricket Wood Common (only 3 were recorded on the transect there during the last 2 years,
although I often see them in the Colne Valley near Wall Hall). I also saw 4 male Brimstones (my first of the year) between How Wood and Park Street,
and numerous Peacocks and several Commas on my walk |
Chris Newman |
4 Apr |
Had a day tidying my Great Ashby, Stevenage garden and had lots of visitors; 6 Brimstones, 2 Peacocks, 1 Comma, my first
Red Admiral and first Small White. A very pleasing tally, shame the Small Tortoiseshell didn't appear |
Steve Lane |
4 Apr |
My exercise was walking to Merryhill fields via St James, Bushey churchyard where I encountered Peacock x 2. At Merryhill sightings were
Peacock x 12, Brimstone(m) x 3, Comma x 4 and Speckled Wood x 1
David Gower |
4 Apr |
Barnhill and adjacent Fryent Open Space during my daily exercise walk after lunch. I saw 4 male Brimstones, 1 tatty Small
Tortoiseshell, 10 Commas and 12 Peacocks. The Brimstone settled when a cloud covered the sun so that was a lucky moment |
Mike Rubin |
4 Apr |
Out for my exercise and nice to see my first male Orange-tip as well as Peacock, Comma and Brimstone |
Andrew Wood |
4 Apr |
Several Brimstones, a Peacock and several Small Tortoiseshells whilst walking around Stocking Pelham. Also a possible
sighting of an Orange-tip near Patmore Heath |
Andy Brown |
4 Apr |
In Rickneys Quarry 5 Brimstones and an Orange-tip and two Commas. In Waterford Heath south, about 10 Peacocks, 2
Brimstone and 3 Commas |
Steve Kiln |
3 Apr |
Stanwell Moor: Comma 3, Peacock 1, Small White 1, Sunnier, but somewhat cooler again |
Dave Miller |
3 Apr |
Had my first sighting of a male Orange-tip in my Hertford Heath garden, approx 4pm, warm light wind. Look very fresh |
Kevin Standbridge |
3 Apr |
Millhoppers Reserve - Just two - a Small Tortoiseshell and my first Peacock this year, which was resting on one of the many Anthills
Chris Hilling |
3 Apr |
Went out for my allowed walk to exercise this afternoon. At Water Lane, Watford were Comma x 6 (one with only a small fraction of hind
wings but still active), Small Tortoiseshell x 1. Nothing to report from Fishers Field which is nearby |
David Gower |
3 Apr |
Despite some nice sunshine I didn't record any butterflies on my LEW this afternoon around the fields north of Ware. However, overnight I
recorded a Blossom Underwing. This is a new garden record and not at all common in Hertfordshire. Photos also of a Streamer and Dotted
Chestnut - both new for the year in my Ware garden
Liz Goodyear |
3 Apr |
St Albans shed - 17 hibernating Small Tortoiseshells and 6 Peacocks. That's exactly the same numbers as this time last week. So
during a cold week when we had frost and ice on the pond no butterflies left hibernation. A big contrast to the previous sunnier week when one third of the
total number of hibernators departed. Interesting that none of the previous weeks departed returned - hopefully they found shelter from the cold elsewhere |
Malcolm Hull |
2 Apr |
Stanwell Moor: Brimstone 2, Peacock 2, Comma 1, Small White 1. Only a brief burst of sun, though it was warmer than the previous few days |
Dave Miller |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
31 Mar |
Millhoppers Reserve - Much cooler but the hedge/tree line kept most of the breeze out so pleasant when the sun broke through. The water level
has dropped considerably since 22nd when Malcolm saw it ... maybe 5 inches. Just one butterfly on site, a male Brimstone. I then disturbed a Comma
at the bottom of Watery Lane |
Chris Hilling |
31 Mar |
The Warren, Bengeo. 2pm. 1 Small White. 1 Peacock. 1 Small Tortoiseshell
Chris Benton |
29 Mar |
Garden Bernards Heath 1x Small Tortoiseshell |
David Utting |
28 Mar |
Garden Bernards Heath 2x Brimstone (1 male, 1 female) |
David Utting |
28 Mar |
Stanwell Moor: Sunny first thing, but the northeasterly breeze was picking up markedly and bringing extensive cloud with it. My usual walk
produced only three brave butterflies: Comma 2, Peacock 1 |
Dave Miller |
27 Mar |
Stanwell Moor: Another very similar day, but the first butterfly seen today was a fairly cooperative Small White nectaring on dandelions. Further
on along my usual circuit, I spotted a Brimstone basking (sideways on of course!), and then a Comma nearby. Trying to decide which to concentrate on, I was
disturbed by another butterfly fluttering across in front of me. This turned out to be an Orange Tip. After settling at a distance, it briefly sat quite close
by. I ended up seeing one more later on, amongst a total of at least 30 individual butterflies on the day. Peacock 12, Comma 10, Brimstone
5, Small White 2, Orange-tip 2, Small Tortoiseshell 1
Dave Miller |
27 Mar |
In Hounslow garden 1 Peacock sunned itself for a little while |
Peter Gore |
27 Mar |
3 Small Tortoiseshell - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930) |
David Inward |
27 Mar |
On my local exercise walk north of Ware I saw 4 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Peacock but again no Brimstone. I took my Emperor moth
lure but despite other Hertfordshire reports, nothing was attracted to it. Also heard and saw a Yellowhammer which was rather nice. On the map part of my walk
passes an area marked Common but access was behind a 12 foot deer fence but I have now found a public footpath that goes through it. Hopefully it will produce
some nice butterflies over the spring and summer for me to see during difficult period |
Liz Goodyear |
27 Mar |
Millhoppers Reserve - one Comma and four Small Tortoiseshell and just one human ... me! Glorious isolation |
Chris Hilling |
27 Mar |
New England St Playingfield, St Albans - 3 Small Tortoiseshells in the afternoon sun at the nettlebeds close to my house. A male
intercepted a female in flight and they landed on the fed flowerhead of a Buddleia. But she was unreceptive and after 2 minutes he flew off, leaving her to
self isolate
Malcolm Hull |
27 Mar |
St Albans Shed - 17 Small Tortoiseshells and 6 Peacocks still in hibernation today. So that means that around 50% of each species
has now emerged. That's up from below 20% this time last week - not surprising given the prolonged period of sunny weather. Yesterday I saw one of both
species on the wing in the garden. I also found two very soporific Small Tortoiseshells on the back door mat. It seems to take a lot of effort to bring them
back to life - these two appeared to have crawled out of the shed under the door! |
Malcolm Hull |
26 Mar |
Stanwell Moor: Despite continuing quite warm sunshine, no more Small Whites or Orange Tips appeared today, but the Peacocks and Commas were out
in force, along with a few Brimstones and Small Tortoiseshells. Peacock 10, Comma 9, Brimstone 4, Small Tortoiseshell 2
Dave Miller |
26 Mar |
For my exercise I wondered down to Halsey Field (about 10 mins from my house) and saw 5 Commas and 3 Peacocks sunbathing along a
bush-lined path, where they were sheltered from the chilly east wind. Just as I left the site, a Brimstone was flitting along the edge of the adjacent
Warners End wood |
Chris Ridley |
26 Mar |
Woodcock Park, 3pm: 5 Commas, 1 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell |
Mike Rubin |
26 Mar |
Lone Small White seen on my walk at Alexandra Park
Dee Cullen |
25 Mar |
Stanwell Moor: Brimstone 8, Peacock 15, Comma 9, Small Tortoiseshell 1. The highlight was another first for the
year: Orange-tip 1
Dave Miller |
25 Mar |
In Woodbury Field, Bricket Wood, I noticed a Small Tortoiseshell on the grass with a Peacock almost on top of it. Disturbed by me they
flew off, the tortoiseshell followed very closely by the Peacock, and again the Peacock settled on the tortoiseshell. I followed, and took off my camera bag
hoping to get a photo, but they flew again, with the Peacock once more keeping within a foot of the tortoiseshell, and I lost sight of them. Is this
misguided mating behaviour (I don't know how Peacocks go about mating) or fighting? Six years ago I photographed a Small Tortoiseshell paying close
attention to the rear end of a perched Peacock, by the River Colne near Wall hall Pumping Station |
Chris Newman |
25 Mar |
Our garden SW Herts (Oxhey Hall): 1 Brimstone male, 1 Orange-tip male, 1 Peacock, 2 Small
Tortoiseshell, 1 Comma |
Paul Williams |
25 Mar |
2-3pm, Barnhill: 1 male Brimstone, 5 Small Tortoiseshells, 9 Commas, 4 Peacocks |
Mike Rubin |
25 Mar |
Royston: Small Tortoiseshell (3), Peacock (2), Brimstone (13, including 2 females). Most of the Brimstones were
concentrated in a small area close to Royston Hospital, but there was also one in my garden |
Martin Johnson |
25 Mar |
Mating pair of Peacocks at Balls Wood this afternoon
Chris Benton |
25 Mar |
1 Brimstone - Franklin Gardens, Hitchin (TL198301) |
David Inward |
25 Mar |
In my garden in Potten End: 3 Commas, 2 Small Tortoiseshells, 1 Brimstone, 1 Peacock and 1 Small White
Paul Cross |
25 Mar |
I've finally joined the Brimstone club with 2 sightings on my local north of Ware exercise walk. They were some distance apart (no pun
intended) but knowing how far they travel could have been the same individual. Also 5 Peacock (2 not far from my house) and in the garden 1 of each
Peacock & Small Tortoiseshell. Found some new elm which will be worth watching if still doing my daily walk in June! |
Liz Goodyear |
25 Mar |
Wareside (TL401149): Small Tortoiseshell - 1, Peacock - 4, Comma - 1, Brimstone 3 |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
25 Mar |
Alexandra Park: 1 Brimstone, 1 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell |
Mark Wardman |
25 Mar |
In St Albans (Townsend area) garden, during my home working lunch break: 1 Brimstone, 1 Peacock, 1 extremely tatty Comma |
Robert Bull |
24 Mar |
Stanwell Moor: Brimstone 7, Peacock 5, Comma 4, Small Tortoiseshell 3, Small White 3
Dave Miller |
24 Mar |
Lunchtime, in Kenton garden: 1 Comma. 2-3pm, Woodcock Park: 4 Commas. 1 suspected female Orange-tip on the wing (not
stopping, small, rounded wings) |
Mike Rubin |
24 Mar |
Wareside (TL401149): Small Tortoiseshell - 8, Peacock - 5, Comma - 1, Brimstone 1 Hunsdon (TL399133): Small
Tortoiseshell - 1, Peacock - 10, Small Tortoiseshell 3 |
Phil & Oliver MacMurdie |
24 Mar |
Alexandra Park: 5 Peacock, 5 Brimstone, 2 Small White, 2 Comma |
Mark Wardman |
24 Mar |
Whilst tidying my Great Ashby, Stevenage garden, I saw 1 Comma, 3 Brimstone, 2 Peacock and a very brief Small
Steve Lane |
24 Mar |
During my authorised exercise walk around Bengeo: Comma, Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstone, Peacock and my first
Small White
Andrew Wood |
24 Mar |
In Bengeo garden: Brimstone, Comma & Peacock
Simon Knott |
24 Mar |
2 Small Tortoiseshell - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL1930), 1 possibly 2 Brimstone - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL198303) |
David Inward |
24 Mar |
Hounslow. Plenty of butterflies on a sunny afternoon: Brimstone: 8 (first), Peacock: 16, Comma: 2, Small
Tortoiseshell: 1 (first), Holly Blue: 1 |
Peter Gore |
24 Mar |
1 Small Tortoiseshell in my Ware garden early morning plus something that flew off as I rushed to see the Small Tortoiseshell! My walk
around the local fields in glorious sunshine was very disappointing with only 2 Peacock and I still haven't seen a Brimstone this year! |
Liz Goodyear |
23 Mar |
At Bayfordbury this sunny afternoon we had Peacock (2) and Comma (2) in the Pinetum (TL318106) and Small Tortoiseshell (2) at
Rough Hills North (TL320104) |
Ian Flack |
23 Mar |
At Stanwell Moor, a warmer and much less windy day. The Brimstones were back, and I found three, one of which was the first female of
the year. Another first was a single male Small White. However, most sightings were of Peacocks and Commas, with seven of each seen. Some
were really fresh, considering their long months of hibernation
Dave Miller |
23 Mar |
2 (a pair) Small Tortoiseshell - Walsworth Common, Hitchin (TL193303), 1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL198303)
David Inward |
23 Mar |
Hounslow. No walk today so I was especially pleased to see a butterfly in my garden. Holly Blue is no surprise here but this is the
earliest I've seen one anywhere since I started reporting butterflies to the website 7 years ago. Today's was a male and I was able to enjoy watching it at my
leisure, aided by a Christmas gift of new close focus binoculars. It moved in all the familiar ways amongst the Ivy, ignored the Holly which is about flower,
visited a Celandine flower once briefly but spent a good bit of time, wings closed in the sun on a damp patch of bare soil in a trough at ground level,
largely stationary but walking round a little too. Repeated sightings during the day but nothing to suggest there could be more than one |
Peter Gore |
23 Mar |
This afternoon - 5 Comma edge of Williams Wood, Trent Park 13:55 - 14:00 hrs, 2 Peacock near lower lake, Trent Park and 1
Comma nectaring on blackthorn blossom at Vicarage Farm, Enfield (TQ 3097) at 16:07 hrs |
Robert Callf |
23 Mar |
In Bushey garden was a Peacock x 1. This afternoon at Merryhill fields, Bushey have seen Comma x 3, Peacock x 3, Small
Tortoiseshell x 1 |
David Gower |
23 Mar |
Alexandra Park: 1 Small White in the conservation area; 1 Brimstone by Blandford Hall and 1 Comma in the butterfly meadow |
Mark Wardman |
23 Mar |
First sightings this year, not that I've had time to look so far. Waverley Road, St Albans, 1 Brimstone in front gardens; Townsend
Drive, St Albans, along the edge of Bernards Heath, 1 Brimstone, 2 Peacocks |
Robert Bull |
23 Mar |
Royston: Peacock (2) and Small Tortoiseshell (2)
Martin Johnson |
22 Mar |
Two Peacocks and two Commas on my usual walk at Stanwell Moor |
Dave Miller |
22 Mar |
I saw 5 Peacocks and a Brimstone on a walk around Stocking Pelham |
Andy Brown |
22 Mar |
A Small White at Strayfield Road Cemetery between Hillyfields and Whitewebbs (TQ315988) |
Mark Saunders |
22 Mar |
Millhoppers Reserve, Wilstone near Tring - I visited the branch butterfly reserve and was pleased to see the stream in full flow and the marsh
full of water. Also spotted my first flying butterflies of the year - 1 Brimstone and 1 Comma on the reserve itself, 1 Peacock and a
Brimstone on Watery Lane and 2 Brimstones nearby at Gubblecoat Cross
Malcolm Hull |
22 Mar |
1 Brimstone - St Faiths Close, Hitchin (TL198302) |
David Inward |
22 Mar |
Millhoppers Reserve - male Brimstone this lunchtime in glorious spring sunshine. Then, back in Tring, another flew past me as I was
putting my bike away. My first of the year at last! |
Chris Hilling |
22 Mar |
At home Bengeo 2 Peacocks and a Comma. At Waterford Heath South a Peacock and a Comma at last spring |
Steve Kiln |
22 Mar |
At Water Lane, Watford noticed 1 x Comma. Nothing seen at Fishers Field afterwards |
David Gower |
22 Mar |
1 Comma nectaring on sallow blossom along Salmons Brook at Parkside Farm, Enfield (TQ 301 981) at 12:21 hrs and then basking on ground in
sheltered spot |
Robert Callf |
21 Mar |
Hounslow. Breezy but sunny. A Comma alongside the River Crane was followed by
another on the return journey on The Marshalling Yards path, my first of the species this year |
Peter Gore |
21 Mar |
Today's walk around the footpaths of north Ware produced sightings of 3 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Peacock. All sheltering from
the fierce wind in ditches where the weed sprayer had missed obliterating all the nectar sources! Still no Brimstones for me! |
Liz Goodyear |
20 Mar |
I saw a Comma near the generating station in Stocking Pelham |
Andy Brown |
20 Mar |
I saw 1 Peacock in Ware Park |
Andrew Wood |
18 Mar |
1 Small Tortoiseshell at Boxer's Lake, Enfield this afternoon at 14:08 hrs |
Robert Callf |
17 Mar |
Mostly cloudy at Stanwell Moor, though fairly warm. Only a single Peacock seen flying |
Dave Miller |
17 Mar |
Brimstone, Comma & Peacock in Bengeo garden
Simon Knott |
17 Mar |
One male Brimstone and one Comma at The Warren, Bengeo, this morning. One Small Tortoiseshell at Waterford Marsh this
Chris Benton |
17 Mar |
Royston: Brimstone (1 male) |
Martin Johnson |
17 Mar |
1 Peacock at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ 2998) at 13:11 hrs |
Robert Callf |
17 Mar |
Overnight I recorded the best count of moths in my garden trap this year but nothing rare or exceptional! Today's walk around the north Ware
footpaths on a relatively cloudy but mild morning I saw 1 Peacock at a sheltered location halfway between Ware and Wareside |
Liz Goodyear |
17 Mar |
Saw the first of a few Brimstones this morning in Alexandra Park |
Dee Cullen |
16 Mar |
At Stanwell Moor, A glorious spring day, and the butterflies responded on my local patch. Totals seen: Peacock 7, Comma 5,
Brimstone 3, Small Tortoiseshell 1
| Dave Miller |
16 Mar |
The first sighting at Bayfordbury this year: a Comma flying in the sunshine at Rough Hills |
Ian Flack |
16 Mar |
A Comma at Watton-at-Stone, 2 Peacocks at Ardeley and 1 at Benington
Andrew Wood |
16 Mar |
Hounslow. The first identified butterflies of the year for me, 2 Peacocks on the Pevensey loop followed by 3 more on the heath. I was
informed by others luckier or more attentive than I that Brimstone and Comma were also flying in this area. An unidentified butterfly on the heath on the
13th was probably a Peacock too, whilst the only other unidentified one seen this year was more likely a Small Tortoiseshell in my garden way back on 8th
January |
Peter Gore |
16 Mar |
My first butterflies of the year - 2 Peacock clashing at Park Farm, Enfield (TQ 2998) at 13:48 hrs, 1 Comma in Rough Lot, Trent
Park at 14:26 hrs, 1 Peacock at 15:11 hrs and 1 Small Tortoiseshell at 15:15 hrs at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park |
Robert Callf |
16 Mar |
Took a walk around the footpaths of north Ware this morning, but the increasing sunshine couldn't persuade any butterflies to make an
appearance. Soon after getting home however, there was a Small Tortoiseshell in my front garden! Although there is a lot of elm in the landscape, the
tracks have had all the hedges cut back until I reach a children's play area near to where I live and the elm is in reach (although now a lot is diseased). It
didn't take more than a minute to find a hatched White-letter Hairstreak egg - in the past it has taken much longer so a satisfactory result! |
Liz Goodyear |
16 Mar |
My first butterflies of the year - at Fairlands Valley Park with 4 Brimstone and 6 Comma seen in the early afternoon sunshine |
Peter Clarke |
16 Mar |
First Brimstone of the year (a male) in our Harpenden garden |
Alan Jackson |
13 Mar |
At Stanwell Moor, no Brimstones, but instead I saw three Commas at widely spaced intervals
| Dave Miller |
13 Mar |
St Albans - I've heard of a couple of sightings of Small Tortoiseshells in flight in St Albans area this week. Checking my shed, the
number of hibernators is now down to 25 - three less than last week. So altogether five have flown so far this year - that's one sixth of the total which
overwintered successfully. No further departures of Peacocks this week - just one of the 13 individuals has flown so far |
Malcolm Hull |
12 Mar |
At Rye Meads NR - 1 Small Tortoiseshell (my first for the year) |
Rob Harris |
11 Mar |
On the warm sunny morning, I strolled round my (still very soggy!) local patch at Stanwell Moor, and managed to see no fewer than seven
Brimstones, plus a single Peacock and a single Small Tortoiseshell
| Dave Miller |
11 Mar |
Single Peacock, basking on flower pot in Rickmansworth garden |
Anna Marett |
11 Mar |
SP923131 Small Tortoiseshell, Little Tring just opposite Heygates Mill. In a windy field. 12-13 deg. C. 1.50pm.
SP926133 Peacock, near Little Tring on towpath of Wendover Arm of Grand Union Canal. Sheltered. 12-13 deg. C. 1.55pm |
Rikki Harrington |
11 Mar |
A male Brimstone in my Harpenden garden |
Robin Pearson |
9 Mar |
Single Brimstone seen on Letchworth Gate, Letchworth, just before the junction with Baldock Lane heading towards the A1 |
Steve Lane |
8 Mar |
A walk around Ware in this morning's sun revealed 2 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Brimstone
Andrew Wood |
6 Mar |
A Peacock flying and basking in the sun at Bacon's Farm between Tewin and Bramfield
Andrew Wood |
6 Mar |
St Albans Shed - Nice sunny morning here, so I decided to check if any hibernating butterflies had yet flown from my shed. Three butterflies had left - 2
Small Tortoiseshells and 1 Peacock, all from positions on the ceiling where they get most daylight. 28 Small Tortoiseshells and 12 Peacocks
remain. One of the Small Tortoiseshells was slowly opening and closing its wings, looking exactly like it was just waking from a deep sleep |
Malcolm Hull |
3 Mar |
Five Brown Hairstreak eggs were found on what is probably our last day of searching. Starting at Cranford Park we followed the River
Crane south to the edges of Heathrow Airport and back, first mostly of the west bank and returning on via the east bank. One egg was found at Avenue Park,
Hounslow and four eggs were found in the vicinity of the flight path of the north runway - one egg was immediately under the flight path! The River Crane was
a new catchment area for the butterfly so an excellent final result (Photo: Andrew Middleton)
Liz Goodyear Andrew Middleton |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
26 Feb |
1 Brown Hairstreak egg during 6½ hours searching of blackthorn along the Hillingdon Trail and Yeading Brook - egg found at
Brookside Playing Fields about 475m SE from where Paul Busby found an egg at the end of 2018! |
Liz Goodyear Andrew Middleton |
25 Feb |
St Albans bedroom wall - first Clothes Moth of the year! |
Malcolm Hull |
20 Feb |
St Albans Shed: Small Tortoiseshell - 30 hibernating and 1 dead. Evidence of cobwebs around a couple of others shows spider attacks have
occurred. The number of hibernating Small Tortoiseshells has reduced by 5 since the peak in late September, though there is evidence of only one corpse.
Interestingly there has been no change in numbers during the last three months, perhaps indicating that losses take place relatively early in the hibernation
period. Maybe some individuals are more vulnerable, possibly due to the positions they choose in the shed. Peacock numbers are unchanged - still 13,
same since the start of September. This is great news as I've found in previous years that Peacocks are more susceptible to predation |
Malcolm Hull |
17 Feb |
Had a male Brimstone flitting round my Harpenden garden in the afternoon sunshine |
Robin Pearson |
12 Feb |
Four Brown Hairstreak eggs at Ickenham on blackthorn that missed being flailed close to the Austin's Lane entrance. Later at a site in
Hillingdon close to the A40 / River Pinn and railway line 6 eggs were found in what we believe to be a new 2km square (Photos: Andrew Middleton)
| Liz Goodyear Andrew Middleton |
6 Feb |
Peacock sunning itself seen at woodland edge in Bramfield Woods (TL290177). Seen by Petra Schmelzer |
(Ian Flack) |
6 Feb |
St Albans - Brimstone reported in today's bright sunshine, from my neighbours garden |
(Malcolm Hull) |
6 Feb |
St Albans - disturbed two plume moths while removing weeds from the butterfly bed on my allotment. Look how well camouflaged this one is!
My first moving Lepidoptera of the year
Malcolm Hull |
4 Feb |
In previously un-surveyed fields at Ickenham 86 Brown Hairstreak eggs found in 7 hours - about 1 every 10 mins. (Photo: Andrew Middleton)
Liz Goodyear Andrew Middleton |
1 Feb |
A single male Brimstone battling against the wind at a sunny Church Hill, Therfield while volunteers cleared
scrub around midday |
James Fowler |
Date |
Description |
Recorder |
29 Jan |
Red Admiral in Bengeo garden |
Simon Knott |
28 Jan |
Previously un-surveyed fields at Ickenham produced an amazing total of 41 Brown Hairstreak eggs during an afternoon of searching
(Photos: Andrew Middleton)
Liz Goodyear Andrew Middleton |
26 Jan |
Male Spring Usher of 'melanic variety' at ASDA Southgate (Identified mostly on size and shape, also seen at this site before but not
this variety. Confident that it was not a Dotted Border - which seems to be the only confusion species) |
Robert Callf |
21 Jan |
Red Admiral enjoying the sunshine at the Warren, Bengeo, this afternoon |
Chris Benton |
18 Jan |
Red Admiral in Bushey front garden this morning |
David Gower |
17 Jan |
Amazed to see a Red Admiral flying around in Gordon Road on my walk to Bounds Green tube at 11.30 this morning, it felt far too cold to
be seeing this |
Miles Attenborough |
16 Jan |
Red Admiral, 1st butterfly of year, in Bengeo garden |
Simon Knott |
15 Jan |
My neighbour reported a Red Admiral sighting in her Ware garden during a moment of sunshine |
(Liz Goodyear) |
10 Jan |
I saw a beautiful Peacock whilst out walking in Stocking Pelham |
Andy Brown |
10 Jan |
Just found a Large White in Watford in a rose bed! Some of the roses are still in flower! |
Ian Bennell |
9 Jan |
Bruce Carson recorded Alexandra Palace's first butterfly of the year, a rather tatty Red Admiral. The
butterfly was in the Blandford Hall area of the park (Photo: Bruce Carson)
(Gerry Rawcliffe) |
9 Jan |
Small Tortoiseshell in field behind my house in Tring
Nick Bowles |
8 Jan |
I never thought my first 2020 butterfly would be a male Holly Blue, but I spotted it beneath a big ivy hedge in
Bengeo, it flew several times for short distances. There is a short video on the branch Facebook page
Andrew Wood |
7 Jan |
Comma from my Stevenage moth trap |
Ben Sale |
4 Jan |
My earliest ever sighting and it so lifts the heart. A Peacock fluttering past my window in Northchurch before
landing on a house over the Road, I can be sure of the ID as I took a close look. It is likely it was disturbed by a neighbour taking stuff to the dump, but still, a free flying
butterfly in the sunshine, lovely |
Sue Taylor |
3 Jan |
I saw a Peacock at Long Deans NR, resting on a log in the sun. My first butterfly of the year! |
Jenny Sherwen |