Croxley Moor. An escape to Croxley Moor after work provided the perfect fix to a lack of Small Copper this season. We hadn't long got through the gate before our first sighting of the year! 21 + seen which we were glad to see. 7 Common Blue including 1 female, 4 Small Skipper, 2 Peacock, 1 Speckled Wood, 12+ Small Heath, Gatekeeper in good numbers well over 30 seen, Meadow Brown also in similar numbers. 5+ Large White with other Whites seen. Rick may have spotted a Brimstone but alas that one got away. No Brown Hairstreak seen yet but has potential when the females get going. Unfortunately due to continued problems with the website I am unable to post photographs. [Posted by Peter Fewell]
Grovelands Park & Southgate. 1 Red Admiral at Dalrymple Close, N14 & 1 Comma & 5 Speckled Wood at Grovelands Park, Southgate this afternoon. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Trip to Croxley Common Moor. No luck today searching for Brown Hairstreak at this site where eggs were found last winter. But the habitat quality is quite good and I’d expect BH to become established there. 15 butterfly species and 3 moths, the stand outs for me being Small Copper(21), Small Heath (14), Common Blue (9), Purple Hairstreak (5) and my first Holly Blue of the summer (1) [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Gordon Hill Station, Enfield. 4 Least Carpet, 4 Riband Wave & 1 Mother of Pearl at Gordon Hill Station near lights this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Please Support a National Ban on Urban Pesticides. A new campaign has been launched to tackle pesticide use, one of the main causes of declines in butterflies and moths. Their first step is to launch a petition calling on the new government to ban unnecessary pesticide use in towns and cities. Click this link to support the petition and learn more about the campaign [Posted by Malcolm HULL]
Trip to Bushey. Long-tailed Blue at Bushey Open Space. This former golf course site is reverting to nature and the Branch are working with the site advisers to share ideas on habitat creation. On the adjoining Woodland Trust Merry Hill site I had 15 Purple Hairstreaks, 3 Brown Hairstreaks (all in Ash trees) and 17 Six-spot Burnets(a rare sight so far this year) including this mating pair [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Yellow-tail at Oakwood Station. 1 Yellow-tail at Oakwood Station this afternoon [FOY]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
New broods at Waterford Heath. I had my first Brown Argus and Common Blue at Waterford Heath (south) for a while. Also had 5 newly hatched Brimstones. [Posted by Steve Kiln]
Three species of Hairstreak in Hayes. A visit to Minet Country Park, Hayes looking at the extensive Elm and Blackthorn hedges. First a Purple Hairstreak in a small Oak, then onto looking at the Elm Hedge which has been a WLH hotspot, just the one in the canopy today. I have looked at the Blackthorn here over a number of years and today right at the end of the walk saw a fresh Brown Hairstreak in small row of Blackthorn in the cycle track. Lots of other butterflies despite an early cut of the meadow including Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Brown Argus, Small Skipper, Peacock, Red Admiral, Holly Blue as well as a couple of Jersey Tigers. [Posted by Paul Busby]
Brown Hairstreak Merry Hill Bushey. It was a delight to see our first Brown Hairstreaks in Hertfordshire with 2 males seen. First spotted by Rick Vickers both at TQ 13132 93944. To our good fortune the first stayed still long enough for a photo. Other butterflies seen good numbers of Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood 1, Common Blue 4+, Purple Hairstreak 5+, Brimstone 1, Marbled White 6, Small Skipper 15+. Large White and other Whites were also on the wing. [Posted by Peter Fewell]
Brimstone, Comma, Peacock & Red Admiral. 1 Comma at Trent Park Equestrian Centre at 0942 BST, 1 Peacock at Prince George Ave, N14 at 0957 BST, 1 Red Admiral near bus-stop opposite Oakwood Station & male Brimstone nectaring on purple-loosestrife at wetland area in Town Park, Enfield at 1246 BST. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Jersey Tigers in Stevenage. 5 Jersey Tigers turned up in and on moth trap in my Stevenage garden last night [Posted by Peter Clarke]
Peacocks out in St Albans. Peacocks on buddleia in my garden and along the street. Ten spotted in the local park. 15 in total this morning compared to none yesterday. Glad for some good butterfly news at last! [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Silver Washed Fritillary form valezina. After just leaving Sherrardspark Wood, I noticed what appeared to be a valezina form of a Silver Washed Fritillary in a flowered garden. First SWF I have ever seen at, or near, this generally butterfly devoid site. [Posted by John Yates]
Sawbridgeworth. First walk from the house to the Rivers orchard site since mid June, looking very different with all the Knapweed out and a big display of Red Clover, 15 "Small" Skipper, none of which stopped long enough to be identified but I suspect the very tatty ones were small and the fresh looking ones Essex..., 4 Brimstone (3 f 1m), 1 Common Blue (m), 2 Red Admiral , 9 Peacock, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Marbled White (nearly over here), Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown both well in the 60 + range. [Posted by Laurence Drummond]
Branch Event. Millhoppers Reserve. During the butterfly walk at Millhoppers reserve today when 2 visitors and 2 wardens took part, we saw: 2 Speckled Wood, 3 Brimstone, 35 Gatekeeper, 15 Meadow Brown, 3 Ringlet, 4 Small Skipper, 2 Large White, 4 Peacock, and 1 Red Admiral. [Posted by Christine Ridley]
Finchley N3, N12 Pollinator Group at Long Lane Pasture. 25 people arrived for a butterfly walk at this 2 acre site on the North Circular Rd. Rescued from development 20 years ago, it is now an emerging woodland with sunny pockets of scrub and grassland. We recorded 14 species altogether, 11 butterflies and 3 moths. Gatekeepers were dominant with over 50 seen. The highlight for me was two Large Skippers - more than I have seen on any site this year. Finchley Pollinators is an enthusiastic local group promoting planting for insects in the local area. [Posted by Malcolm HULL]
Purple Emperor at Alexandra Park. This morning about 10.20 I was walking along the east side by the sallows and where the path floods when I saw a Purple Emperor flying low and then landing on the ground, perhaps looking for minerals. [Posted by Helen Bantock]
White Letter Hairstreak Parkland Walk South. I led a walk this morning for The Friends of PW. Among the usual expected sightings which included fresh Peacocks, we saw two White Letter Hairstreaks close up. One took a liking to the shirt of one of the group! This as far as I know is an unrecorded species for that patch. [Posted by Dee Cullen]
Branch Event Therfield Heath. A nice sized group peaking at slightly less people than the 16 species of butterflies recorded met at the main carpark today. Chalkhill Blue males were seen almost as soon as we stepped on to the mown grass by the cafe, many more than I would expect in this area. Maybe the very long uncut grass, due to the wet weather this year is driving them down to the mown non-SSSI area. Small, Essex and Large Skippers identified to species were seen near the scrub going up Lankaster hill along with a single faded Ringlet. Small/Essex skippers were seen throughout the walk in good numbers as were Gatekeepers, Chalkhill Blues and Meadow Browns. Enough Marbled Whites were still on the wing for everyone to get a good view, We then moved on to the bowl of the Rifle Range where 2 faded male Common Blues, male and female Brimstones and 3 Dark Green Fritillaries were added to the sightings. Two somewhat out of season Small Heaths were seen in the valley area. Flyby Red Admiral, Peacock, Large and Small White completed the list. Moths consisted of several Burnets and a Silver-Y We failed to find Small Copper where I saw one on Wednesday when checking the route. There have been more reports than usual of Small Copper this year but it remains a relatively rare spot on the Heath. [Posted by Nick Keep]
Trent Park & Enfield Road, EN2. 3 Peacock at Trent Park [1 nectaring on buddleia near Shaws Wd & 2 at North Lawn by lower lake], female Common Blue on thistle head at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park, 4 Peacock together, nectaring on buddleia at Enfield Road, EN2. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Brown Hairstreak. I was amazed to see a Brown Hairstreak (female I suspect as the underside was a golden orange colour) in our garden in Pinner. It was the first I have ever seen in sixty years [Posted by Paul Luckham]
Trent Park. 6 Peacock together, nectaring on buddleia near Shaws Wd Cottages at 0955 BST, male Common Blue near Shaws Wd/Trent Park & 1 Six-spot Burnet at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
NEW: Summer Butterfly Walk - Sunday 28th July in St Albans. The Green House St Albans has organised a walk as part of Big Butterfly Count
Meet at St. Albans Verulamium Museum 10.45 on Sunday 28th July.
Public · No charge.
Join Malcolm Hull from Butterfly Conservation for a leisurely one-hour walk around Verulamium Park and hopefully spot some butterflies and moths along the way. All are welcome at The Green House afterwards for refreshments and conversation about our wonderful butterflies and moths.
Meet at the Roman museum for 10.45am. We will have some spotter sheets on hand but you can also download your own guide and digital app by logging onto Share the details with your friends and let’s make this count matter [Posted by Malcolm HULL]
Rooftop butterflies. I saw a Peacock and Brimstone 8 floors up at my office in Embankment.The Peacock came back later on. There’s a nectar rich garden there that was buzzing with bees. [Posted by Dee Cullen]
Abundance of butterflies at Therfield Heath. If your butterfly batteries need recharging in this tricky year, I recommend a trip to Therfield Heath. In the space of four hours I spotted 15 species of butterfly plus lots of Six-Spot Burnet moths and Cinnabar caterpillars. The meadow at the foot of Church Hill had the most variety with dozens of Gatekeepers, the usual meadowland species, plus a couple of Brimstones and Dark Green Fritillaries, Peacocks and a Red Admiral. Oddly no Chalkhill Blues at all on Church Hill, but hundreds over on the heath (Lankester Hill and towards the Icknield Way), and a bonus trio of Small Coppers on the path between the burial mounds on the way back to the car park. [Posted by Annie Sutcliffe]
SW Fritillary in Northaw. Hot on the heels of my bedroom window Purple Emperor was this Silver-washed Fritillary on a kitchen picture frame. If only it were always this easy. On its last legs sadly. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Sam Fuller]
Trent Park. 1 Ringlet at Icehouse Wd/Trent Park, 2 Peacock at North Lawn near Icehouse Wd/Trent Park, 2 Comma [1 edge of Water Grdn & 1 near Water Grdn/Trent Park], 1 Small Copper nectaring on ragwort near Water Grdn/Trent Park [First of the summer brood], 1 male Common Blue at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park [First of the summer brood], 1 Silver-washed Fritillary & 1 Red Admiral along 'vista' near Moat Wd/Trent Park & 10 Six-spot Burnet at Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Purple Emperor Egg update. Following on from the post I made here on the 10th July at Balls Wood, regarding the witnessing a female Purple Emperor laying an egg, now 13 mostly cool days later the egg finally hatched (23rd July PM). My young daughter named her "Violet" and is fascinated to see the process in action, plus it's good exercise.[Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by Nathan Ellis]
Gatekeeper. 10 Gatekeepers on a small garden patch, Abbots Road, Abbots Langley. This species which had record numbers here last year is bucking the trend of many other species by having another prolific year. [Posted by Clive Burrows]
Brown Hairstreak. Pristine Brown Hairstreak at Northwick Park this evening. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Silver-washed Fritillaries in Symonshyde Great Wood. Five SWF today, all males. Four of them very docile and nectaring on bramble, just one patrolling on territory. Fresh flush of Speckled Wood enjoying the cool cloudy conditions [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Least Carpet & Riband Wave at Southgate. 2 Least Carpet & 1 Riband Wave at ASDA Southgate this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Silver Washed Fritillary f. Valezina. Spotted this absolute beauty outside of Danemead HMWT after initially dismissing her up in a tree as a very large Speckled Wood, thank goodness I listened to that little inner voice of doubt and investigated into the brambles. Still photographs (especially mine) don't do this butterfly any justice whatsoever because as she moves about in the late sunlight she ripples with rich iridescent colours, absolutely stunning to witness. After enchanting me for several minutes the spectacle ended abruptly, seems I wasn't her only admirer and soon I had two other regular SWFs on the same patch bramble blossom, which of course only resulted in butterfly chaos. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]
Chalk Hill Blues at Hexton Chalk Pit. 20 plus Chalk Hill Blues in warm but cloudy conditions. Lots of Gatekeepers too 50 plus, Ringlets 10 plus as well as a few Marbled Whites. [Posted by Sam Fuller]
Immature lepidoptera on hop in Stevenage garden. On checking the hop, I discovered a Comma egg (photo taken on 15 July but egg still unhatched), a Comma larva and a Vapourer moth larva within inches of each other about 4 feet above ground. The hop is supported by a 'wigwam' structure of bamboo canes and the leaves are tightly packed. Also, an adult Vapourer (a first) turned up in my moth trap on Thursday night. [Posted by Peter Clarke]
Friends of Alexandra Park Walk. I led a local walk after a lunchtime shower; 14 people came along, we spent most of the time in the anthill meadow. We saw many Six-Spot Burnet Moths, some mating pairs among them. Otherwise there were still a couple of Marbled Whites around, Many Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns and a Purple Hairstreak fluttering about an oak on the edge of the meadow. There were a few flypasts from Whites one of which was a Green Veined. A few Small Skippers were also flitting about. [Posted by Dee Cullen]
Silver-washed Fritillaries in Berrygrove Wood. 3 male SWFs on territory in the tiny sunny pockets within the wood. Two were hotly contesting rights to the best location, duelling ferociously Seeing me enter their space, one flew close over my head and the other straight at my eyes, veering away at the last moment - a clear case of intimidation! Elsewhere in the wood new broods of Large White (20) and Green-veined White (around50) were dominant. Just one Purple Hairstreak, they seem to be having a poor year. 12 species in all [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Batford. 19.07.24 - Batford - 1 PURPLE EMPEROR seen for about 1 second in flight before disappearing behind hedgerow along public footpath beside KW school, Batford just north of the weedy/scrubby field. Spent another hour and a half but found nothing. [Posted by Darin Stanley]
Purple Hairstreak & Six-spot Burnet at Trent Park. 2 Purple Hairstreak settled on ash at Icehouse Wd/Trent Park this morning & 7 Six-spot Burnet at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Ware garden. Having spent the last six weeks of the 'summer' on the other side of the world, I came back to a garden of butterflies with 2 Commas chasing, 1 female Brimstone nectaring on Everlasting pea, 1 Large and 1 Green-veined White, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 1 Gatekeeper, 1 Meadow Brown and a fly past by a Marbled White - 9 species during the day! [Posted by Liz Goodyear]
Purple Emperor at Bedmond. Female Purple Emperor flitting around and perching on a young Ash within a small woodland on Bell Lane, east of Bedmond. She stayed in sight for around 30 seconds ten meters above ground level, providing excellent views. Delighted at this as I first searched this area for PE 12 years ago and several times since with no luck previously. Earlier in Potters Crouch Plantation I added Silver-washed Fritillary to last weeks haul. At lunchtime at Serge Hill I saw my first Large Skipper of the year in Herts and my first new brood Brown Argus and Peacock. 16 species in all (including 6 spot Burnet), browns are dominant, but overall numbers of butterflies now seem to be increasing [Posted by Malcolm HULL]
Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral & Speckled Wood at Trent Park. 1 Comma, 1 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral & 2 Speckled Wood along bridle-path near Merryhills Brook at Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Hertford Heath and Balls Wood. There were many butterflies out today in the hot and sunny conditions. Many Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Ringlet and Large Skipper were on the wing with Small Skipper, Peacock, Marbled White, Small Heath, Brimstone, Large White and Small White also seen on the walk. The highlights though were two Silver Washed Fritillary and one tatty White Admiral. [Posted by John Yates]
Uxbridge Fields & Hillingdon House Farm. On a thorough check of Hillingdon House Farm and neighbouring fields, I saw 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Commas, at least 5 Small Skippers, 2 Meadow Browns, at least 6 Gatekeepers, 1 Holly Blue and 1 Green-veined White. [Posted by Matthew Milne]
Comma & Large White at Trent Park. 1 Comma at Water Grdn/Trent Park & 3 Large White near Icehouse Wd/Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Comma & Large Skipper at Trent Park. 1 Comma edge of Moat Wd/Trent Park & female Large Skipper near Shaws Wd/Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Latticed Heath & Six-spot Burnet at Trent Park. 2 Six-spot Burnet at 'Old Golf Course' Trent Park [TQ287977],1 Latticed Heath near Dew Pond/Trent Park [TQ294973], 1 Comma, 1 Large White & 1 Green-veined White near Water Grdn/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Double-striped Pug & Garden Carpet at Southgate. 1 Double-striped Pug & 1 Garden Carpet at bus-stop shelter at Chase Road/Charter Way, N14 [TQ295951]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Feast for an Emperor. We arrived along the Lime Avenue with fingers crossed that we would at least get a sighting. Rick set the table with a suitable waft of flavours soon emanating. The weather was sunny to start with but sadly after looking up until 12.30 no sightings were seen. There seemed little point in continuing so we packed down and took the decision to look for butterflies in Whippendell Woods instead. Red Admiral, 1 Comma, Large White, Ringlets and Meadow Brown seen along the Lime Avenue. Nicola who had joined us for the Emperor search needed to take her dog home but the other two did join us for a while in Whippendell Woods. With no sightings of White Admiral it looks like they have had a bad year in Whippendell Woods compared to the last 5 years. We did see 8 fresh looking Silver-Washed Fritillary between us, 4+ Comma, 3 Gatekeeper, 1 Large Skipper, 3+ Small Skipper, 6+ Red Admiral, 1 Green-veined White, Large White and several other Whites. Ringlets and Meadow Brown. [Posted by Peter Fewell]
Big Butterfly Count has started. Please download the app and submit your sightings over the next three weeks Todays weather in St Albans was much improved and I carried out my first count on my allotment. The first butterfly I saw was my first Brimstone of the summer - a male, sitting on one of my Alder Buckthorn trees where it had probably fed as a caterpillar. Gatekeeper was the species with the highest numbers with 6 crowding round the marjoram. Meadow Browns, Ringlets, Large and Small Whites, a Comma and female Brimstone also featured in the count. Please record as many Big Butterfly Counts as you can over the next few weeks [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Cloudy day at Broxbourne Wood. A cloudy day at Broxbourne Wood, very small numbers of Silver-washed Fritillary, loads of Ringlets and a couple of Commas . [Posted by James Somerville]
Goldingtons Wood. We went up to Goldington's Wood at Hertford Heath this morning. There was a White Admiral on bramble not far from the main ride, and another (or maybe the same one) swooped down to rest on woody nightshade growing through the irises around the pond. A Silver-washed Fritillary at the Haileybury end and a Patrolling Purple Emperor shortly after noon in the assembly area at Mount Pleasant. Also Purple Hairstreaks near the pond and at Mount Pleasant. Also saw Peacock, Comma, Red Admiral, Large and Green-veined White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper. [Posted by Andrew Wood]
First Painted Lady Highgate Cemetery. In the East Cemetery on my transect at noon I saw a fresh looking Painted Lady on the main avenue in the East Cemetery. This is a first at this site since I started my transects. [Posted by Dee Cullen]
Wildfest Cassiobury Park. We had an enjoyable day at the Wildfest despite the overcast conditions and we were pleased it didn't rain. We had a fair number of people come over to our stall and of course was plugging the Big Butterfly Count. We gave out leaflets with one of those bookmarks with the discover and learn website address. Hopefully some of the parents and their children will take part over the coming weeks. We did both at least get to put on a butterfly walk this year. I went out on the first walk with a small group of people. We didn't get to see a great number of butterflies unfortunately with several Ringlets seen and a few Meadow Brown. I was hoping to see lots of skippers at this time of year as it is usually about their peak time. We managed 1 Essex Skipper and it wasn't me who spotted it but did manage to get a photo, my first of the season! Rick went out on the second walk with quite a following at least double the attendees for my walk and if the late comers caught up with Rick almost triple. Ringlets, Meadow Brown, a couple of Skippers, 1 White and a Gatekeeper. Before and after the walk Red Admiral, 1 very brief glimpse of a White Admiral in Whippendell Woods with a confirmed sighting of a Small Skipper. Not the best of day's for butterflies but hopefully we found a few more people who will take part in future Butterfly Conservation projects. [Posted by Peter Fewell]
Purple Emperor near Bricket Wood. Purple Emperor gliding through the oak canopy at Blackgreen Wood (between Bricket Wood and How Wood), just N of the M25 by Park Street Lane at grid ref TL 138 026 while I was surveying for breeding birds this afternoon. Also at least one Purple Hairstreak there and a dead male August Thorn moth along the lane. [Posted by Colin Everett]
Chorleywood Common transect. We recorded a 262 butterflies on the Chorleywood Common transect this week, a record for the year so far. The Small and Essex Skipper count was 42 in total, with some positively identified of both species. Other species recoded include Meadow Brown (108), Ringlet (30) Marbled White (27), Gatekeeper (19), Small White (10), Large White (8), Small Heath (7), Comma (3), Red Admiral (2), Purple Hairstreak (2). Nice to see the Whites appearing in greater numbers than of late. Purple Hairstreak numbers are still low. [Posted by Chris Hankinson]
Trip to Symonshyde Great Wood. 2 Silver-washed Fritillaries - less than 10% of the number at the same time last year. They may be late emerging, though UK Power Networks have removed all the vegetation from their favourite ride, leaving little for the butterflies to feed or perch on [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Purple Emperor in Heartwood Forest. Tempted out of the house by the sunny weather this morning, I arrived at Pudler's Wood a little later than I intended. Once again I just missed a grounded male - this time Liz and Anne (accompanied by their dog Dougal), who I had met on my last visit, enthusiastically welcomed me saying they had just photographed an individual which was flushed up from dog poop by a dog at around 9.15 (this was their first ever sighting, so they were cock-a-hoop!). A few minutes later a second male came down to dog poop, and we all had excellent views and photo opportunities on several occasions until just before 10.00. Both were found in the middle of the ride along the north-eastern edge of Pudler's Wood (TL 16064 11674). After a half hour lull, I was greeted by a third male which had grounded on damp earth some 75 metres to the north-west on the same ride (TL 16007 11717), at the intersection with the path leading to Round Wood. All three of these males were remarkably worn and battered and missing chunks of their wings, and none of them matched photos of my previous three males which were fresh and relatively intact on the 4th July. So we now have a minimum total tally of 6 males for this year, and they appear to be from two different hatchings given the markedly different conditions of their wings. I also searched the ride up to and around the Dog Pond at TL 15756 11341, but there was no sign of any other Purple Emperors, although it was nice to see 4 Red Admirals and at least 6 Commas coming down to the sprayed bait of diluted Belacan Shrimp Paste (see my 4th July report). I also checked unsuccessfully along the path through The Magical Wood, and along the often productive ride (TL 16053 11045) along the northern edge of Lady Wood. I left at 12.30, with no further sightings since 10.30. (It's very odd that I have not seen a single specimen perching or patrolling the canopy and subcanopy where they are usually much easier to spot). Also seen on my walk today (starting at the main car park) were 2 Large Skippers, 4 Large Whites, 1 Small White, 4 very fresh Gatekeepers, and dozens of Marbled Whites, Meadow Browns, and Ringlets. [Posted by Andrew Neild]
Warm day at Broxbourne woods. A warm day at Broxbourne Wood today - a few Silver-washed Fritillaries on the wing, loads of Ringlets and Meadow Browns . A few Marbled Whites. [Edited by Peter Clarke] [Posted by James Somerville]
Trent Park. 2 Green-veined White, 1 Holly Blue near Oakwood entrance, 1 Red Admiral near Ride Wd & 1 Comma along Leeging Beech Gutter near 'Three Bridges'. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Purple Hairstreak at Hertford Heath. At 10 am on the sunny side of the oak grove between College road and the main road (London Road) near Haileybury college. Specifically the smaller oak with tree protection number 2115, about 20-30 Purple Hairstreaks (only males seen) but likely far more. They were very intent on licking the moisture around the developing acorns and occasionally basking. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]
White Admiral and Purple Emperor near St Albans. Potters Crouch Plantation near Bedmond - Purple Emperor flying along the canopy edge at the high point on the NW corner of the wood at 1.30 pm this afternoon. It took off at the first glimpse of sun and I had a good view of it in flight for 10 seconds. A first ever sighting for this species in this wood. I met with Chris Hocking and walked along the main ride and recorded a total of 6 White Admirals. Ringlets doing well plus Red Admiral, Comma, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper and GV White. Sadly this wood is threatened by development proposals, which the Branch is objecting to [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Female Purple Emperor observation. I walked to Balls wood HMWT from Monks Green Farm this morning, the weather was cool with dark cloud cover but I needed the exercise. I wasn't surprised that I didn't see much about given the dull conditions until I briefly glimpsed a slightly tatty and damp looking female Purple Emperor on a fairly small willow tree, arms reach from the track. The camera phone picture I had hastily fired off confirmed what I thought I had seen in those few seconds, she was egg laying and after a few minutes of looking I was able to photograph the freshly laid egg. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]
Comma at Trent Park. 1 Comma settled on bramble near Ride Wd/Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Photographers. If you are among a group of people at a branch event, for example, taking photos and you want your photo to appear on our news webpage please submit using the news form. In other words, one photographer per news item. [Posted by Peter Clarke]
White-letter Hairstreak and Small Tortoiseshell in St Albans. WLH spotted in the tall Elm alongside King Harry Lane in Verulam Park (lay by entrance). Meadow Brown and Ringlets doing well, but numbers of Marbled White and Golden Skippers are low. New broods of Gatekeeper, Comma, Large, Small and Green-veined White all spotted. Best of all, my first flying Small Tortoiseshell of the year in Herts [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Sightings. 5 Silver- washed Fritillary, 2 White Admiral and singletons of Comma and Green-veined White amongst butterflies seen in morning walk around Bricket Wood [Posted by Clive Burrows]
Chalkhill Blues are Flying on Therfield Heath. At least seven male Chalkhill Blues were flying on the east side of Therfield Heath (Old Rifle Range area) this morning. Hopefully there will be lots more to see here if summer ever arrives. I was also lucky to see mating Dark Green Fritillaries - a second male tried to join in the fun, but was eventually sent on his way. Sightings: Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Brimstone, Small Heath, Ringlet, Meadow Brown (lots), Gatekeeper (lots), Marbled White (100+), Dark Green Fritillary (12-15 est.), Red Admiral (1), Comma (1), Chalkhill Blue (7+). [Posted by Martin Johnson]
Trent Park. 1 Red Admiral at Icehouse Wd/Trent Park. 2 Comma [1 near Ride Wd & 1 North Lawn/Trent Park], 3 Green-veined White on wet mud near Rough Lot/Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Bricket Wood Branch Event. Despite the dire weather forecast, 12 of us gathered on Sunday morning to search for butterflies on the Common. Ringlets were the first species spotted. They enjoy cool damp conditions and one was seen flying in quite heavy rain! We then added Meadow Brown, Scorpion Fly and male and female Banded Demoiselles to our list of sightings. After a heavy shower we reached the scallop in Gas Pipe Ride and were rewarded with excellent views of White Admiral and Comma. After that the heavens opened and we swam back to the car park! [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Whippendell Woods Watford. Saturday's weather was a bit on the bad side for this time of year. The daytime temperature struggled to reach 15 degrees. Hence most butterflies stayed in bed, but on the brief sunny spells Ringlets became more active along with Meadow Brown. About 20+ Ringlets seen plus a good scattering of Meadow Brown but only about 5+ for the Meadow Brown recognised sightings. One Skipper was sighted but in the passing glimpse was either Small or Large. The first Gatekeeper of the year in Whippendell Woods was at least photographed with 1 seen, 2 Comma sighted. But otherwise no sightings of White Admiral, Silver-Washed nor the Emperor. [Posted by Peter Fewell]
Silver Washed Fritillary and Purple Emperor on Broxbourne Wood. After the rain break and in high humidity (best time in my view) I saw plenty of Silver Washed Fritillaries, enough chances to get some close ups. Also saw a Purple Emperor busy exploring a willow tree at eye level, only problem was the bramble thicket between us. I believe this was a female as no purple seen, definitely a PE as I was close enough to see the orange eyes clearly. Haven't got super close to White Admirals here yet but they are about, got a bad picture yesterday in all that wind. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]
Purple Emperor in Heartwood Forest. The sunny weather this morning drew out at least 6 of us in search of Purple Emperor in Heartwood Forest, most of us drawn by earlier reports here on BC. I arrived a little later than planned at 9.20 and immediately met Ken Brown, who told me he'd taken photos of a male only a couple of minutes before I arrived (!). This individual settled in a bush at TL 16004 11723. I then sprayed bait of diluted Belacan Shrimp Paste (highly recommended by Purple Emperor experts) around lots of bushes and fence and marker posts in that area and around the crossroads at TL 16117 11620 (eastern corner of Pudler's wood), and at various points on the path to the dog pond at TL 15744 11332. At 10.15 a male came down at the Pudler's Wood crossroads and investigated various shrimp bait sites, before landing at the base of one of the marker posts. After being spooked by some dogs it returned twenty minutes later and again investigated the sprayed leaves before landing on another post, providing wonderful photo opportunities over at least ten minutes until 10.50. After that we had no further sightings, despite many sunny spells and 6 pairs of eyes(!), and we all left before midday. (Note: The north-westerly wind meant that the dog pond area was much too exposed and gusty for Purple Emperor today, while the crossroads to the south-east of the two extensive woods, and the ride northwards from that point were very much protected, and were clearly favoured by the two males we saw; as the experts say, Purple Emperors hate wind - always search for them on the leeward side of a forest). Also seen in the area were 1 Holly Blue, 2 Purple Hairstreaks, 1 Large Skipper, 2 Large Whites, 6 Commas, 1 Red Admiral, 7 Marbled Whites, 14 Meadow Browns, 8 Ringlets, and 3 Speckled Woods. [Posted by Andrew Neild]
Very windy day at Therfield Heath. A very windy but warm day at Therfield Heath lots of Meadow Browns and lots of Marbled Whites a few showing their age . [Posted by James Somerville]
Small Skipper and White Admiral in Broxbourne Woods. A visit to Broxbourne Woods found a pair of Small Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 1 White Admiral, 1 Red Admiral,1 Gatekeeper, 7 Marbled White and numerous Meadow Brown and Ringlet. [Posted by Paul Gymer]
White-letter Hairstreak at Trent Park. Female White-letter Hairstreak [pristine condition] nectaring on thistle head near Shaws Wd Cottages/Trent Park [TQ294971] from 1023 to 1024 BST, observed through 8x's binocular at 1.9 metres, also male Large Skipper here & Mother of Pearl on edge of Icehouse Wd/Trent Park [TQ293974]. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Trip to Batchwood St Albans. Rather cloudy this afternoon and no butterflies seen at all during the first mile of my walk. On reaching a small strip of meadow next to Batchwood, the sun peeled out and butterflies lifted off in numbers. The area was seeded with wildflowers a couple of years ago by St Albans Council and it is left unmown until the end of the summer. In 20 mins I counted over 350 Meadow Browns, also picking out 8 Ringlets, 2 Small Heath, 2 newly emerged Commas, 1 Marbled White and 2 tatty Red Admirals. By way of comparison, 20 minutes on mown grass nearby yielded just 5 butterflies, all Meadow Browns. Waking back through the Batchwood Estate, I added another 40 Marbled Whites plus Large and Small Skippers and Speckled Wood. That shows what a difference wildflowers make and why BCs Wild Spaces campaign is so important. Find out more here [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
A manifesto for butterflies, moths and the environment. Butterfly Conservation have identified five urgent asks for our new government 1) More budget for butterflies We need the government to double the budget for species recovery. 2) Take action for our landscapes We need to improve the most important places for butterflies and moths through landscape-scale action. 3) Access to nature for all The wellbeing benefits of nature need recognising – everyone should have a wild space within 15 minutes’ walk. 4) Ban pollinator-killing pesticides for good Environmentally damaging neonicotinoids need banning immediately, with no exception. 5) Take light pollution seriously Recognise light pollution, a huge threat to moths, as an environmental pollutant and set legally binding targets for its reduction. [Posted by Malcolm HULL]
Work Party 31st July Waterford Heath Volunteers needed. Herts & Middx Wildlife Trust are running a work party at 10am at Vicarage Lane car park Waterford Heath. The main aim for us is the improve the North Heath for Grizzled Skippers. Members are welcome but they need to register as volunteers with Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust on their web site. Please contact Steve Kiln at 07920-482111 or to help you through process. Once registered you can volunteer at other Hertfordshire butterfly sites they manage. We have 2 volunteers so far. [Posted by Steve Kiln]
Purple Emperor at Heartwood Forest. Despite the pessimistic forecast it dawned lovely and sunny, and so I headed off early to Heartwood Forest in search of Purple Emperor. I wasn't expecting to have any luck so early in the day but imagine my surprise when, just after 9, I spotted a male Emperor circling low at the eastern corner of Pudler's Wood (TL 16112 11621). It was trying to settle but kept being disturbed by a couple of dogs. It grounded soon after they left, but quickly lost interest in the sun-baked earth and miraculously landed at head-height only a few feet from me, allowing wonderful views in direct sunlight, firstly of its under side, and then of its glorious upper surface, providing a full 4-wing purple spectacle. (After returning home I can confirm from wing markings that this is a different male from the one reported 2 days ago on iNaturalist at almost the exact same location.) I didn't see any other specimens, despite scouring the treeline and the usual haunts. Also seen in the same area before it clouded over miserably around 10 am were 3 Commas, several dozen Marbled Whites, about 10 Meadow Browns, and a few Ringlets. [Posted by Andrew Neild]
Essex Skipper First of Year. I saw my first of year Essex Skippers today at Alexandra Park. All three skippers Large, Small and Essex were mingling by the edge of the cricket pitch. I checked my photos to confirm later and happy with ID [Posted by Dee Cullen]
First of Year Gatekeeper. On my transect at Alexandra Park at lunchtime looked very fresh. [Posted by Dee Cullen]
Gatekeeper and Purple Hairstreak at Broxbourne Wood. Cool, calm and cloudy during quick lunchtime walk. Sun was out for about 10 seconds and this Gatekeeper caught my eye and I rescued this Purple Hairstreak from the path shortly after. I did see a Silver Washed Fritillary but he was in no mood for stopping, they seem to go from too fast to too tatty with little inbetween. [Posted by Nathan Ellis]