Bluesky for our branch. Join as a member of Bluesky, another social media platform, to get the latest news for the BC Herts & Middx branch. Click here to sign up [Posted by Peter Clarke]
BC Emergency Fundraising Appeal. Save our Butterflies - Butterfly Conservation has suffered a drop in income and has launched an emergency appeal for funds. Please click here and donate if you can [Posted by Malcolm Hull]
Fryent Country Park. Seventy Brown Hairstreak eggs found at Fryent Country park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Red Admiral at Enfield. 1 Red Admiral at a private site near Trent Park this morning. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Red Admiral at Enfield. 2 Red Admiral at private sites near Trent Park. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Composers Park. Nine Brown Hairstreak eggs found at Composers Park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Fryent Country Park. Forty six Brown Hairstreak eggs found at Fryent Country Park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Fryent Country Park. Twenty one Brown Hairstreak eggs found in two field enclosures at Fryent park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Brimstone Moth at Southgate. 1 Brimstone Moth near outside light at ASDA Southgate this afternoon - my latest ever & first November record. [Posted by Robert Mark Callf]
Prestwick Road Meadows. Twenty six Brown Hairstreak eggs found distributed across the site at Prestwick Riad Meadows. One also found across the road at the play area. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Hillingdon. Twelve Brown Hairstreak eggs found at an open area to the east of Uxbridge Sports club near North Hillingdon. [Posted by Rohan Harris]
Welsh Harp. Fifteen Brown Hairstreaks found at Welsh Harp Reservoir, also one at the car park and one at Woodfield Park. [Posted by Rohan Harris]